
Let’s talk about something terrible!


OMG Run Away!

Seriously! Politics!

Ok, we have a unique perspective that is not based on political parties, but rather actual actions.

When you are a victim, what matters to you is that someone destroyed your life, your heart, and your wallet – funny how that sounds like politicians, right?

But seriously, our decisions have consequences.

In 2000, in the United States we elected George W Bush – a good guy and someone our CEO knows personally. But there was just one problem – 9/11.

For the next 8 years the entire United States Law Enforcement community was focused on Terrorists. No one had time for scammers.

Then came our President Obama.

Obama himself had a very strong affinity for Africans and Muslims. Ok, let’s say it, these are where the scammers mostly come from!

It is no surprise that he saw Africa as the victims, and not you. In 2009, Hillary Clinton was supposed to impose sanctions on Nigeria and other West African nations over their scams and corruption, but before she arrived, her husband got a multi-million dollar speaking engagement from the Nigerian Oil Industry – so when Hillary arrived, guess what? No sanctions.

For the next 8 years nearly NOTHING was done to limit scams.

In fact, in 2016, President Obama gave up the U.S. control over the Internet – severely limiting enforcement actions online in the future.

However, we will say that the U.S. Department of Justice was doing some things, and SCARS was invited to participate, which they did and some things began to happen.

During the political campaign of 2016, every major candidate for U.S. President was asked about their position on online fraud. 16 Republicans and 2 Democrats. Of these, ONLY ONE candidate responded. That one was our now current President. Throughout his election campaign, and even during his inauguration he made a point of addressing crime. Something his predecessor largely ignored. Here is one article about that – click here.

Donald Trump’s pledge: Let’s fight cyber crime like we fought the Mafia

Since the election, the U.S. Government has increased its focus on online crime by something like 20,000% (the fact is the number is so large as to be unmeasurable). While most may think this is all about hacking, it also includes all other forms of online crime too!

The point of this editorial is this. We don’t care what political party you belong to, or what orientation you have. We are the victims of online crime and have been ignored fro more than a decade by our governments. We care about one objective and that is the enforcement of law on the Internet.

Think about that for a minute!

What do we really want online? Law & Order!

We want to be able to trust and be trusted. We want to be able to be safe.

Regardless of your views of our new President, these things are being addressed as fast as is possible both by Government and by the Society of Citizens Against Romance Scams


So let us not talk stupid politics. Let us talk about the reality of the situation online, and what we, SCARS, and the Governments of the U.S., and the World are going to do about it.

If you are a hater, then we can’t help you. However, we, SCARS, and the government will help you regardless of your hate.

So in that regard, let’s limit our political discourse to these topics, and urge our President to kick some scammer butt!

Thank you

RSN Team,
Miami (Doral), Florida, U.S.A.

The Politics Of Scamming 1