Another Stolen Identity Used To Scam Women:
Juan Avalos U.S. Navy Chief

Stolen Photos Appear In Billions Of Fake Profiles On Social Media And Dating Websites

It is impossible to catalog all of them, but you can see many more on – a separate SCARS website dedicated to displaying stolen photos and real scammer’s photos we have found

This Stolen Identity: Juan Avalos U.S. Navy Chief

Do You Know Juan Avalos?
He Is Frequently Used By Scammers To Fool Women Scam Victims!

You Have Probably Seen His Photos Before!

His real name is Juan Avalos and he is a U.S. Navy Chief Petty Officer

Juan Avalos Is Another Scammers Choice Award Winner

Of course, you don’t really know Juan Avalos, since these are stolen photos used by African Romance Scammers, but he is popular!

If you see his photos on social media or on a dating site – guess what?  He is being used by Online Fraudsters & Cybercriminals!

Remember Chief Juan Avalos’s face for the next time you see him!

Here is a gallery of Juan Avalos’s photos we have found used by Romance Scammers:

Click On An Image To View – If The Gallery Does Not Display Refresh The Page

Do you have or have seen other photos of Chief Juan Avalos? Send them to us on our website

Dating Scammers Choice Award Winner


  • Do Not Contact Him – You Do Not Have A Relationship With Him!
  • He Does Not Want To Hear From Women Who Have Fallen In Love With His Face!
  • He Is A Victim Also And Deserving Of His Privacy And Respect
  • He Knows His Identity Has Been Stolen And Used By Scammers
  • If you attempt to track down the face in the photo and contact them that is cyberstalking and is a crime

The Real Juan Avalos Video About Scams

Spotting Fake Soldiers & Military Scams

Looking For More? View Our Military Scams Page on Facebook »

Looking For Fake Soldier Photos? Visit For The Latest Scammer Photos »

RSN™ Guide: U.S. Army Scammers / Fake Soldier Romance Scams

Online Romance Scam Information About Stolen Soldier Identities

Impersonation & Identity Theft Of United States Army Soldiers – If You Suspect Someone Then They ARE A Scammer

You may have a suspicion about someone you have met online. You may not know it yet but your instincts picked up on something out of place (below we explain the Red Flags in more detail). Go with your gut – if it feels wrong it is!

Click Here To Learn More

Where Are U.S. Military Forces Worldwide
RSN™ Guide To Military Ranks

SCARS™ Guide: United States Military & Social Media

So much of the information spread around about scammers and fake military is nothing but an urban legend. False information, misinterpretation, or rumors spread like lice in a preschool. This article will help to clear up many of these preconceptions that are nothing but urban legends and replace them with fact.

Yes, the United States has military personnel in EVERY country on Earth (except a handful). Most of these are assigned to United States Embassies, however, there are active military missions in over 100 countries – mostly fighting terrorists around the globe. Not since World War 2 has there been deployment of United States and NATO forces in more counties.

Find the information you need to know if someone is real or fake here.

Click Here To Learn More About The U.S. Military

Click Here For A Guide To U.S. Military Ranks

RSN™ Guide: How To Spot Fake United States Military ID Cards

Right Up Front – If Someone Sends You A Photo Of Their ID Card They ARE A Scammer!

That is because it is illegal for United States Military personnel to copy their ID cards. It is that simple!

However, so many people want to understand how to make sure they are fakes that we have created the following.

United States Military ID Cards Are Called “CAC” – Common Access Cards.  The CAC, a “smart” card about the size of a credit card, is the standard identification for active duty uniformed Service personnel, Selected Reserve, U.S. Department of Defence [DoD] civilian employees, and eligible contractor personnel.  It is also the principal card used to enable physical access to buildings and controlled spaces, and it provides access to DoD computer networks and systems.

Find the information you need to know if someone is real or fake here.

Click Here To Learn More


With over ONE BILLION (more than 1,000,000,000) fake identities online, there are plenty of scammers to go around. 1 Billion is AFTER the social media companies delete nearly 1 billion a year! That is how big this all is! And there are nearly a million new victims a year. You are far from being alone in this.

The Odds Are Nearly 100% That The Soldier Who Contacted You Out Of The Blue Is A Scammer!

SCARS Publishing Self-Help Recovery Books Available At

Scam Victim Self-Help Do-It-Yourself Recovery Books

SCARS Printed Books For Every Scam Survivor From SCARS Publishing


Each is based on our SCARS Team’s 32-plus years of experience.

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The face in the photo is a victim too - please leave them alone!
Lego Anti-Scam Poster - Impersonation Scams
Juan Avalos U.S. Navy Chief - Impersonation Victim 36
Juan Avalos U.S. Navy Chief - Impersonation Victim 37
Juan Avalos U.S. Navy Chief - Impersonation Victim 38
Juan Avalos U.S. Navy Chief - Impersonation Victim 39