Dear On-line Dating Website Operator.
This letter is to bring to your attention, what we believe to be a gross negligence on your part.
Simply put, you could very easily act to help prevent a majority of Dating and Romance Scams.
Perhaps your webmasters and IT people don’t know how to do this?
It’s very simple: block ALL IP Addresses from:
- The Countries of Western Africa
- Ghana
- Benin
- Nigeria
- Ivory Coast
- Etc.
- Block All Proxy Services
- Require an authentication email from the same IP address as the sign up IP address (using a link in the email)
Truthfully, is the small amount of paid subscriptions you may receive from Central Africa worth all this trouble?
As American companies don’t you worry about class-action law suits from the scammers victims from your website?
Why are you not using best-practices to ban them from your website. Can’t you see they are destroying your industry?
We hope that this letter reaches the right hands and that you will do the right thing and cut off Central Africa from the on-line dating world!
[Notice: the foregoing does not represent a legal opinion, nor a representation of any actual negligence on the part of any specific company, person, or website. It is a non-legal personal option or commentary for the purpose of creating awareness of the problem and possible cures.]
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