Category: Information About Scams2018-06-26T19:49:21-04:00
Category: Information About Scams 5

Category: Information About Scams

How To #ActAgainstScams – SCARS™ Campaign

SCARS™ Campaign: How To #ActAgainstScams Today The Internet Is Overrun With Scammers! Scammers of every possible nationality, scamming with every imaginable type of fraud! They have spread from Africa and Russia [...]

When Real People Scam!

When Real People Scam! A SCARS Special Report Real People Engage In Relationship Scams Too! Examples Of Texts And Photos Woman Used To Scam A Man On An Online [...]

Deepfake – a SCARS™ Guide

SCARS™ Guide: Deepfake The History & Definition Of Deepfake What Is Deepfake? Deepfake, a variation from "deep learning" and "fake", is an artificial intelligence-based human image synthesis technique. It is used to combine and superimpose existing images [...]