Report ScammersSCARS Institute Editorial Team2021-08-17T16:09:00-04:00
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Hi I am from Greece. My name is Vaso . I have chat at the fb with a man who said that he is at Yemeni . And his name is Douglas Fraser and he is e generar 4 stars. I don’t believe him and I think is a scammer
Yes it is a scam. Block him immediately.
Hello I’ve been chatting with someone who is pretending to be this person my heart is broken because I thought he was genuine he has been messaging me on what’s app but going by antonio hernandez Kalvin.
On May 9 2024 ENIOLA AKINOLA scam my email and took my money that was supposed to go into my bank account
Did you get help after the scam? Please visit to get the right information to start your recovery.
Hej, jag pratade med en General Michael Curtis Scaparrotti ?? några gånger , han påstå att han är i Belgien ? Men nu vill han lämna sin tjänst för att gå i pension . han vill komma till Sverige men behöver en större summa pengar vilken jag skulle få tillbaka när han är i Sverige ! Jag ha inte gett med på detta för jag tror att han ljuga för mej ! Kontrollerade litet, det fanns en Scaparrotti i Belgien men han är pensionerad sen 3 år tillbaka ! So jag tror att jag skulle blir lurade av honom !
Please stop all contact with him. You Are being scammed. // Snälla sluta all kontakt med honom. Du blir lurad.
Hola desde chile , e estado hablando con una chica se llama joan bellezy pero la busque por Internet y me mando a un nombre el cual era Bianca peralta en Facebook y en wathsapp dice que tiene una deuda con su gerente y me esta pidiendo que reúna el dinero para poder estar conmigo , cuando le pedí explicaciones ella lo negó , el número el cual habla ella es +13162999524 , me dice también que tiene una deuda, dice que esta en el hotel holiday inn aeropuerto santiago de Chile, será verdad o es una estafa
Obviamente esto es una estafa. ¿Ha denunciado la estafa a la policía de delitos cibernéticos en Chile? – repórtalo y que investiguen si hay algo que encontrar.
Para obtener más información sobre las estafas, también debe visitar
Saludos desde colombia, el dia de ayer me contacto el señor phillipp_williams_;como es su nombre en el perfil de instagram, lo stalker por internet, me estoy dando cuenta que es un estafador, él me ha escrito por instagram, me contó que es padre soltero de una niña de 5 años y que es viudo hace 3 años y 6 meses, que está buscando una compañera para casarse y hacer una vida diferente a la militar, me ha enviado fotos para constancia de que es el
¿No parece que hayas perdido dinero con este estafador? Sí, alrededor del 50% de todas las cuentas en Instagram son falsas. Cuando encuentre uno, simplemente infórmelo en Instagram.
Puede cambiar sus opciones de perfil para que los extraños no puedan contactarlo.
También debe visitar nuestro sitio web en español
Hello, my name is Buddy. I once incontrovertible Ms. Dani Daniel on a dating site and I lost thousand of dollars to her dating site. How can she be held accountable for her actions?
Sorry, but you lost money to a scammer impersonating her – she is not the scammer. You start by reporting the crime – then it depends on how you sent the money. Look on our home page for the Checklist for Interacting with the police.
Have anyone been scammed by impostor to the real Charlie Wilson
Why do you ask? You already know it was a scam right? We recommend that you focus on your own emotional recovery now. Please read our 3 steps guide for new scam victims:
Yo conocí a este hombre por Instagram como Alex Perez que es un padre soltero y su ex usaba drogas y le fue infiel. Después de contactarme por Instagram me dijo que fuéramos a hangouts su email primero fue, después me contacto de nuevo por Instagram diciéndome que su comander del los marines le ha dado de baja su cuenta anterior y por último me contactaba con otro email se hace pasar por militar de los marines de Estados Unidos y claramente las fotos que el manda no son de él.. me dijo que le ayudara por que no tenia a quien mandarle una caja con sus documentos y dinero lamentablemente me saco $2500 dólares que pague por bitcoin. Y actualmente me estaba pidiendo $4000 más por que sus supuesto caja esta detenida en Canadá el supuestamente está en siria en una misión. Yo desde el principio sabía que algo estaba mal pero aún así me convenció y terminé cayendo en su mentira. Ahora no sé cómo hacer por que todo tipo de información que tenía la borre antes de darme cuenta que era un scam, buscando en Instagram fue como me di cuenta de que estaba siendo víctima de fraude aún que yo ya tenía la sospecha no quería creer. En cuanto confirme lo he bloqueado pero desgraciadamente ya había borrado todo y lo único que tengo es su nombre falso y su email. Ahora me pregunto que puedo hacer tengo preocupación por lo que me pueda pasar. También me pregunto si el estará usando mis fotos para hacer scam a otras personas. Que puedo hacer ahora?
Sí, por supuesto, era una estafa.
¿Qué quieres hacer ahora? El dinero se ha ido y no se puede recuperar. Pero sí necesita denunciar a este estafador de la mejor manera posible.
Incluso con la pequeña cantidad de información, repórtelo a la FTC, FBI y SCARS en estas direcciones:
♦ FBI –
♦ FTC –
Además, puede visitar nuestro sitio web en español
Y nuestro grupo de apoyo en español en
Eso es todo lo que realmente no puede hacer, informar y luego darle la espalda a la estafa e intentar recuperarse de esta experiencia.
Puedo reportarlo al FTC nada más o también tengo que reportarlo al FBI??
La FTC comparte con el FBI –
Please ….
Did anyone know
Any soldier from US in Yemen
I want to know the truth
Because a guy who
chat with me on line
He told me that he is a soldier in Yemen
Please if someone knows the fact
Please reply me
Thank you very mush
from Elaine
Elaine, you are being scammed. We are sorry that this happened to you. NO U.S. Soldier is going to be talking with a stranger from that war zone. The military would prohibit it even if it were possible. You are a scam victim. Please read our 3 Steps Guide for New Scam Victims: You can also contact us about joining one of our qualified victims’ support groups.
This guy did the SAME THING to me. It’s totally fake. DON’T REPLY TO HIM AND REPORT HIM.
Ich habe heute eine Anfrage von einem Soldaten aus dem Jemen bekommen
Hello I’ve been chatting with someone who is pretending to be this person my heart is broken because I thought he was genuine he has been messaging me on what’s app but going by antonio hernandez Kalvin. He’s saying he’s in yamen
its a sad state, the scammers get all the protection .internet mass victim resource . can say or promise everything , and have no accountability for anything. Then able to completely disappear leaving nothing behind but the damage they created. then gloat about how successful they are. hope that one day there is some way to make it a profitable career to track and prosecute these low life scum.
What makes you think that no one is going after scammers now? We are averaging about 100 thousand scammer arrests per year! 111,000 in 2019. Over 80,000 in 2020. And this year looks like it will come in at around 100k too! Even the Nigerian EFCC is having a record year for arrests and will probably finish the year at about 4,000. Don’t believe the misinformation published by amateur anti-scam groups – real progress is being made by law enforcement.
Amen! I could not have said it better myself!!!!\
CHRISTY REYES of east Poblacion palauig Zambales, zip 2210 Philippines is a Scammer. several times over.
Mine began Adult friend finder, where I had just signed up. I get an email from her to use hangouts.
So we start chatting then she txt me with a phone number from Ak telling me she has a US number. She tells me she is in Ghana. So she sends me pictures in which I use tineye for reverse image lookup. It comes back as a girl named Aria Giovanni I guess she is some adult film actress.
She then tells me she is hiding there as she is in a legal battle with the production company to have all images removed from the internet as has been used by scammers for over the last five years. Then goes on to explain her boyfriend/husband took all of her credentials and left her there. I then sent her money and at first thought it might be possible. Gullible is what I am . It cost me 5500.
