We Applaud President Donald Trump For His Commitment To Strengthening Internet Safety And Critical Online Infrastructure
Here is a list of President Trump’s Executive Orders that matter to us:
- EO 13873: Securing the Information and Communications Technology and Services Supply Chain
- EO 13870: America’s Cybersecurity Workforce
- EO 13865: Coordinating National Resilience to Electromagnetic Pulses
- EO 13863: Taking Additional Steps to Address the National Emergency With Respect to Significant Transnational Criminal Organizations
- EO 13859: Maintaining American Leadership in Artificial Intelligence
- EO 13844: Establishment of the Task Force on Market Integrity and Consumer Fraud
- EO 13833: Enhancing the Effectiveness of Agency Chief Information Officers
- EO 13821: Streamlining and Expediting Requests To Locate Broadband Facilities in Rural America
- EO 13818: Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption
- EO 13811: Continuance of Certain Federal Advisory Committees
- EO 13800: Strengthening the Cybersecurity of Federal Networks and Critical Infrastructure [VERY IMPORTANT]
- EO 13794: Establishment of the American Technology Council
- EO 13776: Task Force on Crime Reduction and Public Safety
- EO 13773: Enforcing Federal Law With Respect to Transnational Criminal Organizations and Preventing International Trafficking [VERY IMPORTANT]
While these may not seem obvious, each plays a role in enhancing understanding, planning, policy-making, and enforcement. Many create frameworks from which policies and actions can be generated.
Historical Update on the Trump Executive Orders
Every one of the Trump executive orders was canceled by President Biden on his first day in office.
The Long View of President Trump
The Trump administration took a number of steps to fight against scams, fraud, and cybercrime. These steps included:
- Creating a new task force to combat financial fraud. The task force was led by the Department of Justice and included representatives from a number of other government agencies, including the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Federal Trade Commission, and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. This was also canceled by the Biden administration (failed to renew and fund.)
- Increasing funding for cybersecurity. The Trump administration increased funding for cybersecurity by billions of dollars. This money was used to improve the government’s ability to detect and respond to cyberattacks, as well as to support research and development in cybersecurity.
- Working with other countries to combat cybercrime. The Trump administration worked with other countries to develop and implement international agreements to combat cybercrime. These agreements included the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime and the Council of Europe’s Convention on Cybersecurity.
The Trump administration’s efforts to fight against scams, fraud, and cybercrime had some successes. For example, the task force to combat financial fraud was able to recover millions of dollars for victims of financial fraud. The administration’s increased funding for cybersecurity also helped to improve the government’s ability to detect and respond to cyberattacks.
However, the Trump administration’s efforts were also met with some criticism. For example, critics argued that the administration did not do enough to protect consumers from online scams. Additionally, critics argued that the administration’s international agreements to combat cybercrime were not effective.
Overall, the Trump administration’s efforts to fight against scams, fraud, and cybercrime were mixed. The administration took some positive steps to address these issues, but more needs to be done to protect consumers and businesses from these threats.
Here are some specific examples of the Trump administration’s successes and failures in fighting against scams, fraud, and cybercrime:
- The task force to combat financial fraud recovered over $2 billion for victims of financial fraud. This did not extend into the new administration and there was no replacement.
- The administration’s increased funding for cybersecurity helped the government to improve its ability to detect and respond to cyberattacks.
- The administration worked with other countries to develop and implement international agreements to combat cybercrime.
- Critics argued that the administration did not do enough to protect consumers from online scams.
- Critics argued that the administration’s international agreements to combat cybercrime were not effective.
- The administration did not focus on preventing scams and fraud, but rather on prosecuting criminals after they had already committed crimes.
Overall, the Trump administration’s efforts to fight against scams, fraud, and cybercrime were mixed. The administration took some positive steps to address these issues, but more needs to be done to protect consumers and businesses from these threats.
- President Trump Unveils America’s First Cybersecurity Strategy in 15 Years – The White House (archives.gov)
- Trump Administration Accomplishments – The White House (archives.gov)
- President Trump’s Legacy on Cyberspace Policy | Council on Foreign Relations (cfr.org)
- FBI would get $61M to fight cybercrime, encryption in Trump budget proposal | FedScoop
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