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The man texted me on Instagram.
He said he was going to Taiwan to deal with a crude oil company and then to Dubai to transport crude oil. he asked me to send him an iTunes card and I emailed him an iTunes card for 25,000 yen. he said he was going to send me an iTunes card for 25,000 yen. he said he was going to send me an iTunes card for 25,000 yen.
I then checked the contract for the crude oil with the Taiwanese company and found out it was a forgery.
I know the email address, contract, Instagram account, and virtual currency account. What should I do?
Unfortunately, your money is gone. Read our 3 Steps Guide for New Scam Victims here: https://romancescamsnow.com/for-new-scam-victims/
Then look at the Checklist for interacting with the police before you report the crime to your local police.
Please make sure you follow these steps to help you start on the right path for recovery.
thank you for your reply. I will report the photos used by the scammers, their email addresses and accounts. The scammer is still on Instagram in Japan, so I hope others don’t hurt. I am grateful that there is such a site. Thank you.
You are very welcome!
I sent a lot of time filling out the form – twice then to submit it and receive a message that the form was not found.
I have been messaging this guy for over a month. mostly on Hangouts. He did a couple of quick voice talks and one very quick Video chat- I don’t know how he did that except maybe play a video and do the audio his self. Can that be done?
he contacted me on Fitbit. then we exchanged emails and phone numbers and connected on Google hangouts. Any suggestions on where to report him? I already informed the person whose photo he was using.
The form content was received – that error only appears after the form was sent – we apologize for the confusion
Scammer emailed me on POF. He is going by the name of Marcel Rodriquez. After two or three messages he suggested that we text. So a red flag went up. Then he tells me he is a widower with a daughter. Another red flag. He said he was a professional engineer on an oil rig off the coast of Santa Barbara another red flag. Some research shows that there are only a handful of rigs still working in that area and they are being shut down. After about two days of texting he professes that he is madly in love with me and his text continually tell how beautiful I am, another red flag. So then in four days he asks for my email address, when he gets it he surprises me with a fake ticket saying he is flying to my hometown to see me. Ok. So morning of the supposed flight he calls to say he is on his way. By the way he has a really thick accent and terrible English in the emails. Then a few hours later he calls to say that he has been called back because of an emergency so now if I had any doubts that he was a scammer they are gone. So I let this play out, said how disappointed I was. He said he would call when he knew what the emergency was. About four hours later he texts that it is bad, underwater pipes are cracked, it is late Saturday and no one is in the office, could I arrange a loan for him and he would pay me back on Monday. I laughed and hung up and blocked him. Ok maybe there is love at first site, but love at first text, not likely. And just because he says your beautiful and I love you repeatedly doesn’t make it true. Be smart ladies and add him to your list of scammers.
Beware the “USS soldier in Nigeria scem. to come to you, she refers you to Sergeantmajorlarry@gmail.co who questions you, then transfers you to thesection that reserves the flight, then want you to pay for it. (soldiers can travel free space available).
I don’t get mad I get even!! Since I was recently swindled by a scamming bitch, I police the dating sites now. I’m doing everything I can to shut these bastards down. Karma will get the bitch that scammed me.
I just reported a scammer from match.com. Asked for my number and gave me a number with an area code that was out of state. He said he recently moved but he’s on this site scammer list and he communicated with me without viewing my profile. I reported him on match but am concerned that he has my number, not sure what his intent is.
I have not been able to complete a report because my scammed experience was a year ago and I have deleted emails, pictures, phone numbers, and instant messages. I had a number of scammers working on me but one in Ghana was most disturbing. This was plane ticket and visa scamming that got way out of hand when demands for customs money and marriage license woke me up to the reality. I wish I could tell others to recognize this before they lose their money and dignity. Any younger (female) contacting a middle aged man from match or other internet dating site is a scam. I really like this site, keep up the good work!
ich bin bei lablue auf einen Betrüger aus Ghana reingefallen, er gibt sich als Robert Logan aus, reicher selbständiger Witwer aus Berlin, der angeblich ein Bürokomplex in Ghana baut, er flog deshalb nach Ghana da es Probleme mit der Baustelle gab und ich sollte ihm über Western Union Bank Geld überweisen das er zurück nach Berlin kann da er sein ganzes Geld für sein Projekt ausgab, das Geld sollte ich an Prosper Kekeli Gunu senden, aber ich tat es zum Glück nicht
i’ve scammed by “american man”. But i like to unveil the scammers, and i enjoy. This man said he wants marry me, etc etc, so he asked to me 5350 dollars, his name is “johnson daniels”. He sent me a false passport and a false drive license. Later, when I told him I understood everything, he told me he was Nigerian, his mother is dying and needs money. He kept telling he loves me and wants to marry me. He Continues to connect to viber. His cellphone number is this: 001 (904) 395-5067.
