
SCARS™ Editorial: A New Year’s Resolution


Over the last four years, the SCARS’ Board of Directors and their corporate sponsors have spent nearly a million U.S. Dollars on the operations of SCARS. Paying for employees, paying for offices and expenses, and most importantly building and maintaining the only dedicated worldwide scam and cybercrime reporting network managed by its SCARS|CDN Division – with over 100 reporting points on www.Anyscam.com and other locations and delivering scam information to over 1,000 entities around the globe.

Yet EVERYDAY people ignore this incredible tool and post scammers in comments, on their profiles, on their made-up pages or groups. They think this magically exposes their scammer and some anti-scam fairy will come along and do something to stop it all.

Sadly, improper reporting of these criminals it the MAIN reason that scammers have been allowed to grow unchecked for two decades.

Yes, some reporting on Facebook has removed a few profiles. It helps new victims understand that they have been scammed. It does disrupt their activities, but they just create more. BUT there are now more than ONE BILLION fake identities in use online, so how has that worked out?

The SCARS™ Cybercriminal Data Network™ [SCARS|CDN] is the world’s only comprehensive anti-scam data reporting network that distributes data to any government, law enforcement, or other entity that receives their feeds free of charge with full chain of custody authentication.

Sadly most victims either do not care to report at all or do not care to learn how to report effectively!

This Is Incomprehensible!

The SCARS Network passed an important milestone recently reaching over half a million individual reports, yet most so-called anti-scam groups ask you to post on their page or group and actually tell people they should not report to the police or to SCARS.

Some groups do produce results but the vast majority do nothing.

This is insanity.

Let’s make a New Year’s Resolution to help every victim understand what is the proper and effective way to report scammers this year!

After all, this year it resulted in over 21,000 arrests, but just imagine if EVERYONE was reporting properly – we could shut all the scammers down!

Reporting is important. Reporting works. Reporting results in profound change as you all have seen in the thousands of arrests reported in the media. But most people are still not doing it!

Please copy the following and post it in the other groups and pages you view or belong to – make a difference this year! If they block or delete you then you know they are only in it for their own egos and are basically just another fake!

Copy and paste the following part:

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This 2019 …

I Resolve To Do My Part To Stop Scammers!

I Commit to Stop Scamming by Reporting All Scammers I Find To the SCARS Network on www.Anyscam.com, on the U.S. FBI’s IC3.gov, and if I lost money to a scammer I will also report it to my local police! This is my duty and I will do it.

I will report fakes and scammers I find online to their platforms, such as Facebook and Instagram!

I will also tell every victim I encounter how to properly report scammers so we can put an end to global online fraud!

I will personally make a difference this year!

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Let’s make 2019 the year that the End of Scamming came into sight!

Together we can do it!

Expect even more progress in 2019!

Thank you for your support!

SCARS the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams IncorporatedTom Borman, Division Director
SCARS Division
Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Inc. [SCARS]
Miami Florida / Dover Delaware U.S.A. and Guangzhou Guangdong China, and Members Worldwide







More Information From RomanceScamsNow.com

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Tell us about your experiences with Romance Scammers in our Scams Discussion Forum on Facebook »

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FAQ: How Do You Properly Report Scammers?

It is essential that law enforcement knows about scams & scammers, even though there is nothing (in most cases) that they can do.

Always report scams involving money lost or where you received money to:

  1. Local Police – ask them to take an “informational” police report – say you need it for your insurance
  2. Your National Police or FBI (www.IC3.gov)
  3. The SCARS|CDN™ Cybercriminal Data Network – Worldwide Reporting Network HERE or on www.Anyscam.com

This helps your government understand the problem, and allows law enforcement to add scammers on watch lists worldwide.

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Visit our NEW Main SCARS Facebook page for much more information about scams and online crime: www.facebook.com/SCARS.News.And.Information


To learn more about SCARS visit www.AgainstScams.org

Please be sure to report all scammers HERE or on www.Anyscam.com

All original content is Copyright © 1991 – 2018 SCARS All Rights Reserved Worldwide & Webwide – RSN/Romance Scams Now & SCARS/Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams are all trademarks of Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Incorporated (formerly the Society of Citizens Against Romance Scams)


SCARS™ Editorial: A New Year's Resolution! 2


Legal Notices: 

All original content is Copyright © 1991 – 2018 SCARS All Rights Reserved Worldwide & Webwide. Third-party copyrights acknowledge.

SCARS, RSN, Romance Scams Now, SCARS|GLOBAL, SCARS, Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams, Society of Citizens Against Romance Scams, SCARS|ANYSCAM, Project Anyscam, Anyscam, SCARS|GOFCH, GOFCH, SCARS|CHINA, SCARS|CDN, SCARS Cybercriminal Data Network, Cobalt Alert, Scam Victims Support Group, are all trademarks of Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Incorporated.

Contact the law firm for the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams Incorporated by email at legal@AgainstScams.org

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