
Victim Compensation

This mostly Applies To Crime Victims In: the United States, United Kingdom & Canada, And Select Others

If you have been injured psychologically as a result of crime, you may be able to claim compensation.

Crime Victim Compensation

If you have been injured psychologically as a result of crime, you may be able to claim compensation.

In The United States

In the United States, there are benefits available for counseling and other assistance. Contact your state, county, or city social services for this information.

Learn more here: Urgent Financial Assistance For Scam Victims – SCARS™ Victims’ Support & Recovery | SCARS Romance Scams Education & Support Website (romancescamsnow.com)

Additionally, visit your state’s Attorney General’s website for additional information about victims assistance and support for residents of that state.

United Kingdom

Criminal Injuries Compensation

If you have been injured, psychologically or physically, as a result of crime, you may be able to claim compensation.

Unless there are good reasons, you should report the incident to the police as soon as possible after it happened and submit an application for compensation within two years of the date of the incident that caused the injury.  The two-year time limit may be waived if Compensation Services consider that there is good reason for the delay and it is in the interests of justice to do so.

You can deal with Compensation Services directly, or via a representative who may take part of your award as a fee.  Many local Victims’ Support agencies in the U.K. have a Compensation Advocacy Service, which should be free of charge. However, confirm this before agreeing to have them help you.

Many agencies can help you with your application for a claim, give you information, and advocate for you during the process.  Compensation is awarded according to a tariff scheme dependent on your injuries – scam victims with trauma may need an assessment first.  You can speak with the victims liaison at your local police for more information too.

If you are declined, you can request a review!

If you do not agree with the decision on your application you are entitled to:

  • Request a review of the decision, within 90 days of the original decision
  • To have the review processed efficiently, fairly and afresh by a different claims officer than the officer who made the original decision
  • Receive a clear explanation of the review decision
  • Be given information on how to appeal the decision, including the procedure and time limits
  • You can appeal the result of the review to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Appeals Panel for NI.  This panel is independent of Compensation Services and their decision is final.

What Is The Process?

How to claim Criminal Injuries Compensation:

  1. Victim is contacted by a local agency/individual contacts a local agency in aftermath of crime
  2. Appointment made with a volunteer to assess victims’ needs
  3. If victim meets eligibility criteria, a volunteer will help them complete Criminal Injuries Compensation Application Form
  4. Form submitted to Compensation Services
  5. First decision made by Compensation Services
  6. If victim is unhappy with the decision, the agency canl liaise with Compensation Services on the victims’ behalf to review this decision
  7. Review decision made by Compensation Services
  8. If the victim is unhappy with this second decision agency can liaise with the Criminal Injuries Compensation Appeals Panel and will provide representation if the appeal is granted
  9. Decision made by Appeals Panel on eligibility and level of compensation awarded

In Canada

In Canada, financial compensation for victims of crimes is administered by the provinces, according to their own rules and standards. This overview provides information generally applicable to all provincial programs; however, some programs may offer more services and benefits than those listed here. For information concerning specific provincial programs, contact information for each is provided below.

The following information can change at any time. We suggest contacting your local police to ask about victims’ advocates in your area.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Report to police. Generally within 1 year (2 years for some provinces), but exceptions are made.
  • Filing period. Generally within 1 year from the date of the crime (2 years for some provinces), but exceptions are made.
  • Foreign citizen eligibility. Citizens of foreign countries are eligible to apply for compensation.


  • Victims of violent or personal crimes (such as traumatic injuries)
  • Dependents of homicide victims


A claimant may obtain an application by contacting the program within the province where the crime occurred. The application should be sent directly to the program office. Decisions are generally made between 1 and 5 years after an application is made. Once a decision is made, compensation will be paid to the claimant in approximately 4 weeks.

Benefits and Award Limits

The maximum award benefits range between Can$5,000 and Can$25,000.

  • Compensable costs
  • Medical expenses
  • Mental health expenses
  • Lost wages for incapacitated or disabled victims
  • Lost support for dependents of victims
  • Funeral expenses
  • Rehabilitation for disabled victims
  • Services to replace work in the home previously performed by the victim
  • Emergency awards. Expedited compensation is offered for aged or terminally ill victims.

Funding sources.

Each of the provincial programs is funded through either consolidated revenue of the province, surcharge revenue, general tax revenue, or a combination of these.

Contact Information (by Province and Territory):


Alberta does not offer victim compensation, but financial benefits and assistance for victims are available.