After a few days she informs that she has a secret. She had imported 15.5 mllion dollars into Ghana, in two toyota camrys seats. That if I send an email to this email and pay back fees they will deliver 2 boxes that only she knows the codes to. So I contact them and they want 60,000 in the bank and another 40,00 when they deliver the boxes..
Dang stupid me. Please be aware of this
What can you do to help someone who is being scammed by some one claiming to be a celebrity? Does your organization report scam claims to agencies that deal with celebrities or their managers or teams?
You can report the scam on this site or on
I begin victim at 2108 years. Who can find scam perons in Australia or Kuala Lumbura?
You can see scammer photos on and on
Okay, thanks you very much! But where i can supported police?
We are not sure what you are asking
Nothing, thanks for the informationю
Very welcome
Only haave questions if i can (Report scammers) put somes pics? But misunderstood what’s the rule don’t put pics?
You can report scammers with as much or as little information as you have or you want.
Thanks for information about weblink.
Do scammers ever impersonate celebrities? Have scammers had their victims send money to each saying the person is receiving it is going to send to them or for other reasons?
Scammers impersonate anything that moves and even some things that don’t. If they could impersonate a rock and scam someone they would!

Esta persona se llama en redes sociales Jeffrey Brian específicamente en Facebook primeramente me contacto por facebook después me mando mensaje por Messenger no sé en qué momento acepté esa solicitud de un completo desconocido me atrapó con su labia debo admitir que fui una tonta te envuelve en su engaño y llegas un punto en que dices o sea esto es falso realmente y me pide que abra una cuenta cuenta en Hangouts que es una aplicación de Mensajes pero con tu correo electrónico yo lo abrí porque realmente estaba aburrida me sentía mal y pues quería platicar con alguien jajaja se me hizo fácil abrir la cuenta en esta aplicación porque yo quería platicar con alguien me sentía mal platicamos muy bien no sé realmente con quién estaba platicando sólo sé que hay que tener cuidado con este tipo de cosas nunca en la vida me había pasado esto será porque en estos tiempos estamos pasando mucho más tiempo en el celular que en la vida real hay que tener cuidado con los amigos de Internet eso si se los digo Gracias a Dios no me sacó dinero no me saco información personal Por qué es lo que leí en el informe he visto que los estafadores les sacan dinero oooh información, pero lo que si me saca de onda es que este chico tenía fotos de una niña en específico que decía que era su hija y que estaba divorciado y así y sólo que yo tuve la Oportunidad de pedirle un consejo a un familiar y me dijo que podría ser un perfil falso y blablablá lo que hice yo fue pegar su foto en El buscador Google Pero antes de pegar la foto de este tipo pegue la mía para ver realmente si funcionaba y aparecíeron fotos similares a la mía pero no aparecía yo y dije ay esto no funciona después pegue una foto que él me había mandado y salieron un chorro de fotos de este tipo y ahí fue cuando me comencé a asustar dije que y más que las vi con unas notas rojas y con o sea muy llamativo y dije que está pasando y yo me altere y me asusté demasiado Después de eso me metí a una página que todo está en inglés lo traduci ahí mismo y leí todo y me enteré que lean estado robando su identidad y pues quede impactada porque nunca la vida me había pasado esto o sea nunca me ha socializado así con alguien desconocido no no comprendo cómo llegué a este punto la verdad fui muy inocente Quiero pedirles que tengan cuidado con este tipo de cuentas la verdad espero que no les haya pasado a mayores a muchas personas y lamento que a muchas personas y les haya sacado dinero información yo la verdad tengo apenas nueve días hablando con él y no pienso seguir hablando con el, debo decir que me da miedo voy a bloquear este hombre de todos lados gracias a Dios no le di mi número ni ubicación ni nada porque si hubiera muerto de miedo
Gracias por compartir tu historia.
También tenemos un sitio web dedicado en español en
Hola soy keila Estrada, he estado intentando denunciar a un estafador,tiene su perfil como,,johson bonilla,,no tengo correo pero este es su número 234 803 080 52 27 ,con frecuencia me sigue en mi cuenta de intagram, con perfiles diferentes, afortunadamente no caí en sus mentiras,¿¿¿¿Que puedo hacer para que no me sigan en mi cuenta de instagram????
Puedes bloquear a alguien en Instagram, eso es lo que tienes que hacer. Pero también debe tomarse el tiempo para aprender cómo funcionan estas herramientas.
También puede estar interesado en nuestro sitio web en español
Hi, I made a report. It showed ” this is the confirmation of what you reported”, but there is tiny note below saying ” opps. we cannot locate your form” . So I don’t know if the report is processed or accepted?
And how can I follow up the case?
Thank you
A bug that will be fixed shortly
Hi I can’t see any photos of that scammer Jardinie April coaching Limuran
JARDINIE APRIL COACHING IS A SCAMMER FROM BORACY SHE USES FORINGER MEN TO SUPPORT HER CHILDREN SHE HAS 3 BUT WILL TELL YOU SHE HAS 2 Because the other child is with her boyfriend, she has a lot of tattoos you can see her on YouTube just search her name JARDINIE APRIL COACHING LIMURAN
jovimel s perez from the phippipines is a big scammer who uses western union and MoneyGram for her money transactions and now paypal
Then you should report them properly – look in our menu for how to report them. Then you can make a difference.
I was trying to report a guy I met on Tinder by the name of Chris Burkhadt. He claim to be a Orthopedic Surgeon from NYC, look his name up and has a website which at first seem legit. He told me he was on a 6 weeks assignment in Afghanistan working for UN hospital. We communicated daily for a month, he makes promises to take care of you financially and speaks very charming to win your heart. We used Skype to chat but I had only seen him once on video for 2 mins as he was saying he was on his way to the OR, dressed I’m his scrubs, it looked very real and I had no idea at that time I was being fooled. Lucky my girlfriend did some research and found this site and saw that the photos Chris had sent me is of Dr. Fernando Gomes Pintos. One of the photo is exactly the same as the one found on this site. I was shocked and devastated but grateful I didn’t get scammed for money. Thank you this site and for keeping us innocent and honest people safe. I wanted to share the photos I got and report him but I don’t have a email address for Chris Burkhadt. His phone # (646) 416-9066.
Look in our menu for the way to report.
Don’t have an email for this scammer. His number is 6464169066. Replying to Carrie! He the same one! Did it to me too! Under the name of David Meyer.
I need someone to help me report this person! They are portraying to be someone in the US Army using photos and trying to extort money from people! He’s going by multiple names one being Harvey Baxter Flynn. Please help me stop others from unnecessary emotional and financial distress!
You can report it yourself here on our website or on
Hi. I’m not 100% sure, but I think I might have the same problem as April Lingerfelt and her scammer, Harvey Baxter Flynn. Please, I was just wanting someone else’s input on this same person… [EDITED – VIOLATED POLICY]
I was trying trying to report a scammer using General Douglas Fraser photos on Facebook running a romance scam, Asking elderly ladies for money and Amazon Gift cards, He was using the name of Gen.Douglas Mark and Mark Douglas On Hangout. I have reported this to Facebook and the Federal Trade Commision, You were asking info I didn’t Have I didn’t have his email address or IP. All you have to do is pull up his account under General Douglas Mark Fraser on Facebook. That page is still in operation right now. I have notified Facebook of this mess. I didn’t give him money when I found out I called low life scum of the earth to try and steal another person’s identify that he has worked a lifetime for the service to our country
This is not complicated. There are several different report types. You chose the wrong one. Just use the Facebook profile report then you only need the link to his profile
I have been talking to someone by the name of Joffrey Pharamond for awhile. He says he is a mining engineer from Kittanning PA and had to travel to Cape Town on business and once in Cape Town had one bad experience after another. He is French and well spoken and seems highly educated. He has one adult daughter (Sophie). He claims to be religious and said his wife died several years ago from cancer. He is very evasive and won’t answer any questions. The pictures he sent me belong to another but Joffrey claims they are his pictures. He wants me to send him money but claims someone else will have to pick it up as he had all his personal documents stolen. He claims his phone broke and had to buy a cheap phone that will not allow video chat. He is now in Johannesburg. He said he grew up in Lilly France, his dad was a miner and his mom a seamstress. He claims his twin sister and his parents have passed away and the only other family he has is his daughter. He never wants to talk on the phone, I believe he doesn’t want his voice recorded. He said his birthday is May 10th and he lives on Maple street in Kittanning, PA.
