
Dating Scams Affect Millions!

Dating Scams in the United States alone have affected as many as 20 Million People!

This means that one in 15 people have encountered a Romance Scammer!

With those kinds of numbers, the magnitude of Dating Scams is horrendous and far reaching.  Learn the facts for yourself …

Dating Scams Affect Millions!

Dating Scams Affect Millions! CLICK IMAGE TO ENLARGE


[click here for the full-size image alone]


Guys, let’s deal with reality. You have spilled your very soul to some of these scammers. Yes they want your money, but they go so far beyond that.  Do you think they are not also collecting information for some partners in the U.S., Canada, and Europe?  They do everything possible to steal from you, including your identity.

FACT:  credit cards are taken out in Westerner’s name every day. They work just as well in Ghana or Russia or the Ukraine or Nigeria or wherever, as in the U.S. or Canada or Europe. So, we recommend that YOU signup for LifeLock RIGHT NOW. Just do it while you are dating on-line! Do it now, and you can save 10% too. Protect your identity and monitor your credit score with LifeLock Ultimate, before a Nigerian or Ghanaian or Russian steals your identity and your credit!.


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