Scams & Magic – The Build-Up: Crafting Suspense and Anticipation
Part 17
Understanding the Methods Used by Both Scammers and Magicians to Deceive
Psychology of Scams – A SCARS Insight
• Tim McGuinness, Ph.D., DFin, MCPO, MAnth – Anthropologist, Scientist, Director of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.
Article Abstract
“The Build-Up” in both magic and scams involves creating suspense and anticipation to manipulate emotions and perceptions.
In magic, this phase includes engaging storytelling, pacing, and red herrings to heighten curiosity and set the stage for the trick’s climax. Magicians use techniques like narrative and misdirection to keep the audience focused and emotionally invested, ensuring the final reveal is surprising and impactful.
In scams, especially relationship and financial scams, the build-up involves crafting emotionally compelling narratives and building trust through consistent interactions. Scammers start with small, harmless requests that gradually escalate, creating a sense of urgency and emotional involvement. This manipulation deepens the victim’s emotional investment, making them more likely to comply with larger demands and less likely to question the scammer’s motives.
Understanding this phase is important for recognizing manipulation, maintaining critical thinking, and protecting oneself from deception.

The Build-Up: Crafting Suspense and Anticipation in Magic and Scams
The Build-Up: Crafting Suspense and Anticipation In Magic
In the context of magic, “The Build-Up” refers to the phase where the magician creates suspense and anticipation, setting the stage for the trick’s climax. This involves engaging the audience’s attention, heightening their curiosity, and often misleading them with false clues or red herrings. The build-up is crucial because it prepares the audience emotionally and mentally for the surprise and amazement of the trick’s resolution.
Creating Suspense:
Narrative and Storytelling: Magicians often use captivating stories or scenarios to draw the audience in. For example, they might describe a dramatic situation or historical event related to the trick, which adds depth and intrigue.
Pacing and Timing: The magician controls the pace of the performance, using pauses and deliberate movements to build tension. This pacing keeps the audience on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating the next moment.
Engaging the Audience:
Interactive Elements: Involving the audience directly by asking them to make choices, participate in actions, or react to situations makes the build-up more personal and engaging.
Misdirection: During the build-up, magicians often use misdirection to divert attention away from the mechanics of the trick. This can involve flashy gestures, jokes, or irrelevant actions that keep the audience focused on the wrong aspects of the performance.
Setting Up the Surprise:
Red Herrings: Introducing false clues or misleading elements that seem significant but are actually irrelevant to the trick. This keeps the audience guessing and heightens the eventual surprise.
Incremental Revelations: Gradually revealing parts of the trick, each step adding to the audience’s curiosity and engagement. Each small reveal keeps the audience invested in the unfolding narrative.
Psychological Effects in Magic:
Heightened Curiosity: The build-up piques the audience’s curiosity, making them eager to see how the story or trick will resolve. This heightened state of curiosity keeps them mentally engaged and emotionally invested.
Suspense and Anticipation: The controlled pacing and suspense build a sense of anticipation. The audience’s emotional response is primed for a high-impact reveal, which enhances the overall experience of wonder and amazement.
Distraction: Misdirection during the build-up effectively distracts the audience from the trick’s actual mechanics, making the final reveal more surprising and seemingly impossible.
The Build-Up: Crafting Suspense and Anticipation In Scams
In scams, particularly relationship or financial scams, “The Build-Up” involves creating a narrative or series of interactions that deepen the victim’s emotional investment and trust. This phase is designed to make the victim feel connected, engaged, and eager to help or comply with the scammer’s requests.
Emotional Engagement:
Developing a Narrative: Scammers create detailed, emotionally compelling stories that resonate with the victim’s desires, fears, or values. This might include tales of hardship, future plans together, or dramatic personal histories.
Building Trust: Through consistent, positive interactions, scammers build a rapport with the victim. They may share personal anecdotes, express affection, or demonstrate apparent vulnerability to elicit empathy and trust.
Gradual Escalation:
Small Requests: Initially, scammers might make small, harmless requests to test the victim’s willingness to comply. This could include simple favors or minor financial help.
Incremental Involvement: Over time, these requests escalate in scope and urgency, drawing the victim deeper into the scam. Each step is presented as a natural progression of the relationship or situation, making it harder for the victim to refuse.
Creating Urgency:
Imposing Deadlines: Scammers often create artificial deadlines or crises that require immediate action. This urgency keeps the victim focused on resolving the issue rather than questioning its validity.
Manipulating Emotions: By playing on the victim’s emotions, such as fear, love, or compassion, scammers heighten the sense of urgency and importance of complying with their requests.
