Real Criminal Scammer Photos
Viewing Scammer Photos (Real Or Stolen Photos) May Be Upsetting To Scam Victims
Viewer Discretion Is Advised

Why Do Scammers Steal & Use Stolen Photos
Scammers steal photos of real people to use in romance scams and other scams primarily because it lends credibility and authenticity to their fabricated personas. By presenting themselves as someone with genuine photos and a seemingly real identity, scammers can quickly establish trust and rapport with their victims more effectively. These stolen images often depict attractive individuals, which can entice potential targets and make them more susceptible to manipulation – this is a result of a cognitive bias called the ‘Halo Effect‘. Moreover, using photos of real people adds a layer of complexity to the scam, making it harder for victims to detect the deception. Overall, incorporating genuine photos into their schemes enables scammers to exploit the emotions and vulnerabilities of their targets more effectively, increasing the likelihood of financial gain.

This Stolen Identity: Danielle Delaunay/Danielle Genevieve
Do You Know Danielle Delaunay?
She Is Frequently Used By Scammers To Fool Male Scam Victims!
You Have Probably Seen Her Photos Before!
Her name is Danielle Delaunay/Danielle Genevieve and she is an Adult Video Star
Here are photos of how she is older:
Remember, regardless of the story you were told, ex or current North American or European Adult Stars do not live in Ghana or Nigeria!
More About Danielle Delaunay:
Danielle Delaunay – An Analysis of Her Value to Romance Scammers
Stolen Photo Galleries on
Danielle Delaunay/Danielle Genevieve Is Another Scammers Choice Award Winner
Of course, you don’t really know Danielle Delaunay, since these are stolen photos used by African Romance Scammers, but he is popular!
If you see her photos on social media or on a dating site – guess what? She is being used by Online Fraudsters & Cybercriminals!
Remember Danielle Delaunay’s face for the next time you see him!
Here is a gallery of Danielle Delaunay’s photos we have found used by Romance Scammers:
Click On An Image To View – If The Gallery Does Not Display Refresh The Page
Do you have or have seen other photos of Danielle Delaunay? Send them to us on our website
- Do Not Contact Her – You Do Not Have A Relationship With Her! That is called Cyberstalking!
- She Does Not Want To Hear From Men Who Have Fallen In Love With Her Face!
- She Is A Victim Also And Deserving Of Her Privacy And Respect
- She Knows Her Identity Has Been Stolen And Used By Scammers
- If you attempt to track down the face in the photo and contact them that is cyberstalking and is a crime
If You Are Being Impersonated & Your Photos Stolen
Please contact us, SCARS can help you develop effective strategies to combat this abuse of your identity!
Please contact us by email to
One of our specialized team members will follow up and help you to address this problem of your stolen photos being used by criminals to defraud others.
SCARS Scammer Preferencing Study
SCARS is conducting a long-term study of the ways that impersonation criminals preference the photos they select. It is important to understand why scammers choose the photos they do. Remember that these criminals select a limited number of images to be used in their impersonations and why they choose them can help both in training AI to recognize these choices and also alert victims about them when they see them in profiles and contacts online.
For example, we have learned that scammers are victims of their own cognitive biases just like their victims. They tend to select images that reflect what they believe will be disarming and trustworthy. Photos with animals, for example, trigger an amygdala hijack in their victims. Photos of people doing normal things tend to communicate that the people in those photos are normal and trustworthy. But those same biases in the criminals also lead them to select images that represent what they hope to accomplish, such as wealth, if you know what to look for.
Every stolen photo on this site is a part of this scholarly study and contributes to the volume of knowledge we obtain from them. To learn more about the current SCARS research visit study, To add photos that you have collected from these criminals to our work visit
For more, see our SCARS Institute Statement on the Use and Display of Stolen Photos in Scam Awareness and Crime Prevention Efforts – 2024
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on Scam Grooming: Finding Common Interests: “I honestly haven’t really thought much about my scammers since I ended things 3 years ago. It has only been…” Mar 19, 16:29
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Important Information for New Scam Victims
- Please visit – a SCARS Website for New Scam Victims & Sextortion Victims
- Enroll in FREE SCARS Scam Survivor’s School now at
- Please visit – to more fully understand the psychological concepts involved in scams and scam victim recovery
If you are looking for local trauma counselors please visit or join SCARS for our counseling/therapy benefit:
If you need to speak with someone now, you can dial 988 or find phone numbers for crisis hotlines all around the world here:
A Question of Trust
At the SCARS Institute, we invite you to do your own research on the topics we speak about and publish, Our team investigates the subject being discussed, especially when it comes to understanding the scam victims-survivors experience. You can do Google searches but in many cases, you will have to wade through scientific papers and studies. However, remember that biases and perspectives matter and influence the outcome. Regardless, we encourage you to explore these topics as thoroughly as you can for your own awareness.