This is a typical scam script. How much money did you send to him?
I believe this guy goes by several different names but he seems to always use the same photos that he stole for an innocent man. The scammer’s phone number is 567-331-0228. He pretends to be a man of God and will always reference God in his messages. He uses the following in his messages: HUGS and KISSES (in caps), love you more, he is an open book (he is a liar), he was raised by an uncle, he claims his daughter is in a gay relationship and due to his religious beliefs he is very upset. He tries to use guilt tactics and anger when he doesn’t get his way. He is a master manipulator. He claims someone stole his identity and that’s why there is so much on him on the internet. I believe he is one of a network involved in this scam and he has been doing this for a very long time. I found his other fake identities. Also, he tries to get women to send him American Express cards.
Genelyn D Lancuas,nickname jazzy
Lives in metro manila hills.. Beware of her,she’s got numerous accounts on Facebook and Instagram
I don’t want her tagged unless you find something on her..everybody lies and just about everyone has a couple account,you have to with Facebook stupid rules…i was glad to help her,wasn’t so glad when I found her letting another guy put her pics Up on his account…nobody on here is truly trust worthy….two weeks if nobody else comes forward I’d like this taken down please thank you
Once a report goes into our network it is automatically distributed to agencies worldwide – as it says. Removal is not an option.
I talked with her and just a mix up with words …
And she gave me back the money I gave her …thank you….
This is not a mix-up, she is still a scammer. Once the report has been made it is immediately distributed throughout the network because that is what you said you wanted.
Are you being threatened by the scammer to remove the report?
Don’t trust dateinasia , online dating
The girls on this site are fake
And the site it’s self is the real scam
The girls try to get you to send them money, while the site site monitors your relationship, of you don’t send money, the site will close your account
If you start to ask to many questions,
Or ask for proof, of her
The girl will also have other chat apps
There even on Facebook
Once at the western union the girl went to pick up the money bit could not because of improper ID. And wanted me to send the money to her cousin, but she end up change her id cards, and was able to get the money
Western Union ask me if I wanted to check, or report, but I didn’t know if she was telling the truth, and I wanted to see what happened,
Just in case she was real,?
But I now believe that she was just a scammer
As I also believe that the site is a scam also and probably the main part of the hole thing
I get emails from many women (2-5 per week) that claim to have seen my profile on the internet. Yet when I ask “Which website did you see my profile on & how did you get my email address?”, they try pretending to forget giving me an answer or change their story & say they got my info from an “agency” or from a friend. Not one person has ever told me where, how or from who they got my email address. I had 3 different “Precilla Manu” persons email me, 2 using the same email address but with different photos of who they claimed to be. The second one using got upset at me when I showed them a picture of the first one that used that email address. They all say they are using a smartphone but the camera is always broken. I’ve had the second one on some video chats & they appear to be the same person as the pictures they emailed me. She knows I am suspicious of romance scams & every time we are in contact it takes time for her to switch to her PC, because I refuse to chat without a video call anymore. I need to be sure WHICH Precilla I’m chatting with. When “Precilla” gets her PC running & we are in a video call, She has a bad microphone & I cannot hear anything. I’ve reported this Precilla & I know that the photos are really her, in the first video cal I had her wave for me, blow me a kiss & other things, all were done instantly. She wants money from me to pay for “internet time”. Sometimes the emails are written in good English, most of the emails are as if from someone else & in a pidgen English, full of misspelled words, no punctuation, etc. & it’s these emails that ask for money. When I refused to email anymore & demanded contact only by video chat the wait got longer before each video call or they did not answer the call. I’m not a tech wizard but I think it’s possible to create a fake video for a video call. But not one that could do anything I ask instantly. I hope to collect more info/evidence on this “Precilla” or “Precillas”.
Can anyone tell me if the police in Ghana would go after scammers, I’ve heard that sometimes they take a share of the scam rather than prosecute the scammer. Would I be wasting my time if I reported it to the police in Ghana?
I refuse permission to use any of my info for anything other than on this website or by anyone else other than the admins of this website & I expect them to keep it secure & private.
Anthony, a comment is not private. However, your private information is not displayed.
The police in Ghana will not respond often to individual complaints, mostly because they do not contain hard data – or rarely. However, we are working with both Nigeria and Ghana on solutions. The best option is to report it through the SCARS|CDN reporting system on this website or on – all flow into the SCARS Cybercrime Data Network for distribution worldwide.
I tried to report my scammer but was rejected repeatedly. The profile also was scammed from FB, I was told later by another scam of so called investigators. The plot thickens. I have ample of information but have trouble with reporting. Was scammed of $100 000.00 I did the police thing and they were not used to this type of crimnality and almost ignored me. A case was made but I can see not much happening as my life not yet in danger.
I really do not know where to report. I tried this site but dont feel its helpful . I have IP adresse email and celphone from scammer but dont know where to report to as mentioned before.
Why was your report rejected? Just saying that does not allow us to help you. If you cannot here, please report on AND
When I read your post it makes me wonder if we’ve had experiences with the same person. Would you mind sharing the IP address and cell number with me?
The information cannot be shared with you directly since it violates our policies for safety. But it can be posted in a comment.
etcera names and combinationes relate to a 27 year old scammer from Leyte-Leyte (and Cawayan, Dalaguete, Cebu etc addresses claimed…) is a PHILIPPINE Romance Scammer, story-maker and lier, fraud and thief that is promising to meet you and marry you, have a baby and to sex with you, [REMOVED FOR POLICY VIOLATION] But she is a plain scammer having 2 children; Albi ca 7-8 yers old and Arnela now 3 years old.
She has several FB-pages and accounts with different variations of her names etc…. And she has about 1-2 thousand FB-friends on these – mainly elder western men…
Jeg forsøkte å legge inn min scammer på nytt fordi mitt profilbilde kom med og det var ikke meningen. Jeg ønsker at denne mannen som opererer som Lt. General i Kandahar Fredrick Schultz, Fredrick Sthultz eller Andrew Schultz og medhjelper Mr. Koroma skal bli straffet og få fengsel for sine handlinger ved å lure meg til å betale 95 000 euro for en pakke som ikke finnes. At det går an å være så dum og forført og hjernevasket av disse kjeltringer? Huff….
Just Got Scammed by Foreign Affair after spending $100.00. Seems that living in Dnipro, Ukraine as an American your way to close to their cash Cow Girls. Three letters to Dnipro Womam, and only one responds that was prepaired and used 100 times over! Last letter to local girl like all the others had no e-mail, or phone numbers attached by me. But 2 letters
sent to me had personal information for sale that some how got through.
They must have been written in Invisible ink because there was nothing there! Last letter very simple to local, asking her to meet me at local safe site for chat. Her profile was removed from my viewing along with any other interest from my city. But if letter was written by someone in Sir Lanka, Or the Congo, I could open. After reporting this to Foreign Affair they banned me completely. Be very careful with these people, they use every trick in the book, and make their money by trickery, deceit, & 4,5000 Romance Tours. Written by an American who has the patients of JOBE. Blogging has just begun.
google search of images doesn’t work, even now that I reported my scammer his pictures still don’t come up……
Google controls what they index or not. If an image is not indexed by Google then it will not show up.
