
Getting Help From The FBI Victim’s Services

Government Crime Victims’ Assistance

A SCARS Special Report

Getting Help From The FBI

After You Report A Scam To The FBI (United States Federal Bureau of Investigation) via their www.IC3.gov website or by other means to one of their special agents, the FBI provides special Victims Services for you.

FBI Victim Services

FBI Victim Services Overview:

The FBI’s Victim Services Division (VSD) is responsible for ensuring that victims of crimes investigated by the FBI are afforded the opportunity to receive the services and notification as required by federal law and the Attorney General Guidelines on Victim and Witness Assistance. The VSD manages the day-to-day operational aspects of the Victim Assistance Program (VAP) in the 56 FBI field offices across the country as well as the FBI’s international offices. In addition, the VSD is responsible for providing training and information that helps to equip FBI agents and other FBI personnel to work effectively with victims.

FBI Victim Services Mission:

To inform, support, and assist victims in navigating the aftermath of crime and the criminal justice process with dignity and resilience.

FBI Victim Services Vision:

Empowerment, dignity, and justice for every victim and global leadership to meet the evolving needs of victims now and in the future.

The FBI Victim Services VSD Is Directly Responsible For Several Special Programs:

  • The Terrorism and Special Jurisdictions Program provides emergency assistance to injured victims and families of victims murdered in terrorist attacks within the U.S. and outside the country and serves as a permanent point-of-contact for terrorism victims within the FBI.
  • The Child Pornography Victim Assistance program coordinates assistance and notification services for child victims of pornography and their guardians.
  • The Child Victim Services program provides support to child victims and witnesses of federal crimes through investigative forensic interviews and offers indirect support to field victim specialists through consultation with child victim program coordinators. The team is focused on ensuring that any interactions with child victims or witnesses are tailored to the child’s stage of development and minimize any additional trauma to the child.
  • The Field Office Victim Assistance program places victim specialists in FBI field offices across the country to personally assist victims of federal crimes investigated by the division or field office where they work.

Victim Notification System:

The FBI partners with the U.S. Attorneys’ Offices and the Federal Bureau of Prisons in the free, automated Victim Notification System (VNS). Available in English and Spanish, VNS is designed to provide victims with information and notifications regarding their cases.

VNS notifications that may be provided can include information about investigative status, criminal charges filed, the outcome of charges, scheduled court proceedings, and the offender’s custody status (e.g., placement in community corrections centers, furlough, release, or death).

To Learn More About The FBI Victim Services CLICK HERE

In addition please read the Rights Of Federal Crime Victims CLICK HERE

Contacting The FBI’s Victim Services Division (VSD):

Postal Address:

FBI Headquarters
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20535-0001 U.S.A.

Phone: +1 (202) 324-3000

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