Now I’m talking to another “English” man who says he is in china for work and has an accident and is hospitalized. I asked him about her daughter to study nantes (he said he is widower), to ask me for money. In fact he asked for 500 euros for his daughter. Now i’m waiting he gives me the moneygram’s contact or anything else. I’ll keep you up-to-date.
I have never been scammed, as I have never been in that situation.. I read somewhere that when a person falls in love, a part of the brain, concerned with common sense and logic, becomes dull and diminished, which means that when ” Love ” strikes, people behave differently, than they normally would. I say this, because some people think, that people who allow themselves to be scammed, are idiots and gullible etc.. Most of us probably know that when you fall in love, you don’t see that person’s faults, at first. Love is blind, so to speak. These scammers, know exactly what to say to you, to make you fall in love with them, which can impair your judgement. They are devious and clever and intuitive, and know how to manipulate your emotions.. To people out there, who have been scammed, please, don’t reproach yourself. It isn’t your fault.There are evil and greedy people in this world, unfortunately, who prey on lonely people.
Amen, Jenny. I couldn’t have said it better myself. They are skilled and can read people like a book. Even intelligent gals like us can be fooled and hurt
A Friend of mine was being scammed by a man calling himself David McClean from CA. He is currently in Malaysia for a job. He has had one excuse after another why he can’t leave. $12k later she contacted the Embassy and found out she was being scammed. She met him through Plenty O Fish.
I do not know this name but I know much of this story and was scammed via Match.com. I wish I had been wiser to how sophisticated these rings are. I knew Steve (n) Pieters who also was known by Gerrard Hann Ulrich or Carr. Many women have posted on various scam sites about their experiences so if you do a search, you can find their stories and mine. It’s very expensive and painful to be naïve. I can spot a scammer from a mile away now. Blessings to all.
hello I call me dixie18, I live in France, More j tries to contact josie ann miller to prevent that found his photos sue all dating sites like waplog, waplogmatch, dateway has them 3 know the same site with names different therefore found on its 3 locations his photos in France, Canada, cote d Ivoire, belgium, germany, ghana, netherlands, Russia, england and aus USA with different profiles, websites lovoo, like, alot of countries badoo , topface like many countries hitewe, hoott, even on facebook I have the French and English profiles (40 profiles) and skype know the worst (138) I l have seen in cam, dressed and sometimes nude, but with videos I do not know, when I talk about it with his former employer freeones, it looks like a taboo, if you mean me eciver me on my mail box, I’d like to talk to him a josie, I have Questions without answers
I believe a friend is being Romance Scammed. She met a man called Alren Mesave or Allen Mesave on a Romance site. She sold her condo believing he was a Millionaire and working with the government on a secret mission on a oil rig in the Atlantic Ocean. She has sent him the proceeds from the sale of the condo and also cashed in a Insurance Policy. He keeps putting off when he is coming because his work is “Top Secret”. She believes he is going to share his 2 1/2 Million with her and take her to Hawaii on their honeymoon. Have you ever heard of this guy?.
please report the scammer using our report forms not as a comment
Can you advise me what your report form?. I would like to report email scammer
I can’ t fill a form, please look at below the link report scammer email address
I have many times to fill that form, but always appears this message: ” We could not locate your form”
Thank you for reporting, the problem has been fixed
Hello Guys I just send you info of a SCAMMER that I have encountered. The SCAMMER Goes by the Tina (Cares) Adams or Tina Adamu on the Zorpia site. She is really known as Angie Varona Legal. just look her up and you will all sorts of pictures of her. she sent me a few just to get me guessing. I hope to be of continues assistance to you. Just let me know. I have come across many SCAMMERS.
Excellent, please report them all.
Hello Guys. I just recently sent you info about A SCAMMER who called herself Tina Adams or Tina Cares. I just looked her up through google images and I found out that Tina Cares Adams is actually Angie Varona Legal from instagram and whoever she is allowing to use her image to lure victims like myself. She almost got me until she refuse to give me the location from where she lives and of course when she asked for $350.00 after she mysteriously lost her wallet with all of her money in it. So I hope that I contributed in some why of ridding another SCAMMER. Let me know if I can be of any further assistance. I have come across quite a few SCAMMERS and can find and get them for you if you like.
Altough I have never fallen for a scammer, I have had some experience I would like to share with the ladies. Beware of men who claim to be recently widowed and have a daughter or a son. They usually tap into some sob stories about being lonely and now they try to make contact with honest women again. They often contact you via Facebook, saying something nice about your profile pic. Hit the delete button as quick as you can. One man once contacted me and he seemed nice, so I encountered a casual conversation. What he did not know was, that I am bilingual – he first wrote to me in German, telling me he is from Britain. So I told him, I can easily swich into English, which he did and his “letters” were full of typos and errors – so no native speaker there. I tried to lure out more information, then he told me about his wife “who sadly passed away, leaving him with a daughter all alone” booohoooo. I am telling this, because I have had several men contacting me this way. So my advice: hit the delete button. And to all of you from RomanceSamcsNow – thanks for the good work you do!