Anyone else scammed by a peson called Lennon Jones , widowed marine engineer from Madison?
He scammed me one year ago with other criminals located in Malaysia and Chicago…
Smells like, feels like, but not sure … through an apple chess app, I played a known friend who was a Facebook member. Within a day I got 17 game requests and 2 asked me to download other apps to make it ‘easier’ to chat. Robert Gerald – email phn#807-789-0180 is supossedly a Houston TX resident with contracts in Canada. Says he is a civil engineer. However, his accent is Australian and asked me to use the hangouts app. He knew I was a woman even though my chess name was jchess. I asked how he knew I was a woman and he said my FB profile pic was linked to chess. I don’t know how that happened. He immediately proclaimed love for me, and then had a work related ‘explosion’ that insurance may not cover. I deleted the app but didn’t block his phn # until a few days later. He is still emailing me and ‘needs to hear my voice’. Last text said ‘there’s something I want to discuss with you’. That’s when it felt like a scam. But I haven’t been asked for money so I don’t know how to handle this.
The other guy, George Phillips (Geo) supposedly from Denver is a petroleum engineer who just took a contract in Spain. Within a couple of days he also had an accident ant went to hospital. No money asked for. His requested app is viber because of phone costs. But his accent is Norwegian. So I don’t know what to believe. I can’t report a scam without knowing. Do these names ring a bell with anyone?
Not sure? Be sure – 100% scam. Remove yourself from Hangouts – should be renamed Scammer Hangouts.
Amen !!!
I repeatedly told one that I do NOT do Hangouts. He keeps telling me it is not what I think! Ha! He got made one day when I tried to clarify a question he asked. Told me he didn’t like woman who talk back! He is scamming I’m the wrong country in US of A!
I tried to report here , but kept getting rejected, it says error not allowed to upload jpeg file even though I already used jpg converter. I will just write here about my scammer case.
My name is Elis Widiantika 40 years old from Indonesia. I had relationship with a man that contacted me on instagram with instagram ID oakes762 and whatsapp as Jeffrey Oakes, 47 year old Malaysian citizen who lived in Tuscon, Arizona, USA and worked for cisco network as network engineer. He also said he had a daughter named Amanda who lived in Perak Malaysia. He said to be a widower whose wife died in a car accident 8 years ago. Later on with image finder, I found out all the profile he told me is a fake one but I found out after his attamept to scam me for Rp 18.000.000 ( Indonesia Rupiah currency) and more.
Recently he sent a photo of him with a woman with pink dress that he claimed to be Michelle, his wife that died 8 years ago. With image finder, I searched the picture and It brought me to the article published on two Vietnamesse media websites with the links bellow . He sent me the same picture in which the woman in pink dress is in the midle of two men. According to the article, I found out that the woman in pink dress is actually Binh Minh’s wife, a famous Vietnamesse actor, singer, host and the wife named Le Anh Tho.
The man who claimed to be Jeffrey Oakes is the man in the pictures that I circled ( photos are attached taken from the article on the link). My question is who is the man? I really need his real name, age, profession, whether he is also Vietnamesse. Certainly according to the article, the person is close friend of Binh Minh and Le Anh Tho who came to their party. The person who contact me and has romantic relationship with me has been sending me the pictures of this man.
On August 28th 2018 he asked my address because he wanted to send parcel to me from USA and had been asking me since then , if the courier service he used already contacted me regarding the parcel. On September 3th, a woman called my cell phone number and sent me whatsapp text that I received parcel from the person and had to pay Rp 18.000.000 tax, insurance fee by transfer to the detailed name and bank account number bellow. I contacted Indonesia Customs and they confirmed that the information is scamm, there has been many cases like this one that cause millions IDR loss. I came already to my local police station Polresta In Tulung Agung to report the crime but an officer that met me ( he did not wear uniform and name ID )refused to file my report on September 11th 2018. The person claimmed to be Jeffrey Oakes even asked me to send money to support the operation of his daughter. Later on, I found out that he registered in many dating websites using different profile but still using the same photos of one person. On one of the websites where he registered, the location of the person is in california near budha center and in one IP address of the website showed that his location is in Germany. He gave me three phone numbers, one is landline and two are cell phones that also have whatsapp. We used to talk via whatsapp call and text also on instagram direct message . The phone numbers are:
+1(430)888-0757 whatsapp
+1(915)264-2071 whatsapp
I searched this person organized the crime with persons in Indonesia. He is registered in many websites with different profiles. I can provide you the evidence of our chat on instagram, whatsapp and the person who called me and asked me to transfer if required. He and the woman who pretended as courier asked me to transfer to this detailed info.
Name: Nuni Enda Mulyasi
Bank Negara Indonesia
Account no: 0739182457. I even found the name on facebook that I sent the screenshot bellow.
Phone number of the courier+6282277348141
Here are the links where he registered with different profiles but the photos of one person.
I also found the same man’s photo with instagram ID @richardlee7655.
I want to know the real identity of the man that I circled on the two photos taken from the article published on the Vietnamesse websites because I am romantically involved with this person and he scammed me for 18 M IDR but I do not know his real identitiy. I am just afraid that the real person in the pictures became victim of stolen identity by scammers that uses his pictures to seduce people and steal their money.
Thank you
Elis Widiantika
How many hundreds of hours did you spend being scammed? Spend a few minutes to report a scammer. Stop expecting everything to be instant gratification.
I am looking to find out is anyone has played Words with someone known as Luca Giuseppi. He claims to be in Abu Daube on an oil rig. His contract ends in February and he will then return to the USA, I believe his home is in Iowa. He quickly developed a romance scheme with me . Now he has asked me to by I-Tune cards for him. Says he was born in Rome, Italy and is an only child. I think he is a scammer or part of a scamming ring. Can anyone send me his alias picture? His phone number is 1-631-674-5065.
How do scammers fake their phone number? I talked to one and the number is the right city/state.
It is easy to obtain forwarding numbers in the U.S.
How can I report a scammer when she doesn’t have a profile or webpage? She deleted her profile when she hooked me in as her victim. Your form requires info I cannot provide, therefore, but I have pictures, email address, name and phone, etc!!
Do you have an email or phone number? You can report those.
I am so happy I found this site. I am in the centre of being scammed as we speak, by an entire network of scammers. I am from Durban South Africa, and currently Mr. Romance is trying to convince me that he and his daughter have been kidnapped in Cape Town , en route to me. I will try to upload all my info. Hope you can catch them.Can I e-mail the information to you? A lot of it is on my phone, which they have tried to disable, so I can’t report them. I wrote it all down.
We previously blocked all of Africa, but have opened up South Africa. If the story was true, you should report it to your National Police – if fact you should probably do it anyway, and also here or on
I just realized yesterday that i live a romance scam. I didn’t told him. I sent money. He says his name is Alfredo Sepulveda, sergeant in US Army. Now in Syria. He was supposed to cone in Romania this days. Is any possibility to catch him? I am sure I cannot get my money back. But we are still talking. So..maybe somebody can help me to trace him. I don’t know. I gave him personal information, my id.
I am scared. I think one more victim is involved. But I’m not sure if is victim or working with them.
The best course of action is to report his details on our website here or on then block and just go silent. Regarding your ID, did you just give him numbers, such as your driver’s license or passport number, or actual photos of the documents? You may have to report the documents stolen and get new ones to be absolutely safe. Rarely do scammers do anything with that information, but the possibility remains. Be sure you change all of your passwords though, especially to your banking. Any threats the scammers made are just lies.
Being scammed by a girl named Naomi Angelina Crane using photos of Instagram star Allison Ray Parker. Says she’s from Texas. Is this a familiar name/scammer/ Are they really in Texas or another country. Have given money via ITUNES cards, they claim love. Need help.