SCARS Resources:
- Getting Started Right:
- Sextortion Scam Victims: Sextortion Victims Support – The Essentials (
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- Report each and every crime, learn how to at
- Learn more about Scams & Scammers at and
- Scammer photos
- SCARS Videos
- Self-Help Books for Scam Victims are at
- Worldwide Crisis Hotlines:
I also have been and currently are being scammed by someone posing as Danielle they are not aware I know not sure what to do next how should I proceed
Tim, please go to to learn what you need to know now.
She has been a victim and that really hurts me Iam a friend letting scammer’s it is not cool what you guys do?!!!
Yes I was talking to her but she would not tell me what was goin on with her pictures there’s so many pictures of her out there on social media I tried deleting some but it’s to many help her please
You are talking toa scammer (a group of scammers) – you are not talking to the real person. Please visit now to learn what to do now.
This can’t be Danielle. This Is Bobby Becky. She’s a nursing student in Ghana. She’s been doing her final year for 4 years. Her phone camera is broken so she can’t do live video. Poor girl.
We are sorry, but you are being scammed. Can you accept that? Visit to learn what you need to know now. We wish you all the best.
This Danielle girls on silversingles under Jasmine useing I was onto this fake in no time. [REDACTED – CONTENT VIOLATING SCARS RULES AGAINST VIGILANTISM REMOVED]
as anyone got a betty davidson, as thats who i have been talking to for 3 years 2021
Why? Do you understand now that you are being scammed? Have you ended the relationship and the crime? Please visit to get started on your recovery right.
Danielle-FTV_official na facebook jest prawdziwy cz to oszust?
There are over one billion fake profiles and pages on Facebook alone. You need to stop talking to strangers online.
i have been talking to this person for two years now, goes by the name Grace Pulley from Australia, sorry to say that i have been scammed for over 100,00 dollars. says that her dad left her millions of dollars in gold but can`t pay storage and insurance to get it. have gotten many pictures , all of Danielle,. have asked for an ID but says that her passport was taken by the Government . also told me that she was in the porn business but gave all that up when she meet me. have blocked her but i am still getting emails begging me to tell her why i won`t reply back to her. Is there anyone else that may have had any contact with this person. I first meet her on adult friend finder site.
My father has been contacted by a scammer using Sharron Wells name on hangouts. Scammer uses Danielles photos. I’m sure the person is in Ghana since they tried to access his email from there. Altough my father is convinced she is real, I saved my Dad from sending her a gift card. He went to get the giftcard and the scammer wanted pictures of it.
Look for our articles for family & friends here:
Also try to get him in to see a psychologist as soon as possible to help him work through the manipulation and control he is under.
Witam czy ta osoba to rzeczywiście Daniele dalaunay czy oszust
@danielleftvofficical · Blog osobisty
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10 lipca o 04:19 ·
You are in contact with a scammer.
Sasha Johnson I been talking to her for a year I have read everything in this site and really feel like I am reading my own story I put my block on her last night but with in the year I have block more time than I can count and she always comes back with different numbers I have spent way over 10.000 on her but you know what I got what I deserve > . cause I would not listen to nobody. every body new but me but in my defense I truly would of left Her long time ago but then she called me 3 times now this is what made me stay with her . The same video recorder thats in this site with her voice is the one that called me know voice sounds like her and her laugh same Laugh I heard on the phone and voice now I was asking her some question and she was answering them . all I am saying is thats why I did not leave her . that being said can you fake the same voice I don’t I don’t have the answer to that . but either way I was scammed . but that won’t happen again and I am a firm believer in karma it will come back to whoever is responsible .
Mike, so sorry this happened to you. But you have done the right thing and ended it.
The question is what do you do now?
It is easy to get angry and let that anger make things worse for you. However, if you want to recover from this we can help. We have hundreds of guides and articles on recovery, and we also offer real professional trauma-informed support groups for victims. We have groups on Facebook, Telegram, etc. Here is a link to one of them if you are interested – but they are only for victims committed to their recovery.
Someone using this girl’s photos has an active account on Facebook using the name Priscilla Lipson. Once she sent me photos of her on hangouts I searched the photos and found this account is a fraud I sent her the link to this information and blocked her. She is using the google chat name of
Thank you but I am in good shape the main thing is to learn from it and I know I did .
My friend fell in love with some named Lucy, it was Danielle’s photo. The scammer’s phone number comes from Ghana
The scammers name is Precious Gyimah.
