What’s New On SCARS RomanceScamsNOW.com – Articles2022-04-16T04:41:26-04:00
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What’s New On SCARS™ RomanceScamsNOW.com

April 2018

Introduction To Sextortion Scams

Introduction To Sextortion Scams Sextortion employs non-physical forms of coercion to extort sexual favors from the victim or uses intimate photos or videos to extort money from the victims! It is a form of [...]

Letting Go & Doing Something About It

You Need To Let Go A touch of "tough love" from Romance Scams Now A victim recently corresponded with us about how he was scammed over a 6 month period by a Ghana scammer known [...]

Steve Bustin – A Scammer’s Favorite

You Know This Guy! Steve Bustin Public Speaker Impersonation Victim You Have Seen His Photos Before! Steve Bustin Is Another Scammers Choice Award Winner Of course, you don't really know Steve Bustin, since these [...]

March 2018


RSN EDITORIAL "The Lion" Everyone believes they will live forever. Everyone believes crime will never happen to them. No one expects to be the victim of a romance scam! Did you? We live in a world [...]

The Keys to Motivating Yourself After a SCAM!

The Keys to Motivating Yourself After a SCAM! Recognize that you were scammed. Admit it. Say it out loud! You were scammed! Don’t be ashamed. Accept that you were manipulated. They used you against yourself. [...]

What Do Victims Believe? #3

What Do Victims Believe? When Asked If They Believe That The United Nations Should Have The Right To Investigate International Scams & Arrest Online Criminals In Countries Around The World? 7% said No! 93% said [...]

What Do Victims Believe? #2

What Do Victims Believe? When Asked If They Believe They Were Scammed By An Individual Or A Team? 55% understood that they were scammed by a team of scammers. 45% believe they were scammed by [...]

What Do Victims Believe? #1

What Do Victims Believe? When Asked If They Believe They Were Scammed By The Actual Person In The Photo? 88% understood they were scammed by a Fake Identity, that the photo was stolen and used [...]

RadioRSN Interview with Debby Montgomery

RadioRSN Audio Interview with Debby Montgomery An interview with Debby Montgomery, a Romance Scam survivor conducted by Dr. Tim McGuinness Chairman of the Society of Citizens Against Romance Scams™ [SCARS]™ for RadioRSN™ on March 8th, [...]


Sorry, This Page Was Deleted Sometimes we obsolete old content that is not relevant or needed We do our best to keep our site up-to-date and accurate Please visit our RomanceScamsNOW.com home page for [...]

Little Black Book of Scams

Little Black Book of Scams The Canadian Edition: THE LITTLE BLACK BOOK OF SCAMS First published by the Competition Bureau Canada 2012 Reproduced with permission from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission YOUR GUIDE TO PROTECTION [...]

RSN™ Guide: To Being A Victim

The RSN Guide To Being A Victim This Is One Of Those Things That No One Will Tell You To Your Face! Every day we are contacted by hundreds of victims - sometimes more than [...]

Are We Real?

A HATER JUST CALLED US FAKE! Our Official Response Unlike incompetent scam haters this or captain that or police team group something else, RSN's Team has been working against scammers for 27 years - since [...]

Why Don’t Scam Victims Report Scams?

Why Don't People Report Crimes to the Police? The leading reason people don't report crimes to the police is that they are either afraid, ashamed, or handle the matter in another way, such as report [...]

February 2018

Reported Scammer Email Addresses – 2018 Part 1

Reported Scammer Email Addresses - 2018 Part 1 Scammer Email Addresses That Have Been Reported To Be Used By Scammers SCARS RomanceScamsNOW.com Archives The following scammer email addresses have been reported by scam victims [...]


WATCH OUT FOR PRO-DATERS Local Romance Scammers The pro-dater differs from the other romance scams in their method of operation; a face-to-face meeting actually does take place in the scammer's country but is devoted solely [...]

SCARS™ Scammer Gallery: Military Scammers #7552

SCARS™ Scammer Gallery: Military Scammers #7552 Scammers Pretending To Be U.S. Military We present a selection of Despicable Dating Scammers! They steal our service men's and women's identities to scam you! Remember these photos were stolen [...]

SCARS Publishing Self-Help Recovery Books Available At shop.AgainstScams.org

Scam Victim Self-Help Do-It-Yourself Recovery Books

SCARS Printed Books For Every Scam Survivor From SCARS Publishing

Visit shop.AgainstScams.org

Each is based on our SCARS Team’s 32-plus years of experience.

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