REAL SCAMMER: Hudaiya/Luvita - Honest For Life Scammer from Ghana honestforlife2012@yahoo.com

REAL SCAMMER: Hudaiya/Luvita – Honest For Life Scammer from Ghana honestforlife2012@yahoo.com

A Real Ghana Scammer!

Hudaiya/Luvita – Honest For Life – Live and Direct from Ghana

This Dating Scammer Is:

Honest For Life Scammer from Ghana

The Scammer’s Details Are:

Do you drink? No
Do you smoke? No
Do you do drugs? No
Religion: Christian
How tall are you? 5’8″ (172.72 cm.)
How much do you weigh? 109 lbs. (49 kg.)
What was your income last year?below $25,000
Do you want kids? Maybe
What color is your hair? Blonde
Do you wear glasses? No
Life is: Alright
Do you daydream a lot?Sometimes
What kind of student are you? B
Do you read a newspaper daily?Usually
What is the derivative of x2Don’t know
What is your ethnicity? Black
What other languages can you speak? French
Do you have a car? No
Do you have a motorcycle? No
Ever been to Paris? No
Ever been to Miami? No
Have any piercings? Yes
Any tattoos? Yes
Do you use Facebook or Twitter?No
Do you normally start conversations with people or do you let them start conversations with you? I start the conversation
How many times did you go out per week last year on average? 1-2
How many relationships have you been in? 0-3
About many times did you exercise per week last year? 0-1
How many hours of volunteer work did you do last year? 0-5
How many books did you read last year? 1-4
Music r&b, Jazz and cools
Movies: Adventure, comedy, action
Television: Opera

The Scammer’s Written Description Is:

I am single,honest,faithful,loving,caring,understanding and also i am very mush open and shy, also i am trust worthy and i am looking to meet someone just like my kind, someone who will have time for me just like i will do and someone to make me the happiest woman… i am looking for my missing rip

Her Message:

  How are you doing..I am Hudaiya 32yrs, single with no kids am new to this site and would want to know more about yourself ,so do you mind sending me an email so we might instantly chat and share pictures so we can get to know more about each other thanks and the email is                 honestforlife2012@yahoo.com  am online now



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