Category: Information About Scams2018-06-26T19:49:21-04:00
Category: Information About Scams 2

Category: Information About Scams

Are You Safe Dating Online?

Dating Scams Affect Millions! Dating Scams in the United States alone have affected as many as 20 Million People! This means that one in 15 people have encountered [...]

Legacy Scammer Profile: Lisa Furlow

Legacy Scammer Profile: Lisa Furlow (9044199873textme) - 1611 Fairfield Pl. Jacksonville Fl. 32206 SCARS Archives Legacy Post Originally Published 2013 This Is A New Scary [...]

Safe Online Dating Tips

Safe Online Dating Tips In our world today, online dating is more hazardous that bungee jumping! So here are some On-line Dating Tips from people that know all [...]

ANTI-SCAM TIP: Emergency Scams Romance Scammer / Dating Scammer – Image Stolen From Real Person Nigerian / Ghana / Central Africa / Western Africa Emergency Scam [...]

We Need Your Help!

K=Like Us On Facebook Please Please Visit Our Facebook Page And Like Us! To help us with our mission, we need to increase our Facebook likes to be [...]