
That's DespicableOther Anti-Scammer Websites Charge Fees!

If you are trying to help, why charge fees?

We were recently surprised to see that other anti-scammer websites are moving to a monthly fee to access their services and content.

These include:

  • Stop-Scammers.com
  • Male-Scammers.com

We think this is Despicable!

Either you are providing a helping hand, or you are just greedy!  Not a lot of room in the middle here!

RomanceScamsNow.com was always FREE and will remain so as long we the website is up!  It doesn’t mean we couldn’t use a donation now and then, but we are not in the business of making a profit off of our visitors to this site.  We have a few ads to help defer the cost, and the staff we have dedicated to this site, but we are not interested in charging you for the things you need to know.

We hope you will visit us often, and spread the word!

Tim McGuinness, Ph.D., DFin, MCPO, MAnth
a WebFossil® company

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