Help for U.S. Scam Victims
Victim’s Rights & Financial Support
Victims’ Assistance – A SCARS Insight
Help in Your State
Learn how to apply for crime victim compensation and find contact information for victim assistance programs in your state see below for each U.S. state or territory.
SCARS Victims’ Assistance Services
If you are a scam victim, anywhere in the world, we can help you.
Help in Your State: Alabama
View contact information for the Alabama Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs
Law Enforcement and Safety Division
Phone: 334-353-3252
Victim Compensation Program
Alabama Crime Victims’ Compensation Commission
Phone: 334-290-4420
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: Alaska
View contact information for the Alaska Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
Alaska Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
Phone: 907-465-5501
Victim Compensation Program
Alaska Department of Public Safety
Violent Crimes Compensation Board
Phone: 800-764-3040
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: American Samoa
View contact information for the American Samoa Victim Assistance program below.
Victim Assistance
American Samoa Criminal Justice Planning Agency
Phone: 684-633-5221, Ext. 5222
Victim Compensation
Not Available
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: Arizona
View contact information for the Arizona Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
Arizona Department of Public Safety
Phone: 602–223–2000
Victim Compensation Program
Arizona Criminal Justice Commission’s Crime Victim Services
Phone: 877–668–2252
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: Arkansas
View contact information for the Arkansas Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration
Phone: 501-682-5266
Victim Compensation Program
Arkansas Department of Public Safety
Crime Victims Reparations Board
Phone: 501-682-1020
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: California
View contact information for the California Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services
Phone: 916-845-8506
Victim Compensation Program
California Victim Compensation Board
Phone: 800-777-9229
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: Colorado
View contact information for the Colorado Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
Office for Victims Programs
Phone: 303-239-5719
Victim Compensation Program
Office for Victims Programs
Phone: 303-672-2166
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: Connecticut
View contact information for the Connecticut Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
State of CT Judicial Branch Office of Victim Services
Phone: 860-263-2760
Victim Compensation Program
State of CT Judicial Branch Office of Victim Services
Victim Compensation Program
Phone: 888-286-7347
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: Delaware
View contact information for the Delaware Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
State of Delaware Criminal Justice Council
Phone: 302-577-8726
Victim Compensation Program
Delaware Department of Justice
Victims’ Compensation Assistance Program
Phone: 302-255-1770
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: District of Columbia
View contact information for the District of Columbia Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
Office of Victim Services and Justice Grants
Phone: 202-727-0605
Victim Compensation Program
DC Courts Crime Victims Compensation Program
Phone: 202-879-4216
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: Florida
View contact information for the Florida Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
Florida Office of the Attorney General
Crime Victims’ Services
Phone: 800-226-6667
Victim Compensation Program
Florida Office of the Attorney General
Crime Victims’ Services
Phone: 800-226-6667
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: Georgia
View contact information for the Georgia Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
Georgia Criminal Justice Coordinating Council
Phone: 404-657-1956
Victim Compensation Program
Georgia Criminal Justice Coordinating Council
Phone: 404-657-2222
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: Guam
View contact information for the Guam Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
Office of the Guam Attorney General
Victim Services Division
Phone: 671-475-3324, Ext. 5431
Victim Compensation Program
Office of the Guam Attorney General
Victim Services Division
Phone: 671-475-3324
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: Hawaii
View contact information for the Hawaii Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
Hawaii Department of the Attorney General
Phone: 808-586-1054
Victim Compensation Program
Hawaii Department of Public Safety
Phone: 808-587-1143
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: Idaho
View contact information for the Idaho Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
Idaho Council on Domestic Violence and Victim Assistance
Phone: 208-332-1540
Victim Compensation Program
Idaho Crime Victims Compensation Program
Phone: 208-334-6080
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: Illinois
View contact information for the Illinois Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority
Phone: 312-793-0890
Victim Compensation Program
Office of the Illinois Attorney General
Crime Victims Services Bureau
Phone: 800-228-3368
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: Indiana
View contact information for the Indiana Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
Indiana Criminal Justice Institute
Victim Services Division
Phone: 317-232-1233
Victim Compensation Program
Indiana Criminal Justice Institute
Victim Services Division
Phone: 800-353-1484
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: Iowa
View contact information for the Iowa Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
Office of the Attorney General of Iowa
Crime Victim Assistance Division
Phone: 515-281-5044
Victim Compensation Program
Office of the Attorney General of Iowa
Crime Victim Assistance Division
Phone: 515-281-5044
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: Kansas
View contact information for the Kansas Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
Crime Victim Information and Referrals
(not affiliated with the Kansas VOCA Assistance Program)
Phone: 800-828-9745
Note: the Kansas VOCA Assistance Program does not provide services to victims of crime, but their contact information is available on our state support page.
