Category: Information About Scams2018-06-26T19:49:21-04:00
Category: Information About Scams 6

Category: Information About Scams

Russian Bride Scam Emails

Russian Bride Scam Emails You have probably seen something like this You get an email that says something about a woman or a man looking for their true [...]

Please Read

A Note About Scammer Photos: Many of the photos shown on this site appeared on dating websites, or were reported to us, and were stolen from real people without their permission.  [...]

Valentine’s Day Card Scams 2015

Click To View Full Size - Valentine's Day Card Scams - Valentine's Day is the second largest holiday for giving greeting cards, second only to Christmas, and e-cards are [...]

Enough Is Enough!

We're Mad As Hell And We Are Not Going To Take It Anymore! Why are YOU not telling that to Dating Site Owners & YOUR Governments? When was the last [...]

We Thought You Should Know

Other Anti-Scammer Websites Charge Fees! If you are trying to help, why charge fees? We were recently surprised to see that other anti-scammer websites are moving to a monthly fee [...]

More Esther Ansomaa

Esther Ansomaa Is So Popular With Ghana Scammers Here Is Another Collection Of Esther Ansomaas We Have Found While we cannot say all are scammers, we suggest never talking [...]

Scammer’s Paradise: Togo

Togo Another Scammer’s Paradise Togo Is A Small Country In Western Africa Togo, officially the Togolese Republic, is a country in West Africa bordered by Ghana to the [...]

Scammers By Name: Aisha Aysha

A Scammers Favorite Name: Aisha Aysha We present a new selection of Scammers using the names: Aisha Aysha Remember these photos were stolen from [...]

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