Category: Anger & Aggression Against Scammers2018-06-27T05:26:45-04:00
Avoid Anger

Category: Anger & Aggression Against Scammers

How To Trap A Scammer

How To Trap A Scammer Scammers Are Smart And Dumb At The Same Time! Here is the perfect set of test questions to detect West African & Asian Scammers that [...]

Happy New Year

Welcome To 2015 Will this be the year we put and end to large-scale online romance scams? Probably not, but through our combined efforts we are having and [...]

Dating Scammers Paradise: Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso Scammer's Paradise Is A Country In West Africa (Scammer Central). Its capital is Ouagadougou Burkina Faso  is a landlocked country in West Africa around 274,200 square kilometres (105,900 [...]

Scammers By Name: Baby or Babe

A Scammers Favorite Name: Baby or Babe We present a new selection of Scammers using the names: Baby or Babe Remember these photos were stolen [...]

Confirming Scammers By Photo

Confirming Scammers By Photo How To Catch A Scammer In The Act We all know that scammers are creatures of habit, and generally lazy.  However, they are also skilled at [...]

We Had A Good Year

Thank You To Our Visitors We had a good year and helped over 300,000 visitors! That's a lot of victims and potential victims we helped along the way! We started [...]

Copyright & Our Website

Notice About Copyrights This website and the company behind it create original content to help fight scammers. This is an effort that requires considerable effort and cost.  In fact, as [...]

Scammers With African Names

White Women Scammers With African Names  We present a new selection of Scammers that have African Names  Many you have probably seen on [...]

Check Their Weight!

Scammers Don't Seem To Understand Weights & Measures! Always look at the profile details, especially their weight! You may find surprises. For Example: This is a young woman from a [...]

Scammer From Ghana: RoseWendy

RoseWendy Scammer From Ghana: RoseWendy My Mother from West Africa and father from (texas) US RoseWendy’s Details: 31 / Female / Straight Living [...]

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