Important: Scammers Are Trying A New Tactic!
Scammers are reporting victims as scammers on anti-scam websites.
Since we have the largest scam reporting network on Earth, scammers are attempting to compromise us and other websites with bogus reports against real people.
To temporarily control this, we have turned off the display of all scammer data on our websites pending a thorough clean out.
You can still report scammers on and here, but you will not be able to see the reports temporarily [we will have this clean up and countermeasures ready by the end of July].
We encourage everyone to be Googling their own names frequently to see if you are affected by this, particularly on websites that never review reported scammers.
We have received thousands of false reports and it will take us time to sort these out as well hold off future false reports. This is a massive task. Plus we will have to add means to prevent or minimize this in the future.
This was a brilliant strategy by the scammers as it creates chaos, confusion, and liability for publishers if we do not stop this.
Unlike Facebook, we take our responsibilities very seriously and have acted to stop this abuse.
We will, however, continue to aggressively report authentic scammers across the SCARS Network to governments, law enforcement, other websites and social media.
Just remember to Google yourself right now, and do it weekly just to make sure that you have not been erroneously reported someplace.
We thank you for your patience in letting us resolve this.
RSN Team
the first time I run my marriage name on Google it was only for curiosity and I was there as a fake scam, as a fiance of a scam. I know why this happens, I made a huge mistake and I never make it if I knew this group before but we have to face the things what is done is done and I can’t erase it. If you want more details about this issue please contact me, please contact me anyway all of this story is full of other ways of scam.
thank you
After coming across your website I have been talking to a “US army soldier for 11 months and reading about scammers and their language…this is awesome this soldier thinks I don’t know he has asked me for money, western union, iTunes and Amazon cards. He says his contract ends in 2 days but he is still working and said it would take time to do all the process. I thank you for doing what you are doing I have learned so much and know more about how they work, unfortunately, is too late I have sent him western union, and cards he is saying the base is running out of food supplies is another scam which I did not know. Thank you
We are proud to have helped you avoid being scammed!
Dzień dobry, miło mi Państwa poznać.
W mojej pracy zawodowej włączyłam z przestępczością wśród nieletnich i patologia rodzin.
Gdy czytam Państwa informacje, zastanawiam się co skłoniło Wasza organizacje do wysyłania mi tych maili?
Czy macie Państwo podstawy do angażowania mnie w Wasza walkę z oszustwami.? Jeśli tak, to proszę mi to po prostu napisać, wskazując osobę, której jestem ofiarą?
Spośród milionów kobiet wybraliscie także mnie. Proszę określić osobę, która podejrzewać o oszukiwanie mnie!
Wyrazy Szacunku.
M. G
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