Alberta Solicitor General Victims Programs, 10th Floor
J.E. Brownlee Building 10365–97, St. Edmonton, Alberta T5J 3W7
Telephone: 780–427–3460 or 780–427–7217
Fax: 780–422–4213
Internet: https://www.solgps.alberta.ca/programs_and_services/victim_services/Pages/default.aspx

Languages used—
• On application forms: English
• In correspondence: English
• By telephone: English

British Columbia

The Crime Victim Assistance Program
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 5550 Stn. Terminal, Vancouver, BC V6B 1H1
Street Address: None provided
Telephone: 604–660–3888 or 1–866–660–3888 (within BC)
Fax: 604–244–6480
Internet: www.pssg.gov.bc.ca/victim_services

Languages used—
• On application forms: English
• In correspondence: English
• By telephone: English


Manitoba Compensation for Victims of Crime Program
202-379 Broadway, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 0T9
Telephone: 204–945–0899 or 1–800–262–9344 (toll-free in Manitoba)
Fax: 204–948–3071
Internet: www.gov.mb.ca/justice/victims

Languages used—
• On application forms: English, French
• In correspondence: English, French
• By telephone: English, French

New Brunswick

Victim Services Program, Department of Solicitor General, 4th Floor
Barker House, 570 Queen Street, P.O. Box 6000, Fredericton, New Brunswick E3B 5H1
Telephone: 506–453–3992
Fax: 506–453–7481
Internet: www.gnb.ca/0276/victimservices/index-e.asp

Languages used—
• On application forms: English, French
• In correspondence: English, French
• By telephone: English, French


Newfoundland may not offer compensation, but victim assistance is available (check regardless.)

Victim Services (Provincial Office), 315 Duckworth Street
P.O. Box 8700, St. John’s NL A1B 4J6
Telephone: 709–729–0900
Fax: 709–729–0053

Languages used—
• On application forms: English
• In correspondence: English
• By telephone: English

Northwest Territories

The Northwest Territories government does not offer compensation, but victim assistance is available (check for updates.)

Internet: www.justice.gov.nt.ca/VictimServices/index.shtml

Nova Scotia

Victim Services Unit, 5151 Terminal Road, P.O. Box 7, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2L6
Telephone: 902–424–8785
Fax: 902–424–0252
Internet: www.gov.ns.ca/just/victim_Services/default.asp

Languages used—
• On application forms: English
• In correspondence: English
• By telephone: English


Ontario Criminal Injuries Compensation Board, 439 University Avenue, 4th Floor, Toronto, Ontario M5G 1Y8
Telephone 416–326–2900 or 1–800–372–7463 (toll-free)
Internet: www.attorneygeneral.jus.gov.on.ca/english/about/vw/cicb.asp

Languages used—
• On application forms: English, French
• In correspondence: English, French
• By telephone: English, French

Prince Edward Island

Prince Edward Island does not offer compensation, but victim assistance is available.

Internet: www.gov.pe.ca/attorneygeneral/index.php3?number=1000941&lang=E


Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail. Direction l’indemnisation des victimes d’actes criminels
1199 rue Bleury, P.O. Box 6056, Station Centreville, Succursalé A, Montréal, Québec H3C 4E1
Telephone: 1–800–561–IVAC
Internet: www.justice.gouv.qc.ca/english/publications/generale/rec-ress-a.htm

Languages used—
• On application forms: French, English
• In correspondence: French, English
• By telephone: French, English


Saskatchewan Justice Victims Services, 6th Floor, 1874 Scarth Street, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada S4P 3V7
Telephone: 306–787–3500
Fax: 306–787–0081
E-mail: victimservices@justice.gov.sk.ca
Internet: www.saskjustice.gov.sk.ca/victimsservices

Languages used—
• On application forms: English
• In correspondence: English
• By telephone: English

Yukon Territories

The Yukon Territories government does not offer compensation, but victim assistance is available.

Victim Services and Family Violence Prevention Unit, J-7, Department of Justice, Government of Yukon
301 Jarvis Street, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6
Telephone: 867–667–8500 or 1–800–661–0408 (within Yukon)
Fax: 867–393–6240
E-mail: information@gov.yk.ca
Internet: www.justice.gov.yk.ca/prog/cor/vs/index.html

Languages used—
• On application forms: English
• In correspondence: English
• By telephone: English


To learn about New Zealand’s Victims’ programs visit here: http://www.victimsinfo.govt.nz/support-and-services/information-and-services-for-victims/


At this time, we do not have the details of victims’ compensation programs in these countries. You should contact you local police victims’ advocates and state justice websites to learn about the availability of these programs.

TAGS: SCARS, Crime Victim Compensation, Crime Victim Funds, Crime Victims’ Assistance, Crime Victim Advocates, Information About Scams, Anti-Scam, Scams, Scammers, Fraudsters, Cybercrime, Crybercriminals, Romance Scams, Scam Victims, Online Fraud, Online Crime Is Real Crime, Scam Avoidance



SCARS the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Incorporated

By the SCARS™ Editorial Team
Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc.

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