What help can we provide?
Getting scammed by female named rosemary donkoh
I am a filipino whose been a victim of love scammer 2days from now. I met him at tinder, his name is STEVE EDWARD, from vero florida, adivorced manmwith am1 daughte, an Engineer. He said he was basemmin an offshore contract by Shell co.? A week ago he emaild me that he will be assgned in Norwich UK, he said thathe will send me some of his personal belongings together with some branded item which his gift for me and a wedding ring, he also said that he put an amount in a certain bag, whichmwill be use forhis hotel accommodation on his vacation here. Hes been given a 3 mos vacation after his assignment in Norwich. He said The customs in our countrymwill call me and ask for government tax before the package will be diliver. the custom called, i paid the said tax. after a couple of hours the woman called again and it shows in xray ghat there was a huge amount inside the box, they asked me to pay for the certificate of money laundering which cost 35,000. i diddnt do it, got immediately daubt. I investigate with some of my hovernment connection friends. They said tere was no package, the woman was not employed at customs, te cargo shipping “Best Way” was not existing. steve edward is still sending messages and still denying. Can someone please help me to figure out steve edward this is his e.add
You were being scammed by a Nigerian.
I am also a filipina scammed by Edward Nelson with same situation that he want to invest here in our country, he said that he is a US Military Doctor in Syria. He send his money through diplomatic courier and a false lady act as custom officer said I need to pay taxes because the money in the box is huge, unfortunately I had sent money. I reported here in our country the lady where I deposited the money and still looking for progress. Until now I too have communication with this Edward using email ad of
This is a scam !! Please do not send them anymore money !!!!
You do understand that the whole purpose of this website and our whole nonprofit organization is the communicate that message, right?
Michael Watson. I knew pretty quickly he was not what he claimed. Supposedly, his wife and daughters were killed in some horrid way. He says he’s from Texas . Had a Facebook page for his company which he would have had to have going for a number of years to be as successful as he claims. The number he gave me is s cell phone and is the number.ber for his business. Proclaiming love quickly. Says he’s in South Africa building something for the Abu Dabis and has spent $10 million dollars and will be getting$30 million. A few days ago tells me that an employee fell and he had to pay the family $200, 000. Now, he’s saying that he just needs $50,000 to finish and can be on his way to me. Hoafter paying the employee that fell he only had $15,000. His friend Scott can give him another $15,000. He’s also going to sell a watch to a pawn shop in Dubai for $7000. He knows that I can’t help him with $3000 but if I can come up with $500, he will refund it to me as soon as he gets paid. I tell him that I literally have nothing. He hasn’t wrote any of this flowery words of love he’s been writing for like 3 weeks so I guess the flaming romance has fizzled out. Beware of this one. The pictures he sends are actually him, which surprised me. He took one of himself holding a sign with the name I gave him. He got no money from me.
I had structural engineer from Texas who claimed to have built a bldg in Dubai in the past. He claimed he had a new contract in Thailand and I was in contact with him from about the first part of April until last week. He had a number of different experiences that were costly he claimed and said he sold the jewelry, a necklace his wife bought him and his computer to pay for some expenses. Is he acaucasian man about late fifties, pictured in a sweater or a suit, or seated on couches. Did he speak with a slight accent and use the term “Refresh myself” when needing to go to the bathroom? Did he know your schedule and call and text often and appeared caring and considerate. Was he a widower whose wife died of leukemia three years ago. The name I had was Steven Adams but did not have a company page. Your scenario sounds very similar to mine. I do believe he was in Thailand where he claimed to be.He knew about “The Complex” and said he often went there to meet his supervisor. Story was very similar.
Sounds like one I got from Steven Adams who said he was stuck in Incheon after leaving Thailand with the cash he was bringing home from a job and was held by the Korean Drug Agency and needed a certificate for an anti-drug certificate. I would be interested in seeing his picture to see if it is the same guy since he used his own.
its the filipino men making the filipina scam. The men hate the foreigner they racist and they teach there hate to the girl.
scammers from bohol beware them, they lie very smoothly. the filipino men there teach the filipina who pretty to hate the foreigner and steal from him. they on asian dating and filipino cupid
Romance scam: person reports she is staff sergeant nurse in army based in Kuwait. Got funds given to her by Lebanse government and shows metal box with cash (asking $550 third party company). Claims to be retiring and needing papers from box that has money. Will not give army email or call you due to security isses. Met her on dating site and wanted to use Hangouts. Sends pics that include the box, her in nurse clothes, and a fake military CAC cards. Gets angry and makes threats when you say no to not paying. Waits about a week before bringing up box request. Uses soldier’s name of Lea-Rose Brooks. aka Rosa/Rose Johnson; Lea Rose Brooks; Rose Brooks
Do you really have to ask if it is a scam? It is. Sorry, but you have to use some common sense to avoid scammers. At this point, report the scammer, then block all contact.
This same thing has happened to me, a girl name Maria Lucki, supposedly from Amsterdam and Massachusetts (USA) but has proven to be a total fraud after squeezing me for about $300,000, paid by cash advances from my credit cards. She would then pay back my credit card companies with the online access I gave to her, using her “late father’s bank account”. She supposedly had about $60,000,000 in GOLD in a vault in Amsterdam that she could not redeem from her father’s estate unless she paid the storage fees, inheritance taxes and income taxes on the inheritance, none of which she could pay with funds from the sale of the gold, had to be cash, had to go to various accounts in the USA that would transfer to her through her shared bank account with her “uncle” in Dallas, Texas. She claimed she wanted to marry me and we would live happily every after, though we never met in person as of yet.
She paid back my credit card companies as soon as the cash transfer was made, from her father’s two accounts she supposedly had rights to, but no ATM card and no checks, so she could only make online payments. I was duped into thinking all was good because she was paying back my cards and it all looked legit due to that, but I got a rude awakening when suddenly the payments were reversed and I found myself on the hook for anywhere from $17,000 to $149,000 depending on the card. When I called each bank for answers how they could do this so late in the game (some where two months old already!), they said they have up to 90 days to cancel transactions if they were made from accounts that were unauthorized. Turns out she never had authorization , or that’s what she told my banks, anyway. So I’m on the hook for about $300,000 while she runs Scot-free, though I think there’s a team and I know she was doing business with men from Nigeria, Texas, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Ohio, so it’s probably a ring of thieves with her as the head scammer. She uses the pics of a very famous Instagram model, who she claims stole her profile and pics and the Instagram site is run by her “ex-boyfriend” who supposedly stole about a million dollars from her as well; he’s in San Paolo , Brazil. The Instagram site is for Emanuelly Meclayne, with 490,000 followers. Maria Lucki (scammer) uses her photos when communicating and insists her identity was stolen by her boyfriend, who stole her pics when he broke up with her.
How could I be so foolish, you ask? She’s very, very crafty and slick. Fake driver’s license, fake passport, fake pictures, fake love notes, etc. She’s very guarded about letting out any ID because of her supposed identity theft. I thought she was legitimate when she started paying me back for about $35,000 I had initially lent to her. Much to my surprise I was totally scammed. She makes phone calls only when it appears she’s lost me entirely. Then when she talks I can barely understand her (she talks very fast and with a foreign accent which I think is African but it could be Dutch). She ends every sentence with “Baby” and “I love you so much”. She’s a talented negotiator and also very creative liar. The most obtuse stories of woe and abuse I’ve ever heard. Had me totally bamboozled despite friend’s warnings. I’m no dope, college educated, professional occupation, self employed for 30 years. I hope she is arrested and the whole lot that work with her, they must be making millions between myself and other victims as stupid as I was.
