
New Scam & Cybercrime Reporting Directory

Something New On RomanceScamsNOW.com

Presented by SCARS

A New Addition To RomanceScamsNOW.com

We have made it easier to report scams & cybercrime with two new features on our website.

Reporting Bar

You will notice at the very top of our website there is now a new menu of reporting options. This includes the most common countries for our readers, and also the new Reporting Entity Directory.

This will help you find the main reporting agencies to file your scammer complaints.

Reporting Entity Directory

We have added – and are still adding – a full directory of cybercrime and scam reporting entities. This includes government agencies, law enforcement, and NGOs (non-governmental organizations – such as SCARS).

Our new Directory is here

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Always Report All Scams – Anywhere In The World To:

Go to reporting.AgainstScams.org to learn how

U.S. FTC at https://reportfraud.ftc.gov/#/?orgcode=SCARS and SCARS at www.Anyscams.com
Visit reporting.AgainstScams.org to learn more!