Victim Compensation Program
Office of the Attorney General
Division of Crime Victims Compensation
Phone: 785-296-2359
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: Kentucky
View contact information for the Kentucky Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
Kentucky Justice & Public Safety Cabinet
Phone: 502-564-3251
Victim Compensation Program
Public Protection Cabinet
Office of Claims and Appeals
Phone: 502-782-8255
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: Louisiana
View contact information for the Louisiana Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Criminal Justice
Phone: 225-342-1573
Victim Compensation Program
Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Criminal Justice
Phone: 888-684-2846
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: Maine
View contact information for the Maine Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
Maine Department of Health and Human Services
Phone: 207-592-1872
Victim Compensation Program
Office of the Maine Attorney General
Phone: 207-624-7882
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: Maryland
View contact information for the Maryland Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
Maryland Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention, Youth, and Victim Services
Phone: 410-697-9312
Victim Compensation Program
Criminal Injuries Compensation Board
Phone: 888-679-9347
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: Massachusetts
View contact information for the Massachusetts Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
Massachusetts Office for Victim Assistance
Phone: 617-586-1340
Victim Compensation Program
Massachusetts Victims of Violence Crime Compensation
Phone: 617-727-2200
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: Michigan
View contact information for the Michigan Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
Michigan Department of Health & Human Services
Division of Victim Services
Phone: 877-251-7373
Victim Compensation Program
Michigan Department of Health & Human Services
Division of Victim Services
Phone: 877-251-7373
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: Minnesota
View contact information for the Minnesota Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
Minnesota Department of Public Safety
Office of Justice Programs
Crime Victim Justice Unit
Phone: 800-247-0390
Victim Compensation Program
Minnesota Department of Public Safety
Office of Justice Programs
Minnesota Crime Victims Reparations Board
Phone: 651-201-7300
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: Mississippi
View contact information for the Mississippi Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
Mississippi State Department of Health
Office Against Interpersonal Violence
Phone: 601-206-1545
Victim Compensation Program
Mississippi Office of the Attorney General
Crime Victim Compensation Program
Phone: 800-829-6766
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: Missouri
View contact information for the Missouri Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
Missouri Department of Social Services
Phone: 573-522-3730
Victim Compensation Program
Missouri Department of Public Safety
Victim Services Program
Phone: 573-526-6006
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: Montana
View contact information for the Montana Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
Montana Board of Crime Control
Phone: 406-444-3604
Victim Compensation Program
Montana Department of Justice
Phone: 406-444-3653
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: Nebraska
View contact information for the Nebraska Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
Nebraska Commission on Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice
Phone: 402-471-3687
Victim Compensation Program
Nebraska Commission on Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice
Administration and Accounting Division
Phone: 402-471-2828
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: Nevada
View contact information for the Nevada Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
Nevada Department of Health and Human Services
Division of Child and Family Services
Phone: 702-486-2740
Victim Compensation Program
Nevada Department of Health and Human Services
Division of Child and Family Services
Phone: 702-486-2740
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: New Hampshire
View contact information for the New Hampshire Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
New Hampshire Department of Justice: Office of Attorney General
Phone: 603-271-3671
Victim Compensation Program
New Hampshire Department of Justice: Office of Attorney General
Phone: 800-300-4500
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: New Jersey
View contact information for the New Jersey Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
Office of the Attorney General Department of Law & Public Safety
Office of Victim Witness Advocacy
Phone: 866-326-7206
Victim Compensation Program
Office of the Attorney General Department of Law & Public Safety
Victims of Crime Compensation Office
Phone: 877-658-2221
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: New Mexico
View contact information for the New Mexico Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
New Mexico Crime Victims Reparation Commission
Phone: 505-841-9432
Victim Compensation Program
New Mexico Crime Victims Reparation Commission
Phone: 505-841-9432
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: New York
View contact information for the New York Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
New York State Office of Victim Services
Phone: 800-247-8035
Victim Compensation Program
New York State Office of Victim Services
Phone: 800-247-8035
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: North Carolina
View contact information for the North Carolina Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
North Carolina Department of Public Safety
Victim Services
Phone: 919-899-9141
Victim Compensation Program
North Carolina Department of Public Safety
Victim Compensation Services Division
Phone: 800-826-6200
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: North Dakota
View contact information for the North Dakota Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
North Dakota Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
Adult Services Division, Division of Field Services
Phone: 701-328-6195
Victim Compensation Program
North Dakota Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
Adult Services Division, Division of Field Services
Phone: 701-328-6195
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: Northern Mariana Islands
View contact information for the Northern Mariana Islands Victim Assistance program below.
