SCARS™ Scam News: Woman Arrested After Laundering $300,000 in Online Scams

SCARS™ Scam News: Woman Arrested After Laundering $300,000 in Online Scams

Jane Beth Rocha, 54, Has Been Arrested After Abilene Police (Texas USA) Alleges She Scammed Over $300,000 In Online Scams.

According to the arrest report, Jana Beth Rocha was arrested on Friday night at Taco Casa where she worked.

Rocha, 54, is charged with money laundering.

According to reports on KTXS, Rocha is accused of money laundering after police discovered several instances of Rocha allegedly running a variety of scams.


Jane Rocha Arrested For Scams

Jane Rocha Arrested For Scams

In 2017, she was arrested after police found evidence that showed Rocha had scammed 73-year-old Larry Jordan of Indiana out of $60,000. Court documents showed Jordan thought he was having an online romance with a woman he never met named “Cathy Woodart Smith” – who lived in Virginia. “Smith,” told Jordan that her recently deceased husband Antonio had left behind an $80 million estate. She managed to convince Jordan to send the $60,000 on October 11th to a representative of an Abilene law firm named Jane Rocha.

Rocha stopped communicating with Jordan, causing him to suspect he had been scammed. On October 16th Rocha deposited the check in her account. Several days later she withdrew $30,000 in one transaction and then transferred the rest from her account over several transactions.

Rocha claimed she sent the money to her boyfriend in the United Arab Emirates, a man she had never met. Rocha provided police evidence of the wire transfer she had made and was charged with exploitation of an elderly individual. She pled guilty to the charge and was sentenced to 10-years’ probation in August of this year.

The scams included two women who sent Rocha money orders thinking they were sending it to people they were in a romantic relationship with.

One of the victim’s sent Rocha $9,600, according to court records.

A third woman sent Rocha a cashier’s check for $80,000 believing she was putting a down payment on some property.

On Friday, October 4th, Rocha was arrested at Taco Casa after police claim she was involved in additional scams. Rocha allegedly scammed two women who sent Rocha money who thought they were sending them to people they were dating. One of the victims sent $9,600.

A third victim sent Rocha an $80,000 cashier’s check, which she believed was a down payment for a property. A pre-indictment warrant for Rocha’s arrest was issued Wednesday.


SCARS the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Incorporated


A SCARS Division
Miami Florida U.S.A.



TAGS: SCARS, Important Article, Information About Scams, Anti-Scam, Scam News, Woman Arrested For Laundering, Jane Beth Rocha, Abilene Texas USA Scammer, Scammer Arrested In U.S.

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  1. Local Police – ask them to take an “informational” police report – say you need it for your insurance
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SCARS™ Scam News: Woman Arrested After Laundering $300,000 in Online Scams 1


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  1. Pierre Guertin October 25, 2019 at 1:53 pm - Reply

    Did you received the new option for Western Union?

  2. Pierre Guertin October 20, 2019 at 10:25 am - Reply

    You got all the information and the scammer keeps the money. Yes sometime they get arrested but the victim doesn’t get refunded. The police told me I will never get refunded.

    • That is correct, once the money has left the country it is gone. However, if you sent it by Western Union there is a new option. Stay tuned for news this week.

      • Pierre Guertin October 21, 2019 at 1:05 pm - Reply

        I sent a request for a refund on May 29, 2018 for the Western Union remission. The FTC is on it. I didn’t receive an answer yet. Is it a scam? Website:

        • No it is not a scam, but it is a government controlled program and it may take years.

          • Pierre Guertin October 21, 2019 at 6:08 pm

            You said it right. It may take years.

          • Unfortunately, the only people that know what is going on is the Program Administrator that the FTC appointed. They are an independent law firm and all questions have to be addressed to them. We will try to get an update from the FTC but they have steadily refused to give them until now.

          • Pierre Guertin October 21, 2019 at 10:13 pm

            Thank you!

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