Psychological Effects in Scams:
Deepened Emotional Investment: The narrative and consistent positive interactions foster a deep emotional connection, making the victim more likely to comply with requests and less likely to question the scammer’s motives.
Increased Compliance: Gradual escalation of requests builds a pattern of compliance, making it psychologically harder for the victim to refuse larger or more significant demands.
Heightened Stress and Urgency: The introduction of urgent situations or crises creates stress and urgency, clouding the victim’s judgment and making them more susceptible to manipulation.
Reduced Critical Thinking: The emotional and urgent nature of the build-up phase reduces the victim’s capacity for critical thinking and skepticism. They are more focused on immediate actions rather than questioning the overall situation.
Comparison and Conclusion
In both magic and scams, “The Build-Up” is a crucial phase that manipulates emotions and perceptions to achieve a specific outcome. In magic, the build-up enhances the entertainment value by creating suspense and anticipation, leading to a satisfying and surprising climax. In scams, it manipulates the victim’s emotions and actions, drawing them deeper into the deceit.
Understanding the build-up phase can help individuals recognize when they are being manipulated, whether for entertainment or malicious intent. Awareness of the techniques used to build suspense and engagement can prompt individuals to maintain a critical perspective, question sudden escalations, and seek additional information before making decisions. This vigilance is especially important in protecting oneself from falling victim to scams.
Continue the SCARS Institute Series on Scams & Magic
- Scams & Magic Part 1 – Understanding Financial Fraud Through The Lense Of Stage Magic Manipulation
- Scams & Magic Part 2 – How Relationship Scammers Use Techniques Similar To Magic Acts
- Scams & Magic Part 3 – The Prestige: The Ultimate Revelation
- Scams & Magic Part 4 – The Misdirection: A Key Element
- Scams & Magic Part 5 – The Backstory Setup: Crafting Believable Narratives
- Scams & Magic Part 6 – The Flourish: Adding Flair And Distraction
- Scams & Magic Part 7 – The Time Pressure: Urgency As A Tool
- Scams & Magic Part 8 – Other Stage Magic Techniques Used In Scams
- Scams & Magic Part 9 – The Setup And Anticipation
- Scams & Magic Part 10 – Patter And Rapport
- Scams & Magic Part 11 – Sleight Of Hand
- Scams & Magic Part 12 – The Misdirection Through Details
- Scams & Magic Part 13 – The Switch: Deception
- Scams & Magic Part 14 – The Controlled Reveal: Crafting Suspense
- Scams & Magic Part 15 – The Clean-Up: Final Acts
- Scams & Magic Part 16 – The Setup Or Pre-Show Work
- Scams & Magic Part 17 – The Build-Up: Crafting Suspense And Anticipation
- Scams & Magic Part 18 – The Turn: A Critical Moment
- Scams & Magic Part 19 – Forcing: Manipulating Choices
- Scams & Magic Part 20 – The Load: Strategic Placement
- Scams & Magic Part 21 – The Vanish: Disappearance Acts
- Scams & Magic Part 22 – Transformation: Shaping Realities
- Scams & Magic Part 23 – Restoration: Rebuilding
- Scams & Magic Part 24 – Stage Magic Glossary
More About Magic and Scams
- Equivocation – The Magician’s Choice – The Arts Of Manipulation
- Psychic Scams – Exploiting Scam Victims’ Cognitive Biases And Magical Thinking
- The Art Of Deception: The Fundamental Principals Of Successful Deceptions
- Paradoxical Persuasion – A Scammer Psychological Manipulation Technique
- Suggestibility – A Victim Vulnerability
More About The Psychology of Magic
- The Psychology Of Illusion: How Magicians Manipulate Your Mind And Perception | Alan Hudson
- Advanced Card Magic Techniques: The Ultimate Guide – Card Tricks
- 100 BEST Magic Tricks Revealed! (Video Tutorials) – Improve Magic
- The Magical Art of Manipulation
- Editorial: The Psychology of Magic and the Magic of Psychology – PMC (
- Psychology, stage magic, and demand characteristics — A.P. Grayson (
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Important Information for New Scam Victims
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A Question of Trust
At the SCARS Institute, we invite you to do your own research on the topics we speak about and publish, Our team investigates the subject being discussed, especially when it comes to understanding the scam victims-survivors experience. You can do Google searches but in many cases, you will have to wade through scientific papers and studies. However, remember that biases and perspectives matter and influence the outcome. Regardless, we encourage you to explore these topics as thoroughly as you can for your own awareness.
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