Her mobile number is 233 – 24 – 813 – 0044
The scammer has WhatsApp
Please report it where it will do good on Thank you
i never ever said danielle was a scamer iam sorry if you took it as such thats what i was saying is there useing her potos yes they are but iv never said she was not that nice sweet girl but its a shame they are doing this to her thats what iam saying
iamnot completely wrong she is on my facebook coming on as tricia getz she is on my face book blog and derecteing me to go to google hangouts she is the first of tree that has come om my face book blog posing as tricia getx or tricia l getz and that person is using her face on there come cheack it out for your self i left her on my blog
some times she poses as becky nuhu or tricia getz from easton pensalvaiea and she got me for 75 dollars and i know now she a scam because after i send here the money she now lives in guam she moves around as fast as she can and she posted allher picks as danielle delavnay o thought i was going to meet her to ad got scamed lesson learned
Dale, you are completely wrong. Have you read anything we have said? The scammers are using her photos. She is not a scammer. If you cannot accept that then you will never recover from this experience. Our recommendation would be local trauma counseling to help you recognize what the truth is and help you to recover. We are not saying you are crazy, but your trauma and biases are in your way, and this is what counseling can help you work through.
Frank, we strongly encourage you to find a local trauma counselor or therapist. Reality is not what you believe it to be. This is what trauma can do to you. Either way, a counselor and therapist can help you find the path to understanding that what you hold on to is not truth. Here are two directories that will help you find someone that can help you – have the courage to accept help and recover. and We wish you all the best.
I was contacted by peggyjeff on Instagram. Had me move to Hangouts.!Only after I Googled one of her photos did I realize what was happening .It took awhile before she asked for money for food.
Lisa Williams @Williams85457671 on Twitter use her photos as her own. Then when trapped will tell you that she is Danielle, but she changed her name after she left the business. Oh and her parents and brother died in a car accident 12yrs ago. She now lives in Canada with her grandma. Some where around Toronto supposedly. All a scam.
Yes I’m trying to figure out if the person I was talking to is real? I only have one photo of her though. She sent me videos and voice messages though? It was the same person and voice. Idk what this is though but I need to find this person. If shes not real then I won’t even care anymore
If you were talking to her in the context of an online relationship then it was 100% a scam. Please visit to learn what you need to know now. We wish you all the best.
Has reprorted these pictures with a Linda Smith. I was scammed for so long. Lesson learned. I thought i was truely in love. Shr even claimed she had a brother and claimed she reported me which i know she didnt
They also go by a similar name diane Teresa and claims her dad left her a harriet that she need to be married with some and asking them 2000 to get a eticket to move and asking for help fo pay her bills and when i give them a picture of DANIELLE DELAUNAY they said that me and said yeah i have a agent helping me looking for someone to get a serious relationship i looked up her number and it came back as land line and from a prepaid number company
Contacted me through my dating profile on Plenty of Fish (POF). Sent me a message to contact her via Google Hangouts at I told her I’d email her there and then soon after her date profile disappeared. The woman in the date profile was blonde but that was about the only simularity to this Danielle. I guess all blonde women look the same to these people? Talked to her a little on Hangouts. Claims she’s currently dealing with the inheritance her dad left her. I asked her where she is and her age. She sent me a photoshopped passport with Danielle’s pic and a name of Lisa Maynor with a 1987 birth date. Says she grew up in California and currently lives in San Marcos CA. Claims her “mum” died in childbirth. She said “mum” at 3 different points and this is a sure sign you aren’t talking to someone from US as we don’t call our mothers, “mum”. That is a British thing or someone who has learned English through British published teaching. Claims she use to do farming before the dads inheritance. Claims she has a cattle ranch in Belgium that was her dads. Started sending bathroom mirror selfies of Danielle that were clothed at first then nudies. I ran a search of the email address and it brought me here. I was going to keep it going but I just don’t have the time to fool with this nonsense. I just deleted the scammer the same day. I hope the info I posted helps someone. Thanks for running this website for keeping people informed!
i just saw your posting about Danielle Delaunay. A friend of mine did a search for Lisa Maynor. and found your posting. I am currently in a virtual relationship with Lisa Maynor. I wasn’t really clear from your post if you thought that Danielle Delaunay was stealing Lisa Maynor’s identify or visa versa. Lisa is a stunning burette with long brown hair. Lisa and i have been forming a very tight relationship over the last 3 months and i need to know if I’m being scrammed or not.
[EDITED FOR VIOLATING SCARS POLICY] I don’t know how to attach a photo here or i would send you one of the photos that she sent to me. I am desperate to find out the truth. I would appreciate your help.
