
Notice About Copyrights

This website and the company behind it create original content to help fight scammers.

This is an effort that requires considerable effort and cost.  In fact, as a not-for-profit website, we do this at a considerable loss, because we believe in the goal of our site and to help support the victims of online or internet fraud.  While we may have advertising on this website, it is for the sole purpose of search engine optimization and does not represent any significant level of revenue.  For without the support of search engines, you would not have been able to find our website, and thousands more victims would have fallen into the traps of the online scammers.

We ask nothing from our visitors.  We do not require a subscription fee or other cost to use and enjoy, or make use of the information we have compiled.  It is 100% free!

In the creation of our content, we do make use of other third-party content, used under “fair use provisions” of U.S. and International Copyright Laws.  In the event that we do not adequately attribute the source for such use, please notify us at copyright@againstromancescams.org and we will be happy to address this.  An example of this is the use of stolen photos.

We display a large number of photos or images stolen by scammers and used in their fraud.  In all such cases, our use is for the sole purpose of displaying the evidence of that theft, and the photos are watermarked for that purpose, and also to prevent them from being used again by other scammers.  This is both to aid potential victims locate these images through search engine image searches, and for the person who had their photos stolen to confirm that their likeness was in fact used by a scammer, since this is a form of identity theft.  We acknowledge the original copyright (if any) of these photos, and we ask that those who have had their photos stolen support this effort and understand its purpose.

In the event that others materially or willfully infringe on our copyrights, we will address such infringement directly, and we ask our visitors to help us in regard to that.

We have seen other websites operated by scammers copy large portions of our website – of course editing their own information out.  So it is vital that you help us identify infringements of this type, and we will also help identify such fake anti-scammer websites.

Additionally, we actively block scammers in Africa, parts of Asia, and parts of Eastern Europe.  This is done both for the security of the website and to help prevent online fraudsters from learning additional secrets that would aid them in their frauds.  This is also to help block any further fraudulent use of the individual photos abused by scammers.


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