Some of the names she has working with her are: William Clark of Methuen, Masschusetts; Allen Barrett White of Dallas Texas; David Elliott, Iowa; Priscilla Barnett, North Carolina; john Noble, Ohio; as well as several corporate accounts I don’t have my hands on right now. All the money sent was via either Western Union (small amounts) or direct deposits to Bank of America accounts. She always wanted me to immediately send pics of the deposits to confirm they were made or electronic confirmations (if by Western Union). She claimed she could not open a checking account herself as she had ruined her credit with Bank of America when her boyfriend stole her identity and money and credit cards.
pof scammer dougjamesjay using san jose California number, says his name is jack wale douglas, will say that he didn’t get paid and needs you to get him an itunes card before his phone is cut off.. lies and says he’s working on a big contract but says he’s a computer support specialist.. says he’s from Jamaica but living in the US, has a weird non-jamaican accent, says he has an 8y/o daughter and that his ex wife cheated on him..
he got 0$ from me..
Hello everyone I believe I hit the jackpot of scammers in one setting on Facebook . [RSN Edited: Victim’s profile link removed – we do not allow shaming of other victims]
Check his friends list and scroll through and the check the scammers themselves happy hunting
Lorenzo Agostino on pof asking for iTunes and vanilla cards after texting and calling 23 days
You know this is a scam, right?
I was scammed by Lorenzo too on POF. His profile name was “heart of god”. I didn’t get his last name but when he said he was on an oil rig and his phone didn’t work he called from another phone and asked for a Vanilla card. Sick man. He was removed from POF I believe.
What is pof ??
Plenty of Fish is a free and scammer filled dating website
Cleoplous Scott lll living from Indianapolis is lair scam he stealing money
Has anyone heard from an individual calling himself Jeoallen Stevens?
Danielle Delaunay is using the name Alexia Fleo on Twitter, she’s living in Strasbourg France, didn’t catch me for any money, she sent me a photo, unfortunately it had Danielle ftv watermark on it, did a bit of research and viola it’s not Alexia but Danielle
I’ve gotten the same thing from someone called Sandra Neace living in Huntington West Virginia keeps asking for iTunes cards but came to find out it was photos of Danielle Delaunay she had found me in Facebook
It is scam from a West African not an American.
Have you any photographs of this Daniella Delauney as I am thinking this goung lady is a scammer preparing me she thinks, preparing to as me for money.
Her name is Fabienne Godf. She will not come on Skype.
She has a sick Mother with Lung Cancer living in Belgium and she lives in France in a place called Boulogne Billancourt.
Please send me all the data you have on this Woman.Thankyou.
Simply do a search on our website for photos
Does anyone know of a Joseph Kelvin claiming to be from Augusta Georgia, but working as a doctor in Syria with the UN humanitarian/homeland security to help refugees. His story sounds fishy. Professing love way to soon – red flag. His fb page is lite on information about him. Only has six similar photos that could be cut and paste. He has no personal info on his site other than his name, pictures and birthday.
From my sad experience
I would stay clear of this person. Likelihood of a scammer is great from what you said.
Be careful.
She also goes by the name of Carole Deborah Taylor
Speaks broken English with an accent. presumably lives in Louisville Ky, in highland height
You can use Google to test their local knowledge. Scammers almost never put in the time to check where they claim they live!
I just found out here about Jonathan Marsh’s fake profile, I’m shocked and have already reported. The fake Jonathan did not have time to ask me for money yet, but I found his conversation very strange and decided to search on google and soon he appeared here, thank God. He has a lot of information about the real Jonathan Marsh and also a lot of photos, the fake one is kind of convincing man, but nobody convinces me that can dies in love with someone overnight.
But the thing to learn from this is don’t talk to strangers online!
Anytime they claim to be From the US and speak broken English that is your first sign of a Scammer online
Met on Pof. One picture. Adviced me to text at 1-646-883-0595
Lucas Pavel claims to be Romanian originally. Lived in Florida and then moved to Canada to set up a soccer academy. Soccer is his first love, painting his second love. Said his parents both died in a car crash when he was 20 and his extended family took everything of what they left. Met on a dating site and as soon as we met he said he was going away so we would meet when he is back, and could we switch to whatsapp. After two weeks of chatting while he was in the Ukraine supposedly, he claimed he could not get on his flight because he had expensive art he bought there to resell later. Bottom line, he wanted me to bank his paychecks from a Canadian company and send him the money. Didn’t fall for it in the end and I cut it off and blocked him. He has no presence on any social media – he said it was too much drama. Of course. His phone number is a Florida number – but it showed up as a residential landline not a cell phone when I tried to track it. He never emailed me or gave me his email. I don’t know if the pics he uses are real but he sent me several of them. We did a video chat once but there seemed to be an issue with sound. But now I wonder if it was something pre-recorded that the person was playing back because his actions and expressions did not line up with when he would type me a message to say there was a problem with the sound, etc…
It is mostly on skype I cannot copie. The relation is going on for several years, but I am unable to recover the 220 000 € Brian Hart has taken off me over all this time, by lying
being an US Army commander and I would get paid when the army paid for his missions.
Now we found 3 more adresses in the UK with the same photos of Brian Hart (all of which had been stolen ) All documents he sent me are fake, same as his story.
Are there any white girls living in Accra Ghana….I have been contacted by at least 2 white girls living in Accra about me sending them money ….about there parents were killed in a car crash.
‘ayisha mohammed ‘ claims both parents are deceased
THESE ARE THE SCAMMERS THAT MY HUSBAND LOST ALL HIS MONEY. SHE CLAIMED TO BE BEATRICE FRIMPONG FROM Accra Ghana oth parents deceases from car accident and left her 3.2 million in bullion gold, she fell in love with my husband fast and pretty soon she wanted to move her and romised if he stayed with her they could sell the gold and she would split it with him…..hired a ficticious lawyer by name of barrister evans started out on internet and then became on Whatsapp and then on the day she and the gold were to arrive….no gold no ghana girl!!!
Not sure if I am being scammed so what should if I
if it seems to good to be true it is…..a SCAM
Watch out for Aida Gella age 37 from Manila , Philippines..uses multiple Facebook accounts…currently on Tourbar trying to scam men or woman. Has several pinay boyfriends but tries scam foreign men using provactive pictures . Uses her teenage daughter Abigail Christine Gella as part of scam. I caught her when she posted several online pictures on Picsart and Google Plus with a pinay boyfriend while involved with me. She has absolutely no guilty conscience and will say anything to obtain funds. Thank God I did not loose any of much money. The moment caught her she deleted all accounts then a few weeks later she started up her accounts again.
This is an update to Derrick Riggs, Allen Riggs and more. All on Google search Riggs Allen in Afghanistan.
The scammer I am reporting is on the internet under many different names. If you search Riggs Allen in Afghanistan it shows Derrick Riggs as a Chaplain first then the list goes on. I’ve been talking to him for months now and he told me his name was Riggs Allen and had a 13yr old son named Patrick and lost his parents very early and his wife 6yrs ago. He said his son was living with his teacher and Riggs was adopted by Father Patrick. And that he lived in Austin Texas. I have seen many different pictures and names on the internet identified as scammer. It really hurts to find out but I hope by reporting him other women will not be hurt.
Hi! I ve been scammed by a Frenchman named Henri Gregoire, anyone else out there know this name? He was on a oil rig in the gulf, with a daughter Olivia, who needed money for a 16 the birthday party, he’s very well spoken, very religious , needed 2000$for parts that broke down, then when I did t send that. Traveled to the country Georgia where he was supposedly detained by police for tax evasion, then had me call a attorney, who of course wanted 500$ for a retainer fee and when I didn’t do that I have received phone calls from this overseas number
995592124743…… the last 2mornings . Anyone? Please !