David you are being scammed, why are not seeing this? If you have sent money to her, report it to you local police – you will find the 3 Steps Guide for new victims on our home page, and also the Checklist for Interacting with the Police – also look at our webinar for how to tell your story to the police. You are a scam victim – accept it.
She is also using the name Anderlet Arthur saying she is from Canada but in Ghana working & will tell u how much she loves u & shows so much concern for your family members & never met u, this happened on Hangouts recently.
The same thing happened to my husband. He meet her on words with friends. She asked him to chat on Hangouts. Told him she loved him. He told her he loved her. He sent her money and it’s destroyed our 31 year marriage
She is also using another name. Mary Resch. The same history as you got. She loves me so much without even met me at all. She have spoken with me on skype twice. She speaks english with an Swiss accent- Says she is from Switzerland. A small town called Freidorf. I even got an andress where she supposedly should have a appartment the inherited from her parents. The appartment is owned by “her mother”, Rita Resch who passed away in cancer last year.
Nobody is doing anything for anyone so there is nothing to rethink. An as for whoever Danielle Delunay really is, she should do the right thing an she’s not. Anyone looking for her she’s in Tempe, AZ, not corresponding with the F.B.I. like she should. She’d rather eek out an existence as a washed up adult film actress. As opposed to do the right thing helping herself an those affected by her likeness.
Your comment is an insult to the thousands of people around the world that are arresting thousands of scammers a year (21,000 last year and 8,00 so far this year), spending millions on education to help people avoid scams, and our own organization to support victims like you. We are sorry that you do not feel we have value or provide anything of service. All we can do is wish you well in your recovery.
I disagree with Danielle Delunay being a victim. If she was she’d reveal her True identity an location an get involved with the authorities (F.B.I.). I have no ill will towards her though I was scammed out of 10k from the content she created used by others to make me think she was dying. I took all steps suggested by this site. I gave “Local Police” here in Michigan the “state branch” a “detective” Gallagher photos of bounced checks, routing number I.P. Address from remote computer connection. The checks came from with my state in Detroit. He wouldn’t even go investigate. I gave all this and more to the, Google, Amazon, Apple and there was even a huge headline about the arrests in relationship to this. Yet, I receive no contact. I feel hopeless. I don’t see how with all the hard evidence I provided they can get justice served. I had the street level view of the laptops I.P. ping on Google maps. You mean to tell me, when I provide. Real world location, the Facebook of the criminal an photographic confirmation of identity they can’t apprehend them?
You can disagree all you want – her identity was stolen and she was impersonated. That makes her a victim. While she has a duty to cooperate with law enforcement she is not obligated to do so. Keep that in mind. You may wish to rethink your expectations about yourself and everyone that is not doing what you want them to do.
In concern of Danielle Delauney
I know her as Brenda Griffith from Cedar Grove West Virginia
I have been in contact with her over the past nine months and I have sent her almost $10,000 and she and I have been communication since that
She sent me about $6300 worth of cosmetics which she wanted me to redirect and send them to where she staying with her family in Accra Ghana
It came up where I sent the merchandise back to Alcon in New Jersey and they are to send a check in that amount and she would want me to return it to her in Accra Ghana
I can stop anyone from getting hurt miss lead taken advantage of or left bankrupt from interaction with her I will do so and please contact me if needing any more information
Sadly, Thomas, it is not “Her” – it is probably not even a woman, but a team of men running your scam. If you want to take meaningful action then report the scam properly – look in our menu for how to do that. We are sorry this happened to you. Also, have you reported this to the police? We were involved as a mule and engaged in money laundering (based upon what you said) – go to them before they come to you.
I have even seen naked photos of Danelle. Many people try to impersonate her. I would say at least 20 or 30 claim to be her. I know most are men. She is very pretty.
I have just got caught, going by the name of Sonia Santos in Cincinatti, met her on words with friends. Sent me pictures of Danielle Dalaunay and said she was out of the porn game and living with her mother. The email she’s using is if you want to warn others. Really hope it was all real but thought something was wrong when she started telling me she loved me after only 2 days of talking. Did cost me $75 before I cottoned on.
I have been contacted by a Danielle lookalike/clone. She claims she’s in Ohio and uses Hangouts of skype using the following email address
There has been no request for any money etc at the moment, but the storey line is familiar, lost both her parents and struggling to gain access to the property of her late grandmother.
She goes by the handles ‘Sweet Cutiebae’ and ‘Bae Sweet’.
I may have captured a photograph of her from her Skype Account profile, but I could only get it by print Screen and pasting it in to a word doc.
