Category: Anger & Aggression Against Scammers2018-06-27T05:26:45-04:00
Avoid Anger

Category: Anger & Aggression Against Scammers

Bride Scams • A SCARS Guide

Bride Scams • A SCARS Guide Men Are Frequently Lured Into Scams Where They Seek A Bride But End Up Losing Large Amounts Of Money! This also affects [...]

Cyberterrorism – An Overview

Please Help Us Help Scam Victims Worldwide By Making A Small Donation To SCARS Your generous contribution of Just $5 will help us continue to educate & support the [...]

California Scammiest State In Nation

California Scammiest State In Nation [Infographic] Relationship Scams Now Estimated To Exceed US$700,000,000,000 Romance Scam Losses in California U.S.A. USD$450,482,128* In One Year 2018 California Reports: Nearly Half a Billion [...]

Are Victims Fraudsters Too?

Are Victims Fraudsters Too? Here is a question to ask yourself: Did you commit fraud while you were scammed? Did you lie to others to get money to send the [...]

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