
code-name banner alertThe Many Faces Of Goodwill Ajaratu

West African Scammers Code Name:  Goodwill Ajaratu

One Of The West African Scammers Favorite Code Names: Goodwill Ajaratu in Ghana & Ivory Coast 


Remember these photos were stolen from real people!  Some are famous, some porn stars, some actresses & models, some ordinary people who had their identity stolen. You will see some of these photos under different names too.  The Africans think we won’t notice!

Do you know any of these Goodwill Ajaratu girls?


 If you find other Scammers by the name Goodwill Ajaratu please send us their photos!

Tell us about your experiences with these
Goodwill Ajaratu Dating Scammer Girls in the comments below or in our 
Dating Scams Discussion Forum »