What’s New On SCARS RomanceScamsNOW.com – Articles2022-04-16T04:41:26-04:00
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What’s New On SCARS™ RomanceScamsNOW.com

August 2017

Editorial: The Online Dating Industry

Editorial: The Online Dating Industry It is a sad truth that the dating industry continues to turn a blind eye to many of the solutions that could prevent their websites from being polluted with scammers. [...]

SCARS™ Anti-Scam Tips: Dating Website Profiles

SCARS™ Anti-Scam Tips: Dating Website Profiles Updated August 2017 / December 2018 Yes, All Dating Websites Have Scammers! Some Are Drowning In Them! All Dating Websites Are Very High Risk From our own observations, almost all [...]

Want To Report Scammers In Ghana?

Want To Report Scammers In Ghana? We Have A Way To Do Just That! Click Here » You Might Just Wake Them Up!  [/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

RSN Featured By AARP

We would like to thank the AARP for Featuring Romance Scams Now! Romance Scams Now mention in KOMO TV article from AARP - July 2017 To see full size click here » Source: KOMO [...]

Skype Dangers

Skype Calling Dangers Some have asked why they use Skype? The first thing you have to ask yourself is why not? Scammers individually are not very smart. There are brilliant ones, and others incredibly dumb. [...]

The Emotional Traps To Watch Out For

Psychology of Scams The emotional traps to watch out for Criminals are using age-old techniques to manipulate the way we think and act, leaving us vulnerable to scams. IDCARE counsellor Suli Malet-Warden explains the psychological [...]

July 2017

Why Don’t Victims Report Crimes?

Why Don't Victims Report Crimes? The main reason victims don't report crimes to the police or the FBI is that they are either afraid, ashamed, or prefer to handle the matter in another way, such [...]

Our Attention Is Being Manipulated

Our Attention Is Being Manipulated Is The Race To Control Our Attention On Social Media Increasing Our Vulnerability To Scams? A handful of people working at a handful of tech companies steer the thoughts of [...]

RSN™ Guide: U.S. Military In Africa

RSN™ Guide: The Truth About The U.S. Military In Africa There are many incompetent anti-scam groups that claim there are no United States Military forces in Africa. The fact is that the United States has military [...]


Welcome to the Society of Citizens Against Romance Scams Romance Scams Now is a part of our organization. To tell you all a little bit about SCARS - we are a non-profit corporation domiciled in [...]

RSN™ Scam News: A Nigerian Scam History

RSN™ Scam News: A Nigerian Scam History The Legendary Nigerian Scammer: Emmanuel Nwude This Is The Story Of Emmanuel Nwude Who Carried Out The Biggest Nigerian Scam In History! The story of Emmanuel [...]

Victim’s Connect Resource Center Registered

SCARS Milestone! The Society of Citizens Against Romance Scams [SCARS] is now a registered Victim's Assistance & Support Organization with the Victim's Connect Resource Center which is an initiative of the National Center [...]

Mistakes Scam Victims Make

Common Mistakes Most Online Scam Victims Make After a scam, most victims go through a variety of emotional states! First there is denial, then comes anger, and judgment goes out the window! Unfortunately, when you [...]

RSN OPINION: Please Be Rational

RSN OPINION: Please Be Rational Let's Talk About Your Anger! We understand that many of you are extremely angry with scammers, You have every reason and right to be angry, but that anger works against you, [...]

Scam Victim Rescue

Rescuing Victims From Scammers Let's talk about rescuing victims This post is dangerous if done in the wrong way. If you follow this process it can help people - if you don't you [...]

Romance Scam Victimization

Romance Scam Victimization A SCARS Psychology of Scams Insight Romance & Relationship Scam Victimization Victimization (or Victimization) is the process of being victimized or becoming a victim. Research [...]

Scammer Hostility – 2017 [OBSOLETED]

View the Current Post Here: Hostility Toward Scam Victims Is A Common Manipulative Technique Of Scammers - UPDATED 2024 (romancescamsnow.com) ONE OF THE COMMON CHARACTERISTICS OF ROMANCE SCAMMERS IS HOSTILITY The African & Russian Schools [...]


HOW TO IDENTIFY A SCAM? Any of the following behaviors should raise concerns that the person you are interacting with is a scammer: ::: Long distance relationships ::: If you do come into contact with [...]

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Scam Victim Self-Help Do-It-Yourself Recovery Books

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