Category: Anger & Aggression Against Scammers2018-06-27T05:26:45-04:00
Avoid Anger

Category: Anger & Aggression Against Scammers

SCARS™ Special Report: Charity Fraud

SCARS™ Special Report: Charity Fraud Here’s How Charity Scams Work: Someone contacts you asking for a donation to their charity. It sounds like a group you’ve heard of, it seems [...]

SCAM ALERT: New Scam Targeting Parents

SCAM ALERT: New Scam Targeting Parents New Phone Scam Claims Parents (or Grandparents) are Negligent SCARS™ Investigative ExclusiveIn a new scam starting up in California the scammer claims to have [...]

SCARS™ Scam Definition: EXTORTION

SCARS™ Scam Definition: EXTORTION Many Scam Victims Are Frequently Confused About The Definitions Of Cyber-Enabled Crimes, Such As Scams, Blackmail Or Extortion EXTORTION IS VERY SIMPLY OBTAINING BENEFIT THROUGH COERCION [...]

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