

A Scam Victims Research Study is being conducted by the University of Auckland, New Zealand, with the support of SCARS™

This study has been reviewed and formally approved by SCARS and the University of Auckland (NZ) for a study to help Romance Scam victims. The study is a formal study of victims to help find new solutions for assistance, support, and recovery.

SCARS has created a private Facebook Group as a way to enable you who are Romance Scam victims residing in New Zealand to connect with this Research Study being conducted by the University of Auckland, New Zealand.

SCARS has reviewed and formally approved of this study, and believes that your participation in a study interview will help in better understanding the effects of these scams on victims, and may lead to better assistance and support, as well as therapies for scam victims – to help victims recover faster and more completely in the future.

This Study specific group will allow you to connect with the University Researcher, and arrange for private interviews as a part of this Study. This is not a scam, and the researcher is who and where they are and are working at the University of Auckland – this has all been verified and documented.

You can feel safe about this process as SCARS has fully vetted the researcher and confirmed that he has the full authorization and oversight of his University.

Contained within the group we have posted the Research Participants Information Sheet, and Consent Form for you to access and review. If you have any questions you can ask them of the researcher directly or in that forum. All of their contact information, including those of the University are also provided. However, if you have any concerns we will be there as an observer for this stage and you can address them to the SCARS Staff either through the group, via messenger, or by email to Contact@AgainstRomanceScams.org.

We hope that this Study will lead to ways to reduce scams and the impact it has on its victims.

Dr. Tim McGuinness,
Society of Citizens Against Romance Scams Inc. [SCARS]
Miami Florida U.S.A.

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This is 100% real and legitimate, and we hope that you all will consider allowing their researcher to do a private interview with you. That is all that is involved – just an interview – private between you and the researcher.

Here is the address of the Study Group here on Facebook. You just go there and join:

This is OPEN to EVERYONE who is a scam victim who resides in New Zealand – no limitations.

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