

Let’s Talk About Scammer Tactics For A Moment


Is there a strategy behind scamming?

What is the strategy behind the scammers actions?

To understand this, we need to look at the underlaying strategy that has been taught to counter movements around the world.

Look carefully at these 13 rules

The Rules:

1• “Power is not only what you have but what the enemy

[the victim] thinks you have”

This is the power of your relationship and making you addicted to it

2• “Never go outside the expertise of your people”

In other words, stick to the script, stick to the narrative

3• “Whenever possible go outside the expertise of the enemy” [the victim]

Create a narrative that the victim does not understand – a soldier in a war zone for example, or an ex-porn star in Ghana

4• “Make the enemy [the victim] live up to its own book of rules”

Use manipulation to get the victim to NEED the relationship and want to send money

5• “Ridicule is mans most potent weapon”

Use threats of denial – meaning to take the relationship away as a means of controlling the victim. Also use “you don’t trust me” as a means of ridicule

6• “A good tactic is one your people enjoy”

In other words, make scamming fun for the scammers

7• “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag”

A typical scam should be accomplished in less time, rather than more. If it drags on too long the scammer risks losing control.

8• “Keep the pressure on”

Build up the drama in the relationship, create the crisis, and the risks if the victim does not send the money.

9• “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself”

When it comes time to use threats make them horrific, even though the scammer has no power or resources to make the threat real.

10• “The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition” [the victim]

The pressure needs to be applied so that the victim’s addition is triggered quickly, and that there is a constant background risk of the relationship ending.

11• “If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside”

Pressing the absurd narrative creates the relationship and maintains it until the money is sent.

12• The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative”

The price for the victim is a “constructive alternative” – a fantasy that the victims accepts completely.

13• “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it”

Identify your target by language and other tests, then lock them into the relationship. Then polarize and isolate the victim against friends and family to reduce risk of departure from the fantasy.

Does that sound about right? Did you experience these techniques and tactics?

Guess who wrote those 13 points?

Saul Alinsky, a personal friend and MENTOR to Barack Obama, an advisor to our ex-president AND Hillary Clinton – in his book “Rules for Radicals” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rules_for_Radicals

In other words, scammers simply employ the same tactics that the radical left uses against people the world over.

In addition, Progressive Governments want you to be a victim, which is why they did nothing to end this. In the last 11 months there has been more progress against scammers than in the previous 10 years.

RSN Team
Miami Florida USA

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