
SCARS™ Insight: Facebook Community Standards Enforcement Report 2019


How Prevalent Were Fake Account Violations On Facebook?

Facebook says that they estimate that fake accounts represented approximately 5% of our worldwide monthly active users (MAU) on Facebook during Q1 2019 and Q4 2018. BULLSHIT!


According To Facebook

Community Standards Enforcement Report (from Facebook)

We want to protect and respect both expression and personal safety on Facebook. Our goal is to create a safe and welcoming community for the more than 2 billion people who use Facebook around the world, across cultures and perspectives.

To help us with that goal, our Community Standards define what is and isn’t allowed on Facebook. When we find something that goes against these standards, we remove it. We invest in technology, processes and people to help us act quickly so that violations of our standards affect as few people as possible.

People may intentionally or unintentionally act in ways that go against our standards. We respond differently depending on the severity, and we may take further action against people who repeatedly violate standards. In some cases, we also contact law enforcement to prevent offline harm.

Fake Accounts

Our goal is to remove as many fake accounts on Facebook as we can. We prioritize enforcement against users and accounts that seek to cause harm and find many of these fake accounts are used in spam campaigns and are financially motivated.

We expect this number to vary over time because of the financial incentives for adversaries to create fake accounts. Our detection technology helps us block millions of attempts to create fake accounts every day and detect millions more often within minutes after creation. We don’t include blocked attempts in the metrics we report here.


Authenticity is the cornerstone of our community. We believe that people are more accountable for their statements and actions when they use their authentic identities. That’s why we require people to connect on Facebook using the name they go by in everyday life. Our authenticity policies are intended to create a safe environment where people can trust and hold one another accountable.

Facebook says it has seen a steep increase in the creation of fake accounts on Facebook in the last six months.

They claim to catch most of these accounts within minutes of registration. However, automated attacks have resulted in more of these accounts make it past their initial detection, which increased prevalence. The number of actioned accounts also increased, since they claim to have removed more accounts that should not be on Facebook.

How Prevalent Were Fake Account Violations On Facebook?

Facebook estimates that fake accounts represented approximately 5% of their worldwide monthly active users (MAU) on Facebook during Q1 2019 and Q4 2018. Of course, this is nonsensical in light of both SCARS’ own estimates of a minimum of 25% and a recent report that showed it was closer to 50% «CLICK HERE TO READ»

According To Facebook Policy Violations Include:

Misrepresent a person’s identity by using a name that does not abide by our name policies, or by providing a false date of birth

Impersonating others by:

  • Using their images with the explicit aim to deceive people
  • Creating a profile assuming the persona of or speaking for another person or entity
  • Creating a Page assuming to be or speak for another person or entity for whom the user is not authorized to do so.
  • Posting imagery that is likely to deceive the public as to the content’s origin, if:  the entity or an authorized representative objects to the content, and can establish a risk of harm to members of the public.

Of course, we know that these are almost impossible to establish and report to Facebook Moderators.

Also if the “person” or profile engages in “inauthentic behavior,” which includes: creating, managing, or otherwise perpetuating

According To Facebook, Accounts That Are Fake Include:

  • Accounts that have fake names
  • Accounts that participate in, or claim to engage in, coordinated inauthentic behavior, meaning that multiple accounts are working together to do any of the following:
    • Mislead people about the origin of content
    • Mislead people about the destination of links off of Facebook services (for example, providing a display URL that does not match the destination URL)
    • Mislead people in an attempt to encourage shares, likes, or clicks
    • Mislead people to conceal or enable the violation of other policies under the Community Standards

Facebook Analytics: Facebook Accounts “Actioned”

Facebook Accounts "Actioned"

Facebook Accounts “Actioned”

  • How Facebook calculates them – the number of Facebook accounts Facebook removed because they were fake and engaged in abusive behavior. This number does not include unsuccessful attempts to create fake accounts that Facebook blocked at the time of registration.
  • What the numbers mean – these numbers depend on how many fake accounts were successfully created, but later removed by Facebook. This metric is affected by external factors, such as offline events or adversarial attacks, and by internal factors, such as Facebook’s ability to find potential violations. The majority of these accounts were caught within minutes of registration (they claim) before they became a part of Facebook’s monthly active user (MAU) population.

Facebook Analytics: Facebook’s Proactive Rate

Facebook's Proactive Rate

Facebook’s Proactive Rate

About Facebook’s Proactive Rate

  • How Facebook calculates it – they claim this percentage is calculated as the number of fake accounts actioned that Facebook found before users reported them, divided by the total number of fake accounts they claim they actioned. Facebook says they measured accounts on Facebook for this metric.
  • What the numbers mean – these numbers depend on how Facebook’s detection technology and reporting tools help them to find potentially violating accounts, review them and take action on them.

Facebook Analytics Summary

Remember that Facebook is playing a delay action to avoid being held responsible and liable for their vastly infiltrated platform. They need to keep the governments of the world away and believing it is not a big problem but ask any scam victim and they know the truth. For a long time, the tobacco industry played the same game until eventually – but it too 40 years – they were held responsible.

Additionally, Facebook has its own Anti-Scam “Advocate” promoting their cause, and even a couple of so-called anti-scam websites promoting Facebook position while pretending to help victims. Always be cautious of fake and amateur anti-scam groups because of this.

As always, we invite Facebook to work with us to solve this problem, but thus far no real response.

Massive Facebook Moderator Failures:

Source: « https://transparency.facebook.com/community-standards-enforcement#fake-accounts »


SCARS the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Incorporated


A SCARS Division
Miami Florida U.S.A.


TAGS: SCARS, Important Article, Information About Scams, Anti-Scam, Facebook, Social Media Platform, Social Media Scams, Facebook Scams, Facebook Fakes, Fake Profiles, Fake Identities, Facebook Action, SCARS|ANALYTICS

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More Information From RomanceScamsNow.com

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« Scams Discussion Forum on Facebook »

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FAQ: How Do You Properly Report Scammers?

It is essential that law enforcement knows about scams & scammers, even though there is nothing (in most cases) that they can do.

Always report scams involving money lost or where you received money to:

  1. Local Police – ask them to take an “informational” police report – say you need it for your insurance
  2. Your National Police or FBI « www.IC3.gov »
  3. The SCARS|CDN™ Cybercriminal Data Network – Worldwide Reporting Network « HERE » or on « www.Anyscam.com »

This helps your government understand the problem, and allows law enforcement to add scammers on watch lists worldwide.

– – –

Visit our NEW Main SCARS Facebook page for much more information about scams and online crime: « www.facebook.com/SCARS.News.And.Information »


To learn more about SCARS visit « www.AgainstScams.org »

Please be sure to report all scammers
« HERE » or on « www.Anyscam.com »


SCARS™ Insight: Facebook Community Standards Enforcement Report 2019 2


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