
Man Sentenced in International Sextortion Scheme

Official FBI Podcast: A Florida man is serving 105 years in federal prison for one of the largest sextortion cases in the United States.

Periodically, as provided by the FBI, we will present a podcast interview with the FBI relating to scams and scammers,

July 7, 2015

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Mollie Halpern: A Florida man is serving 105 years in federal prison for one of the largest sextortion cases in the United States.

Lucas Chansler coerced hundreds of girls as young as 13 years old to send him sexually explicit images of themselves during live video chats on social networking websites. FBI case agent Larry Meyer says unbeknownst to the victims, Chansler recorded the sessions.

Larry Meyer: He had 26 different poses for 41 different pictures that he wanted from each of his victims. And they became more sexually graphic as time went on.

Halpern: Forensic analysis of Chansler’s computer revealed that he had about 80,000 images and videos of child pornography. Chansler victimized about 350 girls in 26 states, Canada, and the United Kingdom between 2007 and 2010.

Although Chansler is locked away, investigators continue to work the case.

Meyer: Our goal is to identify these remaining victims so they can be advised that this chapter in their life is over and he’ll never be back to antagonize them again.

Halpern: I’m Mollie Halpern of the FBI with Gotcha, The Bureau’s closed case of the week. For more information on this case, visit www.fbi.gov.

For Victims:

Lucas Michael Chansler victimized nearly 350 teenage girls over a several-year period ending in January 2010. To date, the FBI has identified and located 109 of those victims and is actively working to identify others to help provide them closure and assistance. If you have information that may help identify victims of Lucas Michael Chansler—or if you believe you may have been victimized by him—please complete our Office for Victim Assistance’s confidential questionnaire.

User Names and E-Mail Addresses Used by Lucas Michael Chansler

Lucas Michael Chansler used a variety of online screen names and personas on various platforms to fool his young victims into thinking he was a 15-year-old boy. If you recognize any of the below screen names or e-mail addresses Chansler used and think that you or someone you know may have been victimized by him, please complete our Office for Victim Assistance’s confidential questionnaire.

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