
Europe Won’t Allow You To Search For Scammers

Europe is moving to protect the privacy of Scammers!

Recently we received a disturbing message from Google about our website:

To: Webmaster of https://www.romancescamsnow.com/,

Due to a request under data protection law in Europe, Google can no longer show one or more pages from your site in Google Search results. This only affects responses to some search queries for names or other personal identifiers that might appear on your pages. Only results on European versions of Google are affected. No action is required from you.

What we’d like you to know:
These pages haven’t been blocked entirely from our search results

They’ve only been blocked on certain searches for names on European versions of Google Search. These pages will continue to appear for other searches.
We aren’t disclosing which queries have been affected.

In many cases, affected queries don’t relate to the name of any person mentioned prominently on the page.

For example, the name might only appear in a comment section.

What does this mean?

It means that European Privacy Rules are preventing Google from displaying results when you search for a Scammer’s Name or Email Address!

While this has not affected all of our lists and scammer data, it is going to affect them all eventually.

We will continue to look at this problem and see how we can continue to make this data available to you.

Searching For Scammers Tip:

Always search in Google.com, Bing.com and Yandex.com

Always search for images in Google.com, TinEye.com, and Yandex.com

If you use Google Chrome, try searching in Incognito Mode as well which blocks your location.

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