I would be interested to know of any other similar contacts.
No need to waste your time, block them and move one. There are tens of thousands of similar impersonations. With over one billion fake accounts online scammers come and go all the time.
I got tricked into this as well. Been talking for months. $600 lesson learned and much smarter now. She never mentioned being in porn and only found out who the photos belonged to after doing an image search on Google. I confronted her about it and then she says she was in the industry. When I asked her for her date of birth she gave me the date of birth of the actress / songwriter of Danielle Delaunay. Have to admit this person is good until you ask for facts.
While $600 hurts it is much less than most victims. Yes and expensive lesson, but the reality is there are more than one billion fake identities in use. Almost everyone will turn out to be a scammer.
Goes by lovely promise on hangout. Says she quit the porn business and is trying to get those who are scamming her identity. Wants me too get her to the United states. Has the same picture as danielle delaunay. What shall I do? Please help.
You know you are being scammed. It is obvious what you should do. Cancel your account on HangOuts – it is all scammers. Block this scammer completely. And don’t talk to strangers. Then enjoy life free of scammers.
I believe that she has the most magnificent and beautiful woman I’ve ever seen I would be honored and would love to meet that lady
Larry, it is never going to happen. Please try to understand that. You do not have a relationship with her.
She used the name Harriet Georgina Bimpong on twitter. I went along with it for three days declaring undying love for each other. All the time I let my wife read the crap she was saying to me. I got fed up after three days and told her I was going to end it all and she begged me not to do anything like that.
Following morning I sent her/him a message from my ‘brother’ telling her he found me slumped in my chair after attempting suicide.
I’ll let you all know what transpires…
As we speak 6 different names have come up on people you may know using her pictures in the last 2 years i have had at least 50 come up and you can see why they use her pictures i traced 2 back to Ghana and Nigeria and tryied to ring and it answered but no one talked so i got a woman to ring it and he answered and tried to line her up and it was an african man in a internet cafe. Its the same with Natasha Nice i see as many of her pictures being used by scamers. I would have at least a 100 diferent pictures that have been sent to me and if i could figure out how to get them on here i would send them all. Y
Please be sure to report that phone number – either here on this website or on – thank you
I to have been contacted with pics of Danielle Delaunay going by the name Annie Gibbs says she is going to school to be an accountant says she lives in San Diego Ca. we have talked now for several months and she never admitted she was a porn star I found out threw a friend. that’s when it all started to click I was being scammed. this person is good at what she does or he or them what ever the case may be . says wants to be my wife and sends me pics that are old pics of Danielle when I asked her for an up to date pic her camera was broken on her phone. this scammer really touched my heart but I made a promise to myself to never send any money to anybody on line. she has come clean on the porn star but is trying to change her life by using the name Annie I hope somebody will contact her and get back to me with what they find.
Around this same time she was telling me her name was Ruth Dupont. Claimed that her husband and son were killed in a car crash and she was currently living in Ghana taking care of her grandmother. How she needed my help to be able to claim her late husbands money.
Luckily I found out about Google image search and we all know what the results showed. None other than Danielle FTV. I still don’t know if it’s an African scammer using of all photos, a porn stars.
But after I confronted this person, she admitted the truth. Yet when I asked her for a video chat to prove who she was, she always claimed her phone was broken. Except one time a few months ago, she tried to use a video that she had already given me as live video chat which I recognized right away and told her so. The one time she called me, she never said a word no matter how much I talked. All I did hear were many other people in the background probably running scams on other people!!
I’m on Facebook and I’ve seen her under 3 other names. So yeah, this person is a scammer extreme. Just trying to figure out if it’s some moron using Danielle’s pics, or if it’s really Danielle herself? Finding it hard to believe that it’s really her since she was on top of the world in popularity in that industry.
Will keep you updated as I learn more.
She now claims her real name is Ruth Harrison and her birthday is Dec. 4th, 1978. Making her 40 years of age.
You are still being scammed, being told story after story. The answer is simple. It is a company of scammers all stealing adult stars photos and videos. You need to do more reading and you will understand.
She is also using another name. Mary Resch. The same history as you got. She loves me so much without even met me at all. She have spoken with me on skype twice. She speaks english with an Swiss accent- Says she is from Switzerland. A small town called Freidorf. I even got an andress where she supposedly should have a appartment the inherited from her parents. The appartment is owned by “her mother”, Rita Resch who passed away in cancer last year.
I’m currently in a talking relationship with a youg lady when I receive a picture from her that are all or most dalany her name is Harriet Boadi I can’t for this girl can you check and see if she’s a fake thanks
You already know she is fake, why are you wasting more time and emotion on her. Report her and move on your your own sanity.