Change your number immediately
this person had got more than 4,000 dollars from my friend be careful always said she has a condition it may be truth we never know but if truth being exploited for money from online date on facebook
I was involved in a scam site, and the photo that the scammer was using could be uploaded and compared, to the data base, Like to see that again or where or how does it work. It would also list where the photo came from, Model Site, etc
Im trying to leave the report with scammers phone number,name he uses and pictures but i cant because i dont know his email
Hey I would like to know the person you were scam bye I’ve trying to see if the one I sent money too it’s always been to a different person then the person I talk to
Kathryn Suaner 639091996259 on viber scammer lives in Cebu Philippines
Very interesting. Anybody corresponding with from Ghana, phone number? 233545939958
well i lost $ 6,900.00 and what a scam!!! but i was bilnd NOW I CAN SEE!!!
I tried several times to leave a valid complaint about a scammer. I keep getting the message: “There was a problem with your submission . . . ” There are fields that actually say “required” and “not required”. Which is it? No, I don’t have the scammer’s e-mail address. But I have a new scammer to present to your Web site. I’ve got photos and a fake passport to upload, which I’ve already attempted, all for naught. I will be happy to report this when you get your shit together.
P.S. I love your site! Thank you for what you do!
try to report them
Sorry, I do not know if my report was submitted ???
this is also a scammer.. i was a victim of this and i feel ashamed until now..
Virgin Atlantic Cargo Ltd
AttachmentsJun 20
Virgin Atlantic Cargo Limited
Phuket International Airport Thailand
Dear Value Customer
Kindly find the clearance & Custom tax duty receipt of your luggage attached, Your Luggage From Scotland Got Transit in Thailand The CUSTOM HOLD YOUR LUGGAGE BECAUSE OF THE CONTENT THEY FOUND THROUGH THEIR SECURITY X-RAY MACHINE, (CASH, JEWELRIES, ELECTRONIC GADGET) YOU ARE TO PAY
1. IMPORT DUTY: B5, 120 Baht
2. B.I.R TAX: B4,480 Baht
3. I VAT: B4,500 Baht
Total : B 14, 100 Thailand Baht = $390 usd
The luggage will be deliver to your designated address by our delivery officer as soon as you Made the payment for clearance as directed by the Officials of custom, The total amount with which you clear the luggage is B14, 100 Baht, which is $390usd respectively to enable us clear your luggage and make a swift delivery. WHAT TO DO TO GET YOUR LUGGAGE: GO TO WESTERN UNION SEND THE MONEY B14,100 Baht, ($390USD) TO THE CLEARING AGENT NAME GIVEN BELOW FOR THE CLEARANCE OF YOUR LUGGAGE AND ATTACH TO THIS EMAIL THE PAYMENT SLIP FOR CUSTOM REFERENCE SO THAT THEY WILL RELEASE YOUR LUGGAGE BACK TO US FOR DELIVERY VIRGIN ATLANTIC CARGO LTD. IS RESPONSIBLE TO DELIVER YOUR LUGGAGE AFTER YOU PAYMENT FOR YOUR CUSTOM CLEARANCE TAX DUTY, DOOR TO DOOR
Address: Office First Floor #10 Phuket Cargo International Airport Thailand
Amount:$390usd, Pay with your country local currency equivalent to $390usd we receive it in Thailand Baht B14,100 baht
Mr Chapatai Chongroporn Saeman.
Customer Relation Officer
Conay Duke
AttachmentsJun 18
to me
My Sweet Darling Wife Rhea
My love I came from Virgin Atlantic Cargo Ltd. To send the surprised gift and you will get it on Monday 20th of June 2016,
I really want you to know that i love you and admire your love so much, I want you to know how serious I am……honey Inside the Luggage i bought sexy lingerie’s, free adjustable size, Omega Ladies Watch, i bought sweet Victoria secret Perfume, with Hugo boss ladies perfume, 1 Gucci perfume, Gucci leather bag and nice flower honey, and engagement ring, lady shoes & gown
1, Samsung Galaxy S6 Phone, 1 Apple Laptop, & Chocolate, Our family Picture Album, at the battery side of the laptop i put GBP 20,000.00 Twenty Thousand Pounds, Please honey use the money get ready for my coming to your country soon, that’s my gift for you keep things ready i will be there on 15th of July 2016, this is my confirmation sure date by our director wait for me on 15th of July…
honey use the money inside the battery side of the laptop put things in other especially making shopping for yourself for my coming, I will be there soon, the key to the luggage is 345 left key then right key is 543 don’t let anyone know the key number please…..tell your parent for my coming I want to introduce myself to them and ask your hand in marriage, my Jeans & polo wears are inside the luggage because of the hot weather. Buy Small Car with Air Condition we will use…honey i gave the company all your information they will contact you through your email and phone…
Book hotel or rent apartment very close to your house for 2 months start from 15th of July 2016 where we will stay use the money in the luggage, we may look for another hotel for another one month if we don’t like the one you paid for
If I keep on written telling you how much I love you and how much I miss you and how much my body chemistry missed you and acting for you, without showing you it in reality, you won’t be eager to know how serious I am, I SO MUCH BELIEVE IN LOVE & LOVE MEANS CARING, CARING FOR SOMEONE YOU LOVE PHYSICALLY EMOTIONALLY & OTHERWISE.
I keep on thinking of you all the time honey, my love please i want you to know that i love you ok and wish to show my love physical to you, i don’t want to be saying it by written honey but by practical and actions, that is what i know about love as we knew that Love means caring. Get things done with the money inside the luggage,
I will be going for rig offshore by tomorrow Sunday have to be there for 20 days all I need is your prayer for safety honey
Take care and God bless you always pray for me.
Conay B. Elijah
Your Loving Husband To Be
Aberdeen Scotland
Virgin Atlantic Cargo Ltd
AttachmentsJun 23
to me
Virgin Atlantic Cargo Limited
Phuket International Airport Thailand
Dear Value Customer
Madam, we are since this evening dragging with the State Security Service (SSS), over the luggage, it wasnt easy because of the hard currency they said the cash in the luggage was meant for the supporting of terrorist at South East Asia, but we said no that its for your business, you want to invest the money in your business there in the Philippines
They said since the terrorism was Global fight now since few years every airport is security tight, they charged for ANTI-TERRORIST CERTIFICATE, which covers the cash in the luggage as it will not be tagged as money meant for terrorism,
they directed us to go to Police head office here for the certificate and when we made enquiries about that, the Police head officer said they can issue the anti-terrorist Certificate but the price is $9000 (Nine Thousand Dollars) this is the stage we found this evening,
when we was dragging with them and scolding them, we fight them for all the frustration the put us through, their main officer and some airport top security officers has to force the luggage open as we are arguing with them so that our delivery agent can board flight to Philippines to deliver your luggage, see the attachment they forced the luggage open to show us the content, the hard currency in the luggage, But nothing was removed from your luggage because no body has right to take anything out of your luggage everything was intact even other items was covered with the cash in the luggage,
I manage to snap the luggage with my phone, but dont worry yourself, the issue is that, you have to inform the sender regarding the amount for ANTI-TERRORIST CERTIFICATE, you have to inform the sender as well, we are trying to protect you as well and hope this will be solved soon, send the payment to: MARIAMA CAMARA. ADDRESS: OFFICE FIRST FLOOR #10 PHUKET INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT THAILAND,
Mr Chapatai Chongroporn Saeman.
Customer Relation Officer
Attachments area
report it using the tools we provide, comments are a waste.
I got nearly the same emails from Scott Smith, he told he sends me a parcel with gifts and there is a Credit card with 200 000 dollars, only I have to pay to Philipines 450 dollars to a person:
Western Union Receiver
Name, Rosie. S. Manera
Country Philippines
Address, Karuhatan Valenquela City
Amount, US $ 450
Recently joined hitwe site , please be careful on this site 90% of males are pure scammers , probs just as many females also … reported several of them but they still on …
I am trying to help a friend before she will loose every penny….So called Richard Ntiamoah from Accra, Ghana, is anyone transfered money to this scammer, i think it is Ecobank ?