Hi, I got this site I got into and there this girl not sure she’s scammer? She calls herself Mary Williams and stuck in Kuala Lumpur with her grandmother, and tells me all right things and known her for three weeks and now she’s wanting me to help her to get back to states and afraid that I will hurt her etc she lost her mom last year and her father when she was 15 and need to get back to states to her lawyer that her parents left her estate worth 5.7 million and if I help her she ll pay me back, and live well off with her etc she s has master degree in accounting and can’t get job there due to her overstay and passport expired so I don’t know if she’s real or scammer thanks
Understand. So there are a ton of Nigerians operating in Malaysia. They follow the standard emergency scams. So, first ask for lots of proof. Paperwork proof, scan of the passport. A U.S. citizen can get a replacement passport and return assistance from the U.S. Embassy, without you sending money. Call the local Embassy with her details and setup an appointment. Try to force everything through them. You can get the Embassy details from the U.S. Dept. of State website. I “she”freaks out at the suggestion that you are going to work through the embassy, then you know she is a scammer. You said she lives in KL metro area, then the embassy is right there, she could walk if needed. See how that progresses. You can also send assistance through the embassy’s consular section instead of Western Union, so she has to show up there to pick it up, with proper ID. This is true anywhere in the world.
Hey I did what u suggested, she freaked out saying things like I already gone there twice and she s been overstay for 15 years and her passport expired but got it renewed and afraid police will arrested her cuz of her overstay in the country too long and doesn’t want me to call them again but I told her from the beginning I’m hard of hearing I don’t do phone, I didn’t tell her at that moment and waited for her response she just keep going on about police and need to clean her overstay etc which don’t make sense and I offered to give her money thru embassy she said she doesn’t want to do that cuz she’s afraid police will arrest her for overstaying in country??
You have your answer. Scammer!
I would like to add to Jeremy since you mention that you’re hard of hearing like myself, Most scammers always come up with so many excuses to avoid doing what you want when you know for sure that they’re nothing but a liars.
Just from reading what you just told about her right off I saw all the warning signs. The one that get me is if she got that much money left by her so so father or mother. Then why not use the money to get out and yet it doesn’t make any sense about her reasons for not getting her hands on the money. Why did she stay there for 15 years that should of been the warning signs… She must of love it there otherwise she would of been in USA.
my brother is currently being scammed.. sounds much like the lie he is getting fed.. His person says she is sculpturist stranded in Nigeria.. the latest lie, was just that, that her grandparents have died, and left her a large sum of money, to get a hold of this “lawyer” and to set up an account for these funds to be transferred into this account. MONEY LAUNDERING.. we as a family were able to squash, that part thank goodness, now it is about having an expired pass port, and needing 800+ to “process the paperwork”
You might wish to join one of our support groups. Message us on Facebook if you can:
kete the person who is talking with your brother is usi
ng a facebook profile???
Thanks to all of you who run this site …great job..I have many things to report here i was on the scammers list i think many tried to get money and personal info .. i beleave it all same gang of them playing new parts like movie acters…but new faces new angles….hope to make a difference help others see that they are not alone
Very welcome!
Right nw one girl trying to scam me and want money and i wanna know how to find the real person as she send picture to me and tht r nt true person. Tried with name but nothing i found she is frm Accra.
A while back I reported on a scammer actually my x girl-friend, her name is Maria Rose Cagampang. Ane my question is how can I change some of the information in my report. I recently found out that her x boyfirnd was not involved in scamming me so I want to delete his name in the report and some other new information that I have learned….How can I change or update the report so it it accurate?
Put through a new report updating the information.
Another Scammer trying to get me to pay 700 USA Dollars for her to go to the UK, but promises to repay it all back, and just found out on here she looks like some porn star as yourselves :
Her so called name is Euricia Grant
Just completed a report. From Facebook Josie Ann Miller’s stolen pics appear now as “Michelline Larenn” from France but supposedly now in Mali. Big into Skype and asked for money to “help her eat better.” Still messaging me and even tried to call me on Skype today twice. Had a feeling a hot girl out of the blue on FB interested in me from overseas was sketchy. While on Skype she asked for money. I asked her while on video to wave and shake her foot. She asked me why? Also claims she has no microphone. I try to paste fb addresses and info not working but hopefully my report will help.
I would like to know why I’ve been banned?
I haven’t done anything wrong or am I scamming anyone when I’m only sharing what I’ve learned about these scammers. If you’re going to banned someone because they been a victim themself then maybe you need to removed your website instead.
Thanks for banning me for reasons.
We ban site visitors for many reasons as is our responsibility. Usually for abusive language or spam, we also ban scammers at the first hint. Sorry you are upset, but we will continue to support our victims. If you feel you have been unfairly banned, send us an email to info@romancescamsnow.com
We checked and do not see you in the banned list. How do you know you are banned? What country are you in?