Category: Information About Scams2018-06-26T19:49:21-04:00
Category: Information About Scams 13

Category: Information About Scams

SCARS™ Make Over For 2019

SCARS|RSN™ Make Over For 2019 In the coming months, we will be implementing a series of creative changes to SCARS™ Romance Scams Now™ website and Social Media. This is a [...]

SCARS Announcement

SCARS Announcement SCARS Announcement / Press Release December 5, 2018 Miami Florida U.S.A. - - - SCARS IS RE-REGISTERING ITS CORPORATION TO BETTER SERVE VICTIMS SCARS is pleased to announce [...]

It is Christmas Season Again …

It is Christmas Season Again ... Winston Churchill said: "Christmas is a season not only of rejoicing but of reflection." While this may not be your best Christmas, it is [...]