She is also going baby the name Annie Willard from North Carolina Greenville. She say she is going to school in Ghana Tamale and needs help to come to me. Needs food. Asking me to send money fast to her roommate Sanatu Iddrisu Ghana Tamale 00233
Try Jenifa williames accuracy’s Ghana scam working in a coffee shop wants money to fly to see you but then cart leav till she settles her account asking for more money the say she is coming to see you but has to go to hospital and has exsuted her funds with med bill asked if you could forward funds yet again
Has anyone been approached by Linda P aka Danielle Delaunay? Same MO as seen in previous comments, parents died, she has properties in the USA and 500 acres in Berlin Germany. Includes a person named Brenda as her BFF. Said she lived in Sanford, FL. Claims the Ghana people stole or hacked her FB page and took all her pictures. Says she has retired from porn. Keeps on asking for money and makes up excuses on questions regarding her background. Says she wants to marry me and will love me forever and ever.
Her likeness had more than 20 profiles up on Adult Friend Finder. I got connected t her on Skype and spoke for over 3 months. Was to meet in Amsterdam. Obviously it never happened. I have every photo show and a lot more. I know for sure one source is Bremen Germany. Sent letters back and forth. DON’T GET SCAMMED!!!
Someone name Clara Vinny is using Danielle pics on facebook. They live in Africa. They use other names also. Clara Vinny is also on linkedin.
There is someone using Danielle’s pictures on Facebook. He/she is going by Priscilla Boykin. I got a friend request along with a few greeting on the Facebook messenger from them, But didn’t think anything of it but did think the girl in the pics looked familiar. So I thought about it and googled the pics and found out they are Danielle’s. Then I knew it was an imposter or possible scammer.
As Danielle has said: she is tired of being accused of doing the scamming herself. The pictures were stolen from her and she is a victim along with all others. She has said that in a way it is her fault for having all the pictures on the internet but thieves didn’t have to steal them. Danielle may be a favorite because the pictures are there and she is comely but she is also only one of many. And at least one video of her (solo) has been used in a scam operation by Mabel Anlornya using the alas of Mabel Nugga.
Did you know Danielle’s real name does it start with a k
her real name is esther lokko. i recently broke an online relationship with her. she did all the things scammers do yet she denies it
You mean the scammer’s real name? Because the woman in the photo is Danielle Delaunay (or at least her professional name).
Met this woman online dating. Told me her name is Elizabeth Anne Brown (34y/o) & that she’s from Newark, New Jersey. Said she’s an only child & both parents past away & left her with inheritance & property estate. Said she finalizing her studies to be a cardio vascular nurse. We’ve kept in touch every now & then till she said her final studies will be in Accra, Ghana in West Africa. That’s when things didn’t make sense. She said that she needed a laptop to complete her analyzing report to send it via satellite back to the medical university in New Jersey. I didn’t send it to her cause of my financial situation & she knew about it. We still kept in touch every so often. But then she was sending distress letters that’s she’s stuck in Accra, Ghana in West Africa do to low funding plus someone stole her money from her purse while she was doing her research. She begged me to help her & again I told her I can’t cause of my financial situation. Since then she’s been asking me to help her out. I eventually did with $100, but then she was asking for more & I told her it’s gonna take time. Just recently one of my buddies who’s into porn stars saw that I have a pic of Danielle Delaunay. I laughed & said what. He showed me her website pics & videos & I couldn’t believe that all this time I was being catfished.
Alias name: Elizabeth Anne Brown
Alias numbers: 233 55 465 5960 & (862) 307-8271
Alias email:
So why is it no one has pics of the girl that is using falls identity? Or does some one?
Your right…
This is what happens when you let your little head do your thinking!!!
There are so many scammers out there that there is no way of ever catching them all!! The only real way to solve it I think is to educate people to never trust anyone on the internet!!!I can name many myself just from memory, Janice Fox, Esther Phillips, Laura Thomas, Sandra Johnson, Yvonne Ann Russo, And many Philloppinos that I cant even pronounce their names, In all I have been taken for over $100,000.00 But I really don’t have anybody to blame but My own stupid self!! They will ruin you and then disappear!!!Please be smarter than I was!!!
Thanks for what you are doing!!!I really mean that!!!
Thanks for what you are doing!!!
