What’s New On SCARS RomanceScamsNOW.com – Articles2022-04-16T04:41:26-04:00
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What’s New On SCARS™ RomanceScamsNOW.com

September 2018

RSN™ Anti-Scam Tip: 3 Simple Rules

RSN™ Anti-Scam Tip: 3 Simple Rules Spotting Fake Profiles Is Child’s Play With 3 Simple Rules WHAT IS THEIR CONTEXT Who are they? What are they? Where are they?  INCONSISTENT WITH THE CONTEXT What is odd? [...]

The Scam Victim’s Mantra

The Scam Victim's Mantra In Order To Recover From Your Scam You Must Change That Part Of You That Allowed It In The First Place! We have prepared a mantra for you that you can repeat [...]

RSN™ Special Report: Cybercrime Hits $1.4 TRILLION ANNUALLY

RSN™ Special Report: Cybercrime Hits $1.4+ TRILLION ANNUALLY Hyper-Connected Web Of Profit Emerges, As Global Cybercriminal Revenues Hit $1.4 Trillion Annually A Ground-Breaking Study, Commissioned By Bromium, Highlights The Emergence Of "Platform Criminality", Exposing Cybercriminal Links [...]

A Woman’s Perspective About Facebook Scammers

A Woman's Perspective Originally published in 2014, and updated September 2018 While this site caters to both Male and Female Victims, it is important to remember that women are victimized more than men.  For that [...]

RSN™ Commentary: You Expected A List?

RSN™ Commentary: You Expected A List? Every New Victim Expects There To Be A List Of All Scammers, There Is Not. With over 1 billion fake identities online NO ONE has the resources to catalog [...]

SCARS™ Insights: The Juju Curse

SCARS™ Insights: The Juju Curse When You Get Scammer Emails or Messages ... THE  JUJU SCAMMERS CURSE! This is not intended as either a confrontation of YOUR scammer nor is it deceptive (as in scambaiting). [...]

Facebook Verified? [Updated]

Facebook Verified? Not What It Used To Be! Facebook Verified Profiles, Pages, Groups? What does this even mean? Facebook provides various ways the profile and page owners can [...]

RSN™ Guide: How Scammers Work

RSN™ Guide: How Scammers Work Step By Step They Dig For Your Dollars! The following diagrams show step by step how scammers work their victims, including money mules.   Basic Romance Scams - Manipulation [...]

SCARS Publishing Self-Help Recovery Books Available At shop.AgainstScams.org

Scam Victim Self-Help Do-It-Yourself Recovery Books

SCARS Printed Books For Every Scam Survivor From SCARS Publishing

Visit shop.AgainstScams.org

Each is based on our SCARS Team’s 32-plus years of experience.

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