
New Crime Fighting Unit

Official FBI Podcast: May 2016: FBI Creates the International Cyber Crime Coordination Cell

Periodically, as provided by the FBI, we will present a podcast interview with the FBI relating to scams and scammers,

February 10, 2016

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Mollie Halpern: The FBI creates a new joint task force to defeat the most significant cyber criminals and enablers of the cyber underground.

The International Cyber Crime Coordination Cell, or IC4, pools the resources of major cyber crime investigators from the U.S., Australia, Germany, and the United Kingdom.

Unit Chief Steven Kelly says cyber crime and efforts to counter it requires an international team approach.

Steven Kelly: Cyber crime is a very complicated problem in that the individuals that are behind it can be located in any country. Their malicious activity traverses infrastructure, and they can affect anybody that is connected to the Internet regardless of where they live.

Halpern: The cyber underground has turned into a services economy…

Kelly: …where a variety of criminals are providing services to other criminals. Right now, somebody that wants to attack a company using a botnet, they don’t have to actually create their own botnet—they can hire it out, they can rent one.

Halpern: The IC4 is currently focusing on a discreet number of complex criminal schemes impacting the U.S. and its partners. IC4 is developing strategies to pursue and apprehend its targets. I’m Mollie Halpern of the Bureau with FBI, This Week.

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