Stolen Identity: Have You Seen Her?
Keesha Sharp

Hollywood & TV Actress
& Impersonation Victim

Keesha Sharp: Have You Seen Her? - Stolen Face / Stolen Identity 1

Frequently Used By Scammers To Fool Men!
You Have Probably Seen Her Photos Before!

The real Keesha Sharp is an Actress that stars on Fox’s Lethal Weapon Series

Keesha Sharp Is Another Scammers Choice Award Winner

Of course, you don’t really know Keesha Sharp, since these are stolen photos used by African Romance Scammers, but she is popular!

If you see her photos on social media or on a dating site – guess what?  They are stolen photos and she is being used by Online Fraudsters & Cybercriminals!

Remember Keesha Sharp’s face for the next time you see her!

Here is a gallery of Keesha Sharp’s photos we have found used by Romance Scammers:

Do you have or have seen other photos of Keesha Sharp? Send them to us on our Report Scammer form »

Dating Scammers Choice Award Winner

Do Not Contact Her – You Do Not Have A Relationship With Her!
She Is Not Living In Ghana & The Real Person Does Not Know You!
She Does Not Want To Hear From Men Who Have Fallen In Love With Her Face!
She Is A Victim Also And Deserving Of Her Privacy And Respect
She Already Knows Her Identity Has Been Stolen And Used By Scammers

SCARS the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Incorporated


RSN™ Team
A SCARS Division
Miami Florida U.S.A.


TAGS: Keesha Sharp, TV Star, Movie Star, Hollywood Star, Hollywood Actress, TV Actress, TV Series, Impersonation Victim, Identity Theft, Stolen Photos, Stolen Identity, Romance Scams,

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Keesha Sharp: Have You Seen Her? - Stolen Face / Stolen Identity 35



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FAQ: How Do You Properly Report Scammers?

It is essential that law enforcement knows about scams & scammers, even though there is nothing (in most cases) that they can do.

Always report scams involving money lost or where you received money to:

  1. Local Police – ask them to take an “informational” police report – say you need it for your insurance
  2. Your National Police or FBI (
  3. The Scars Worldwide Reporting Network HERE or on

This helps your government understand the problem, and allows law enforcement to add scammers on watch lists worldwide.

Visit our NEW Main SCARS™ News & Information Facebook page for much more information about scams and online crime:


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Please be sure to report all scammers HERE or on

All original content is Copyright © 1991 – 2018 SCARS All Rights Reserved Worldwide & Webwide – RSN/Romance Scams Now & SCARS/Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams are all trademarks of Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Incorporated


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