I have met one goes by the name Theresa Owusu. Wanted me to send money for her to get her inheritance. Said she was from Los Angeles,Calif living with her uncle. Went to Ghana to stay with her grandmother and continued to talk to me and ask for money. I originally did send some money, but a friend of mine did a facial recognition on the computer and found the pictures of Danielle Delaunay. I sent them to her and asked what was going on and she said that wasn’t her. Someone put her head on someone else’s body in the porn site. I also found more of the pictures in danielle’s website that was sent to me, but I had some that weren’t there, but most were there. So I stopped sending money to her. I did talk to her on the phone and her voice had an accent and I asked about that also, she said she got it from living with her uncle and grandmother. She told me one day that her phone was stolen and she was changing her Hangouts account and email address and things just got worse. A total of 5 women started contacting me saying they were Theresa Owusu trying to get money from me for her inheritance. But I sent no money to anyone and blocked them all. Her original email address was
Then she changed it to on Hangouts. Since I don’t do Facebook or anything else I don’t know if she is there or not. So watch out. Would like to know if anyone else has been contacted by this person.
Originally started talking September 2018 and she finally gave up talking with me December 2019.
I can relate to how you feel. I have been taken by Danielle for over$12,000.00 for plane tickets for her to “come to the U.S. ” to be with me. She conned me into getting a account with a major pho NJ e company in the U.S. I was told my phone bill would be paid by the “lawyer “. All I had to do was to send packages that would be sent to me and his secretary would send me pre paid labels ,open pp kge, me akesure it be was phones,reseal b of x ,put on new label on and mail to N.J. t he ru post office. About be 2 months later I get phone bill saying it had not been paid. Seems ,the ” lawyer ” was buying new Apple Phones and sending them to Ghana to sell at higher price.
I had a email from the company saying he had asked to manage my account. I told them he did not have my permission to do that but they let him do it. Now they are trying to get me in for $12,000.00 but I have given them copies of the email from them and my reply to them. They have dropped the case.
But it is reps on my going . Danniele t he en UN told me eshe be he ad a be inheritance of $5.6 million dollars coming and if I could come up with the shipping fee to pay DHL for shipping it ,we could get married.Long story short,after one scammer said it was a $3,000.00 fee ,then another “DHL employee” said $800.00.All in all cost me $1300.00 and got nothing. She said that he er law you er had to”ceased”( her spelling) the box cause it was drug money. Got a email from ” fbi agent” asking if I had a box @ DHL. Sent him email asking for photo i.d. from him Still waiting. Then Danielle tells me we can go et be t he e be box of money if I pay f.b.i.!
Here are her mail address’s : Danielle ftv513, Danielle Delauny 359 , Danielle ftv999, Danielle 200401 , Danielle 0812, Danielle/Jenny(Fries ) ,, Jennifer McCann
Chris, Danielle DID NOT SCAM YOU. You really need to understand this. It was scammers using stolen photos of her. Make the effort to learn so it will never happen again.
Me too I’m in UK Danielle saying in Nigeria help get her with me half fare sent,says she can’t get rest of it yet,her antiques not able tpvsell for good price,admits being porn star in past but not now and just wants to be with the man she loves me
Face it friend She must have told many the same line But she told me she is hair dresser in Las Vegas Nevada!!! But she never ask me for money .
I think she must have the same line for many!! ” I was a porn star but I don’t do that anymore”!! “I want to settle down with a good man that I love” Course that is me!!! She tells me she is a hair dresser in Las Vegas, Nevada!!!
got contacted from someone withe her pictures using the Skype account live:breehmsn
“She” call “herself” Rebecca.
She says she’s a researcher at WWOOF (, that she is currently in the U.S. and will soon travel to Ghana.
She sent plenty of pics of her via Skype and I have been stupid enough to send her a few of mine.
Watch out!
How about the name Linda Love..I also have been scammed..I have caught them with the sound on…You can tell it is a scammer group..And all the photos they sent..Wow… Watchout for these liars..
Try Esther Phillips That is the name she used with me and also Janice Fox!!
Let me share my experience from someone who was using her photos, I meet this girl from online chatting. at that time I fall inlove because of her pretty face, then she started to ask money actually I gave her 100dollar then on the nxt month I send her another 100dollar, Until I found out that she is a scammer from ghana. her name is Esther Lokko. I never regret from anything but, lesson learned from me that I will not really have to trust anyone. I know this lady was a victim, her photos spreading all over and being used by people specially afeicans. I would like to advice everyone that always be aware.
