Category: Anger & Aggression Against Scammers2018-06-27T05:26:45-04:00
Avoid Anger

Category: Anger & Aggression Against Scammers

The Many Faces Of Blessing Mariam

The Many Faces Of Blessing Mariam West African Scammers Code Name:  Blessing Mariam One Of The West African Scammers Favorite Code Names: Blessing Mariam, Blessing Mariama   [...]

Scammers Are Clever!

Scammers Are Clever, They Think! But They Only Win Because We Are Dumber!   Anti-Scammer Tip:  Watch for a Key Phrase in Dating Profile descriptive text! "Please don't bother to [...]

Dating Scammers Paradise: Ivory Coast

Ivory Coast Scammers Paradise Is a country in West Africa Ivory Coast's de jure capital is Yamoussoukro and the biggest city is the port city of Abidjan. Ivory Coast became [...]

Romance Scams & Identity Theft

Few Know The Real Impact Romance Scams Can Lead To Identity Theft In fact, every stolen photo placed on a fake profile is stealing that person’s identity.  Yours [...]

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