
Badly Photoshopped Photos

A Legacy Photo Album

Scammers Try Anything To Fool You – Including Making Up Photos!

The only problem is that they are not always very good at it!

Here are photoshopped photos we have found being used by scammers!

Remember, scammers use thousands of fake or stolen names for each face they steal. Don’t worry about a name, there are a billion fake profiles on social media and even more on dating websites. All of these photos were stolen by scammers and found on fake Facebook & social media profiles.

All you need to remember is this: if ANYONE asks you for money online and you do not know them or cannot verify them, they are a scammer! React accordingly!

These photos and others are shared so you can find them in Google & TinEye.com image searches.

Look carefully at these images. You can see how the head (typically) was added to another photo to fool you!



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