I had a similar experience. She goes by linda smith we never video chatted. I just feel so stupid
Oh no
The website meet me and mingle have porn stars that are employed and portray single women looking for love! She currently has in excess of 15 profiles on the site MeetMe and Mingle, she said that her grandmother is in hospital in need of a life saving surgery and PROMISES THAT SHE LOVE YOU and as soon as she finishes schooling she will come and spend her life with me and be my wife! Her other name she gave me is VICTORIA LARTNEY and that she has to scam people so she can get out of the control of her Master and she can’t say who it is but BEGS for help!, then to prove that it is her you are talking to she will give you a phone number in Accra Ghana +233261924457, when you first call no one will answer then someone calls back…..This happened 7 times to me yesterday on December 2 2016. When the lady calls you back she has a Jamaican/British accent , I asked simple questions as I had already figured out that the woman I was texting which went by “FUTURE LADY” was porn star Danielle Delaunay and I watched a video to learn her voice and the voice on the phone did NOT match “Danielle” I asked first what color hair she had …. she said Black, I said wrong Blond the woman on the Phone said she couldn’t hear me that the connect was bad and hung up. I thought the that was it litterally 45 seconds later my phone rang and it was different voice but same number…. the voice said BABY I SO SORRY I NOT UNDERSTAND YOU…I said my hair is gold?….obviously they had to find a picture of her on profile, the voice said “BABY I AM HIDING FROM THE POLICE CUZ YOU SAID YOU WOULD SEND ME THE MONEY, I AM SCARED WHEN WILL YOU SEND THE MONEY” so I asked what is your birthday if this is really you ….she said to a man in the room ” daddy what the birth ,what the birth…she came back on and said March 16 1998, I said WRONG , you were born on May 6 1988… so I told her you know what I know I am REALY REALY stupid and I guess I am just over thinking this….the voice said yes baby it’s ok I love you baby, baby when will you send the money so I can be with you my love, baby I tell you truth I love you baby when you send me the money so I can leave, and be with you my love the police said they give me till today that I pay and I leave and start life with you my love, baby I tell truth I love you baby, you send me the money now.. I said yes I just have 2 more questions , she said ok baby anything for you my love, I said …..what time is it there is Ghana she said k baby one second then she came back and said 18:40… now I know the military time and it’s the 24 hr clock she said it was 6:40 pm when I looked up the current time there and it was1:44am which would be 0144 hrs, she said baby it don’t matter send the money I want to be with you in our bed please baby, so o said ok one more question….the voice said ok baby …are we then done? I said sure the voice said what is you question so I can tell truth to you and you believe me….I said “is your “P***Y” shaved or do you have hair down there?” The voice said hair on my p***y ? I said yes , do you have hair?…. the voice said NO NO NO BABY I SHAVE I DONT LIKE THAT QUESTION!!!!! And I said I have known you are lying and this is not Victoria LARTNEY nor Danielle then they hung up and then I got several more calls a couple from a man saying he was the police and he could take payment on a credit card to release her from jail. I immediately text Danielle “my future” and she text me back!,,.. I found out that the whole site is filled with porn stars pretending to be single ladies looking for love ! Danielle also goes by Mary, Amazing, little toy, lily toy, Albert Vivian Juanalane , Susan, Roselyn, elvinina facet, Grace smith, Beare, Cyril,Caroline37, your future love, and even Danni Elle . This site is a scam PERIOD.
She is always Danielle Delaunay to me she says that she is real one don’t want no money I’m talking like I know her I know about scams never send nobody money she will contact me if we have not talked sure would like to know the real Danielle Delaunay
She is not the real Danielle. The real one hates scam victims. Sorry but she is very vocal about it. Her boyfriend lives with her and she only chats with men on her webcam website.
Has reprorted these pictures with a Linda Smith. I was scammed for so long. Lesson learned. I thought i was truely in love until i found the pictures
i have been scammed by OLIVIA SAFEW….DO NOT TRUST HER AT ALL….Her account is and cell number is +233556542100
she is a fake…is hiding from government and police in ghana…now in hiding in KWANKO VILLAGE,,,,SHE MAY JUST BE GIVING ME A STORY.My last conversation was on 11th nov 2016
hi,i have also been chatting to her for 4 yrs also sending her alot of money as she has promised me a life with her and a sports car…I AM DEVESTATED BY THIS….MY LAST CONVERSATION WAS ON 11TH NOV 2016.her phone number was +233556542100 which is in ghana.She uses the name OLIVIA SAFEW…..has sent me alot of photos of her .She also told me that she is on the run from the government and police and is in NKWANTA VILLAGE in hiding,,,,,,,then again she may just be telling me a story,,,so dont know.
i have spoken to this olivia safew in ghana for 4 first i wasnt sure about all of this scams.she is on the run from the government.and is asking me
Somebody with her pictures and videos got me. From this email: Skype account: mary.annan42
Phone number: +233272356898
Also this information:
Daniel Arthur
PO Box 11608 Accra North
Ghana 00233
I think it is her pimp? She told me that she fucks anyone for $500