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European Investment Scams – Call Center Scams – 2023

By |January 6th, 2024|Categories: ♦ HOW SCAMMERS OPERATE, 2023, EUROPE SCAMS & SCAMMERS, Financial Fraud & Scams, Insights, Investment Scams, Organized Crime, Scam Victim's Stories, Scammer Techniques & Methods, YouTube Video, ♦ HOW SCAMS WORK|Tags: , , , , |

European Investment Scams - Call Center Scams Billion-Dollar Investment [...]

Danielle Delaunay/Danielle Genevieve – Stolen Identity/Stolen Photos – Impersonation Victim UPDATED 2024

By |January 5th, 2024|Categories: ♦ IMPERSONATION GALLERIES, 2016, 2018, 2024, Identity Theft & Impersonation, Impersonation & Identity Theft Scams, Impersonation Victim Galleries, Impersonation Victims|Tags: , , , , |

Another Stolen Identity Used To Scam Men: Danielle Delaunay/Danielle [...]

The Face In The Photo Is Not The Scammer: Scam Victims Leave The Real Person Alone! – [UPDATED 2023]

By |December 27th, 2023|Categories: ♦ SCAM VICTIM RECOVERY, 2018, 2023, Impersonation & Identity Theft Scams, Impersonation Victim Galleries, Insights, Recovery Psychology, Romance Scams & Relationship Scams, ♦ HOW SCAMMERS OPERATE|Tags: , , , , , |

The Face In The Photo Is Not The Scammer [...]

Online Fraud Charter – The UK Government Creates A Historic Agreement On Scams 2023

By |December 1st, 2023|Categories: ♦ GOVERNMENT POLICY LAWS & REGULATION, 2023, Government Policies, Government Programs & Projects, Special Reports|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

UK Online Fraud Charter The UK Government Creates A [...]