
RSN™ Special Report: Cybercriminals Targeting Your Children’s Identities

Your Child’s Identity Is Valuable To Cybercriminals

There are a lot of reasons why a child’s identity and ID information is target #1 for some cybercriminals

Unfortunately, a child’s personal information is particularly susceptible to criminals looking to steal an identity.

Most often, child identity theft starts with a stolen Social Security number, however, it can also start with their parent being romance scammed.

This highly-valuable piece of information can then be used or sold on the black market. It’s particularly attractive because a child’s SSN has little to no history, allowing an identity thief to exploit the information, often going unnoticed for many years.

As reported in a study by Carnegie Mellon University, children were 51 times more likely than adults to be victims of identity theft and, most often, the culprit is someone close to the child, such as a parent, guardian, or other relatives who would have access to sensitive information. Additionally, a child’s Social Security number can also be compromised when it’s shared with third parties, such as schools or medical facilities, where copies of sensitive information could be lost, stolen, or hacked.

When used correctly, the technology we rely on does a great job keeping our private data and information protected. Although nothing can entirely prevent identity theft, a secure device and a little awareness can go a long way.

Learn more here: https://www.lifelock.com/learn-identity-theft-resources-what-is-child-identity-theft.html »

What Makes Your Child’S Digital Identity Vulnerable?

Outdated security software and device operating systems: Although updates can be annoying, they are essential to ensure your device is functioning correctly. They keep your information and device defended against the newest forms of cyber-attacks, and patch critical vulnerabilities in a device’s operating system or software.

  • Unsecured Wi-Fi networks and website scams: Free public Wi-Fi networks may be monitored by cybercriminals while you’re using them. Another common strategy for individuals looking to steal your information is launching fake websites or breaching secure websites to access passwords. Using network and device vulnerabilities such as those previously mentioned, cybercriminals target user information in order to steal highly-sensitive personal data, some of which include device passwords, online accounts, financial information, saved documents, and personal records.
  • Poor password security: We rely on our passwords often and, therefore, tend to make them easy to remember. However, as mentioned above, it’s possible to have your passwords breached, stolen, or compromised at any moment. Remember, if a password has been breached, it’s accessible on the dark web.
  • Viruses, malware, and tracking software: Although these are most often introduced after accidentally downloading unknown file or attachment, malicious software can be physically installed directly onto an unattended device. In many cases, this tactic is used to lock users out of their device until they purchase their “recommended” anti-virus software. Tracking software often goes undetected, allowing criminals to monitor your Internet connection and view your search history.
  • Educational data breach: In recent years, digital classrooms have introduced a new problem: student data breaches. An increasing concern over the security and privacy of student data requires a policy that protects children from both marketers and criminals. Therefore, educational institutions have the responsibility to ensure that data privacy device security a priority.
  • Online social media, chat, and gaming: Keeping us more connected than ever before, the Internet makes staying in touch, speaking to, and playing games with individuals across the world nearly instant. However, social media, texting, and other online platforms and applications make it easy for bullies and criminals to successfully hide behind an online presence.

More information click here: https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/articles/0040-child-identity-theft »

What Is A Digital Identity?

Your digital identity is nearly everything you own, share, and do on the Internet, and is recorded as data and activity. This means the information you share online, and the way in which you do it, can be analyzed and potentially exploited by an individual who intends to destroy your reputation or even steal your identity. The following types of information are attributed to your digital identity

  • Personal Data: Login credentials, search activity, date of birth, Social Security number, medical history, financial records, and cloud data
  • Online Activity: Online accounts, comments including personal information, photos, Tweets, and online banking activity

To reduce the risk of having identity-related information stolen, young children and teens should avoid sharing personal information online, using social media, and posting videos and photos that can make them especially vulnerable to a cyber-attack.

Defend Your Child’S Identifiable Information:

  • Make sure that all networks and connected devices are secured and up-to-date. Specifically, this means creating unique passwords, adding parental controls, adjusting content settings, backing up saved data, and enabling automatic security updates.
  • When it comes to external organizations like schools and medical facilities, inquire about their policies and history regarding data security protocol. You could also ask for information on their emergency response plan.
  • Limit the time children spend online to decrease the chances of them accidentally exposing their own personal data. Make sure to communicate with kids about how to stay safe online.
  • Since identifiable information and personal data are so vulnerable, adults need to take the necessary precautions to protect the personal information and Social Security numbers of their families.

This piece was written by our partners at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s STOP. THINK. CONNECT.™ program, their team of advocacy leaders in the cybersecurity industry specializes in identity theft awareness for all age groups. SCARS is proud to be a partner of their program.

Society of Citizens Against Romance Scams

RSN Team

a division of SCARS
Miami Florida U.S.A.





More Information From RomanceScamsNow.com



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FAQ: How Do You Properly Report Scammers?

It is essential that law enforcement knows about scams & scammers, even though there is nothing (in most cases) that they can do.

Always report scams involving money lost or where you received money to:

  1. Local Police – ask them to take an “informational” police report – say you need it for your insurance
  2. Your National Police or FBI (www.IC3.gov)
  3. The Scars Worldwide Reporting Network HERE or on www.Anyscam.com

This helps your government understand the problem, and allows law enforcement to add scammers on watch lists worldwide.

Visit our NEW Main SCARS™ News & Information Facebook page for much more information about scams and online crime: www.facebook.com/SCARS.News.And.Information


To learn more about SCARS visit www.AgainstScams.org

Please be sure to report all scammers HERE or on www.Anyscam.com

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RSN™ Special Report: Cybercriminals Targeting Your Children's Identities 1

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