
Be very careful this Christmas season!

People that you know are going to be lonely.

That makes them vulnerable to relationship attachments online.

That makes them vulnerable to relationship scams. Scammers understand this and work extra hard during the holidays to exploit this.

You probably know friends or family members who are alone and isolated. They lack day to day contact in their lives. Everyone wants and needs someone to talk to and relate to daily.

Even a scammer is someone to talk to when there is no one else. And the scammers know this, which is why they will use social media especially to exploit this loneliness to form connections with prospect victims. Once the scammer gets a foothold with a lonely person, the scam is almost assured success.

But you can save them!

What is the one thing YOU can do to help save someone from being scammed?



Reconnect with your vulnerable friends and family. Talk to them about life and listen carefully for clues about any scammers in their lives before it is too late.

Be sure to alert them to the dangers that scammers present too! Force this into your conversation. Talk to them about what you have learned and examples about other victims you have read about. Tell them this happens to everyone, so they don’t think it could never happen to them. If you are a victim too, share that with them – being open and honest about your own experience is the best way to help others stay safe.

Remember, the effort you make can make the difference for someone else!

Merry Christmas and a Scammer Free New Year!