Victim Assistance
Criminal Justice Planning Agency
Phone: 670-664-4556
Victim Compensation
Not Available
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: Ohio
View contact information for the Ohio Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
Ohio Attorney General’s Crime Victim Services Section
Phone: 614-466-5610
Victim Compensation Program
Ohio Attorney General’s Crime Victim Compensation Program
Phone: 614-466-5610
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: Oklahoma
View contact information for the Oklahoma Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
Oklahoma District Attorney’s Council
Federal Grants Division
Phone: 405-264-5008
Victim Compensation Program
Oklahoma District Attorneys Council
Crime Victims Compensation Board
Phone: 800-745-6098
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: Oregon
View contact information for the Oregon Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
Oregon Department of Justice
Crime Victim and Survivor Services
Phone: 503-378-5348 Ext. 1
Victim Compensation Program
Oregon Department of Justice
Crime Victim and Survivor Services
Phone: 503-378-5348
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: Pennsylvania
View contact information for the Pennsylvania Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency
Office of Victims’ Services
Phone: 800-233-2339
Victim Compensation Program
Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency
Office of Victims’ Services
Victims Compensation Division
Phone: 800-233-2339
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: Puerto Rico
View contact information for the Puerto Rico Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
Puerto Rico Department of Justice
External Resources Division
Phone: 787-721-2900 Ext. 1808
Victim Compensation Program
Puerto Rico Department of Justice
Victim Compensation Office
Phone: 787-721-2900 Ext. 1808
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: Rhode Island
View contact information for the Rhode Island Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
Rhode Island Public Safety Grant Administration Office
Phone: 401-764-5797
Victim Compensation Program
Office of the General Treasurer Crime Victim Compensation Program
Phone: 401-462-7655
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: South Carolina
View contact information for the South Carolina Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
South Carolina Attorney General’s Office
Crime Victim Services Division
Department of Crime Victim Assistance Grants
Phone: 803-896-8712
Victim Compensation Program
South Carolina Attorney General’s Office
Crime Victim Services Division
Department of Crime Victim Compensation
Phone: 803-734-1900
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: South Dakota
View contact information for the South Dakota Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
South Dakota Department of Public Safety
Victims’ Assistance Program
Phone: 605-773-6317
Victim Compensation Program
South Dakota Department of Public Safety
Crime Victims’ Compensation Program
Phone: 605-773-6317
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: Texas
View contact information for the Texas Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
Office of the Texas Governor
Public Safety Office
Criminal Justice Division
Texas Crime Victims Clearinghouse
Phone: 800-848-4284
Note: The Texas Crime Victims Clearinghouse is not affiliated with the Texas Victim Assistance Program. It is a legislatively created resource that provides referrals for crime victims in Texas.
Victim Compensation Program
Texas Office of the Attorney General
Crime Victims’ Compensation Program
Phone: 800-983-9933
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: Tennessee
View contact information for the Tennessee Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
Tennessee Department of Finance & Administration
Office of Criminal Justice Programs
Phone: 615-770-3986
Victim Compensation Program
Tennessee Department of Treasury
Division of Claims and Risk Management
Phone: 615-741-2734
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: Utah
View contact information for the Utah Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
Utah Office for Victims of Crime
Phone: 801-238-2360
Victim Compensation Program
Utah Office for Victims of Crime
Phone: 801-238-2360
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: Vermont
View contact information for the Vermont Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
Vermont Center for Crime Victim Services
Phone: 800-750-1213
Victim Compensation Program
Vermont Center for Crime Victim Services
Phone: 800-750-1213
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: U.S. Virgin Islands
View contact information for the U.S. Virgin Islands Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
Law Enforcement Planning Commission
Phone: 340-774-6400 Ext. 210
Victim Compensation Program
U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Human Services
Criminal Victims Compensation Commission
Phone: 340-718-4068 Ext. 4104
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: Virginia
View contact information for the Virginia Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services
Phone: 804-786-7802
Victim Compensation Program
Virginia Workers Compensation Commission
Virginia Victims Fund
Phone: 800-552-4007
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: Washington
View contact information for the Washington (State) Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
Washington State Department of Commerce
Office of Crime Victim Advocacy
Phone: 800-822-1067
Victim Compensation Program
Washington State Department of Labor & Industries
Phone: 800-762-3716
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: West Virginia
View contact information for the West Virginia Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
West Virginia Department of Military Affairs & Public Safety
Division of Justice & Community Services
Phone: 304-558-8814 Ext. 53312
Victim Compensation Program
West Virginia Legislative Claims Commission
Crime Victims Compensation Fund
Phone: 304-347-4850
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: Wisconsin
View contact information for the Wisconsin Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
Wisconsin Department of Justice
Office of Crime Victim Services
Phone: 800-446-6564
Victim Compensation Program
Wisconsin Department of Justice
Office of Crime Victim Services
Phone: 800-446-6564
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
Help in Your State: Wyoming
View contact information for the Wyoming Victim Assistance and Victim Compensation programs below.
Victim Assistance Program
Wyoming Attorney General
Division of Victim Services
Phone: 307-777-7200
Victim Compensation Program
Wyoming Attorney General
Division of Victim Services
Phone: 307-777-7200
Additional Resources
Additional resources and information for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and elder abuse is available on these U.S. Department of Justice websites—
- the Office on Violence Against Women’s Local Resources Map for state sexual assault, domestic violence, and Tribal coalitions,
- the National Elder Fraud Hotline, and
- the Elder Justice Initiative’s elder abuse resources in your state.
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The following specific modalities within the practice of psychology are restricted to psychologists appropriately trained in the use of such modalities:
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- Biofeedback: Biofeedback is a type of therapy that teaches individuals to control their bodily functions, such as heart rate and blood pressure. It can be used to treat a variety of conditions, including stress, anxiety, and pain.
- Behavioral analysis: Behavioral analysis is a type of therapy that focuses on changing individuals’ behaviors. It is often used to treat conditions such as autism and ADHD.
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Good to know that there is help in every state. I will definitely look into it. Thanks scars