Category: Information About Scams2018-06-26T19:49:21-04:00
Category: Information About Scams 6

Category: Information About Scams

Introduction To Sextortion Scams

Introduction To Sextortion Scams Sextortion employs non-physical forms of coercion to extort sexual favors from the victim or uses intimate photos or videos to extort money from the victims! [...]


RSN EDITORIAL "The Lion" Everyone believes they will live forever. Everyone believes crime will never happen to them. No one expects to be the victim of a romance scam! Did you? [...]

What Do Victims Believe? #3

What Do Victims Believe? When Asked If They Believe That The United Nations Should Have The Right To Investigate International Scams & Arrest Online Criminals In Countries Around The World? [...]

What Do Victims Believe? #2

What Do Victims Believe? When Asked If They Believe They Were Scammed By An Individual Or A Team? 55% understood that they were scammed by a team of scammers. 45% [...]

What Do Victims Believe? #1

What Do Victims Believe? When Asked If They Believe They Were Scammed By The Actual Person In The Photo? 88% understood they were scammed by a Fake Identity, that the [...]

RadioRSN Interview with Debby Montgomery

RadioRSN Audio Interview with Debby Montgomery An interview with Debby Montgomery, a Romance Scam survivor conducted by Dr. Tim McGuinness Chairman of the Society of Citizens Against Romance Scams™ [SCARS]™ [...]


Sorry, This Page Was Deleted Sometimes we obsolete old content that is not relevant or needed We do our best to keep our site up-to-date and accurate Please visit [...]

Little Black Book of Scams

Little Black Book of Scams The Canadian Edition: THE LITTLE BLACK BOOK OF SCAMS First published by the Competition Bureau Canada 2012 Reproduced with permission from the Australian Competition and Consumer [...]

Are We Real?

A HATER JUST CALLED US FAKE! Our Official Response Unlike incompetent scam haters this or captain that or police team group something else, RSN's Team has been working against scammers [...]


WATCH OUT FOR PRO-DATERS Local Romance Scammers The pro-dater differs from the other romance scams in their method of operation; a face-to-face meeting actually does take place in the scammer's [...]