Daniel Elvis, Karim Salim, BTM courier service in Ghana … do you have corrosponding with these names ?
I have a David Smith says he is from Loris South Carolina he is on Hangouts chat. He claims he ia an officer in the US Army and currwntly in Afghanistan he is a single das of a 7 yr old boy who mom left him 2 years ago foe feom Spain. He claims his so. Is sytaying with a babysitter untile he gets back to the US. He uses faith and relegion to reach womem i send an email with his photo attach to this sites email as when i tried to rwport him the site told me ive limit and i hadent even made a report? So i sent email. His email is his phone number is 843-405-0120
Was there a reason you could not report this through our Scammer Reporting Feature – look in our menu for How To Report Scammers. Reports in comments are a waste.
Hi Guys. To Add About Tina(cares)Adams, She now goes by the name Tina Adamu from Ikeja, in the Lagos State from Nigeria. Do I add this to the Report Scammers Form that you have set up?
Yes please, chose the form for the kind of info you are reporting.
I sent a email to you… but I wanted to make sure to leave a comment as well for other people to see.
“Jamie collins” is not a US military man but claims to be in Somalia on deployment. He also uses other names that are sports related… like “Tim blue” I ran into this man on ok cupid… his username there is “tbluefox”… his kik username is “timblue404” the person he claims is his agent for the US military is in florida and his name is “Matthew mccambridge” eagle lake, Florida
Ladies… please do not question something that doesn’t feel right… always go with your gut… if he professes his love early… gives you pet names early… asks for money… speaks over text as though they are uneducated or poor usesage of grammar… he is probably not who he says he is… this man chose the faith route with me and tried to convince me that god put us together for a reason and we must follow and listen to him… these things aren’t normal for a 33 year old citizen of the US…
We only accept reports through our website forms, so they are distributed throughout our anti-scam data reporting network. We do not accept reports through Comments and emails. Please user the features we provide.
Hello. I would like to know if is a real person or is a scam a Russian lady with a name of Oksana Krsa and her e-mail is:
Thank you.
You might want to hire a detective to do a background check.
Anyone gay been scammed by Martin Doyle?
Hi! I am a scam victim.I have reported the crime to the police.Despite money loss, I have another concern which i am afraid of. During the scam, i gave the scammer my identity pictures,like ID ,passport. I gave him actual pictures of the documents. I am so scared he might misuse my identity to scam others. What is the best course of action in this case? I need your advice please.
Yes, giving your data to a scammer was a bad idea and has consequences. You should assume that your identity is at risk. Please read this for more guidance:
Just be careful out their if you are a single guy…..These girls know exactly what they are doing…..I have spent over 10 years in eastern europe……Russia Ukraine are the worst places ive ever seen for guys being ripped off…
Some of these girls have boyfriends and there boyfriends are telling them to do this…….Of course the boyfriend takes his share of the funds….
I have tried to do a report about Kathy Daniel on Facebook but I am doing something wrong ; it won’t go through
has anyone hurd of a guy name paul smith hes from bailtmore Maryland
You are asking about yourself?
Why are scammers prepared to marry and then abandon you in a foreign country senegal.
If you go there to get married, they can hold you in the country until they approve. This can be a form of blackmail.
I want to report a potential scammer and don’t understand how to put the messages and email in where they are supposed to go. It says to copy them here but how when right click is disabled and I cant paste them after copying them
As it says at the bottom of the page, use CTRL-V to paste
Same here you make it to hard to report these scammers
Why is it hard? Are you trying to do it from a phone?
there is a fb page that says it is sponsored by you but its not the same one you get taken to when you hit the like on fb button
Please be alert of Michael Jantjies. He has multiple profiles and fake profiles on maby dating sites and Facebook. He introduces himself as MICHAEL MACDONALD, the private investigator. Please goggle his name for more informatio about him. If you were raped, robbed or scammed by him please call me 0813496438.
Veery nice article. I absolutely love this website. Keep it up!
Lucy Morrison – Lucylikesreading. Is a scammer – beware!
Hello hi my name is Robert I got scammed by two people but I did not send money to any of them extra for one that her story was that you needed to get to California where I live but she was in Texas give me her address and I center a cell phone and she was supposedly meeting me but then she apparently had a car accident and her doctor which I found out was lying and she was not in the hospital was not legit and I asked certain questions and they wouldn’t tell me and then I went to this website and found out that the picture that she showed me was of that model from Brazil and I’ve been doing some research on it to found out that another one that I was talking to but did not send any money out to her was the one that blond haired woman that called her name but Angela Cole and showed me a passport but that doesn’t mean what do you recommend I mean I know I can’t get any money back and I only gave her $400 to the first one to that Glenda Smith and I gave her address and her phone number out on the website here but would you would like to talk if it’s possible for you to call me or email me because I’d like to talk a massive questions that are would be relevant to the to the getting scammed she told me she got a head as a certificate of $2 million she told me that her cousin was or the cousin told me that she had a lot of money and all that I’m just a little a lot of weird stuff going on if you could email me back and talk I’ll be glad I will give you my name and my email thank you also would like to know Tracy I have her last name I can’t pronounce it Sadtidapi something like that claims to be from England and have a lot of money claims to be in Nigeria right now I got called from Money Graham money gram investigator and she said that she’s been that name has been around for a while and that this person is using her name and stuff like that if you can please find out for me thank you she apparently knew that Glenda Smith and also knew about everything that we were talking about which is weird I think they’re both the same one
Hi, ive been communicating with someone for 3months which i met on eharmony initially, his fb profile name is different from the proxy name and his eharmony account was under a different name as well. He has sent me pictures of him to via viber and email which seem legit but i caught him out recently when he sent me 3 pictures of him out at dinner and these were all from 3years ago cause ive them on the fb page dated from then. There are afew variables here and im wondering if theres some scam where people change account names and steal identities??
Absolutely yes. Scammers frequently use the same photos under many different names. One of the ways to catch then is to throw one of the other names at them and see how they respond. Scammers maintain as many as a hundred different identities at the same time, and as you can imagine, easily lose track of which one they are using in the “heat of the moment”
Watch out for a so call women Georgina Obeng she or he a scammer and blackmailer as well uses Sweet Krissy Stolen Photos ask you to send money for her school fees so be careful.
My reported Nigerian romance scammer Skyped me once. His Skype account at that time was listed as Anitakim13. His Facebook page shows him as Mark Looney. His picture is on this site, I reported him as a Nigerian Romance scammer. After texting with him a few weeks, he said he had to go to Nigeria for a month.It is eight months later and he is supposedly still there. Needing me to send him money to fly home so we can marry.
I got one saying he is in africa. He supposed to left in September on business. He says he is stuck there and wants me to send a $1000 so he can come here and we get married. He says he has a son. He goes by Franck LeBlanc on facebook he put his profile picture of a edited picture of me and him. I won’t send money.
Nelson Mark
Says he’s in Miami, Florida but IP locates him in Pennsylvania. Uses FB profiles under the same name, and recent profiles in different cities.
Probably is offshore using a proxy server to connect – which is why showing PA
I came across same situation where IP address was showing in California. Scammer was using Canada phone number. When caught he confessed and said he was from Ghana. So by using a proxy server are u saying that it makes it impossible to find them? What exactly is a proxy server and is it legal?
See our posts on proxy servers
The idea is to enter the information in the form so it is in our database, not put it in a comment.
I could not report the scammer because my photos of him are on my cell phone. Can’t I just email you the info?
using karen dreams picture standing in front of a tree using name catumi yakubu
Yes, because SO MANY American Girls have that first name! lol