We have added new blocking technology to our website!

We now block all of Africa & Philippines

We don’t want to train them to be better scammers after all!

Please leave us a comment if it blocks anything else!

In just first 7 days of blocking Africa, we have blocked this many Dating Scammers!

Country (Scammer Location)

# Of Blocked Scammers

RomanceScamsNow.com Blocks Africa 1 Nigeria (Western Africa) 113
RomanceScamsNow.com Blocks Africa 2 Ghana (Western Africa) 112
RomanceScamsNow.com Blocks Africa 3 Philippines (Asia) 101
RomanceScamsNow.com Blocks Africa 4 Iran (Middle East) 51
RomanceScamsNow.com Blocks Africa 5 Indonesia (Asia) 26
RomanceScamsNow.com Blocks Africa 6 Benin (Western Africa) 14
RomanceScamsNow.com Blocks Africa 7 Algeria (Northern Africa) 12
RomanceScamsNow.com Blocks Africa 8 Cote D’Ivoire (Western Africa) 10
RomanceScamsNow.com Blocks Africa 9 Anonymous Proxy 6
RomanceScamsNow.com Blocks Africa 10 Kenya (Central Africa) 5
RomanceScamsNow.com Blocks Africa 11 Senegal (Western Africa) 4
RomanceScamsNow.com Blocks Africa 12 Iraq (Middle East) 2
RomanceScamsNow.com Blocks Africa 13 Ethiopia (Northern Africa) 2
RomanceScamsNow.com Blocks Africa 14 Yemen (Middle East) 2

Obviously, we and other Anti-spammer sites were sharing too much information with the bad guys.  Fortunately, we finally found how to completely block those parts of the world!

We will continue to share the stats as time goes by!