What’s New On SCARS RomanceScamsNOW.com – Articles2022-04-16T04:41:26-04:00
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What’s New On SCARS™ RomanceScamsNOW.com

October 2021

Trauma-Induced Fear May Cause Paranoia

Trauma-Induced Fear May Cause Paranoia Psychology of Scams A SCARS Insight How Trauma Can Cause Paranoia Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and even milder forms of trauma has a variety of [...]

Scam Victim’s Responsibilities

What Are The Responsibilities Of A Scam Victim? The Needs Of A Victim After The Scam Scam Victim Recovery - A SCARS Insight What Responsibilities Does A Scam Victim Have [...]

Who We Can Help?

Who We Can Help? A SCARS Policy On Our Services SCARS Policy Clarification: SCARS is an organization that assists victims of online fraud and scams. Our support groups are specifically [...]

Using Rituals To Help Scam Victims To Recover!

Using Rituals To Help Scam Victims To Recover! The Psychology of Recovery A SCARS Insight Provided for educational purposes only and as a topic to be discussed with your professional mental healthcare provider. [...]

September 2021

Do You Hate Your Scammer?

Do You Hate Your Scammer? Hate Is An Incredibly Destructive Emotion That Prevents Recovery After A Scam! A SCARS Insight Why Do You Hate Your Scammer? Originally Published 2018 / [...]

You Made A Mistake

You Made A Mistake An Editorial About Responsibility & Recovery A SCARS Commentary What Do We Mean By Saying That Every Victim Made A Mistake? You have all heard us [...]

Scams Targeting College and Graduate Students

Scams Targeting College and Graduate Students Students Are Losing Their Tuitions & Savings For Their Education A SCARS Insight Student-Targetted Scams Steal Billions From Young Adults And Their Family Watch [...]

SCARS Publishing Self-Help Recovery Books Available At shop.AgainstScams.org

Scam Victim Self-Help Do-It-Yourself Recovery Books

SCARS Printed Books For Every Scam Survivor From SCARS Publishing

Visit shop.AgainstScams.org

Each is based on our SCARS Team’s 32-plus years of experience.

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